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Upgrading to Windows 11


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(Let me know if there's any other thread where this topic is addressed.)

I'm thinking it's about time for me to upgrade from W10 to 11 and I'm wondering if anyone else here has gone that path. I believe OS installations over a clean slate are much better, but I don't want to spend that amount of time.

So, did you do it? Did anything break? Compatibility issues?

Would it be futile to ask that this thread does not devolve into a complain-fest about Windows or MS? Yes? I thought so! ? 

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I didn't like the context menu on right click...got tired of hitting more all the time so I used this to restore the old contextul menu-

Restore old Context Menu in Windows 11

    Right-click the Start button and choose Windows Terminal.

    Copy the command from below, paste it in Windows Terminal Window, and press enter.

        reg.exe add "HKCU\Software\Classes\CLSID\{86ca1aa0-34aa-4e8b-a509-50c905bae2a2}\InprocServer32" /f /ve

    Restart File Explorer or your computer for the changes to take effect.

    You would see the Legacy Right Click Context menu by default.

The Registry change masks the new COM object that executes the compact menus with the "Show more options" entry. Once you get this performed, Explorer reverts to the Legacy context menu.

Restore Modern Context menus in Windows 11

To undo this change, in an elevated Terminal Window, execute this command:

reg.exe delete "HKCU\Software\Classes\CLSID\{86ca1aa0-34aa-4e8b-a509-50c905bae2a2}" /f

Restart the File Explorer or Computer for the changes to take effect.

These steps can help you to enable the old context menu in Windows 11.


I also edited the location of the toolbar items...I have them on the left where they belong....you can look that up if you're interested. I bought a new laptop and built a new desktop so they've only seen Win 11...I actually like it better than 10...though it's not a lot different. Using Google Play on my desktop is cool :)

Good luck!


Edited by Cookie Jarvis
Left for right doh!
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2 hours ago, craigb said:

I can't think of ONE reason to upgrade.

Windows 10 will be supported for a couple more years, so there's no rush to risk your main studio PC, yet. The upgrade will likely still be free until then. I'm going to wait for Microsoft to get some more rough edges off of Win 11 first... But if you have a 2nd computer to experiment with and are curious, go for it!

The 10 Worst Things About Windows 11 https://www.pcmag.com/news/the-10-worst-things-about-windows-11

Windows 11: Biggest Changes and New Features https://www.pcmag.com/news/everything-you-need-to-know-about-windows-11

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28 minutes ago, Cookie Jarvis said:

My DAW went from Win7 Ultimate to a new system running Win 11 and my laptop went from Win 10 Pro to a new one running Win 11...overall I like Win 11 more than 10 but miss the control of Win 7!


Did you buy your new systems with Windows 11 pre-installed? I've heard that is the most trouble-free way to get to Windows 11. Although not necessarily the low budget route ...

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The more the versions the less control .... i m uograding slowy as i can , win8.1 ...here , upgrading to 10 is already a concession ...

by the way guyz i downloaded on a usb key windows 10 install ...is there a specific download for windows pro version or pro features gets automatically  installed when serial is entered ? 

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3 hours ago, hockeyjx said:

I'd never use anything but the Pro version of Win10 or Win11. Home edition is just too restrictive.

When you see the upgrade message, it will upgrade you to the same version you have (home, pro, enterprise).

I believe that Win 11 Home users will be required to use a Microsoft ID to login, rather than a local account like you can with Win 10.

Edited by abacab
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Every time Microsoft comes out with a new version of Windows, a lot of people hate it.

Sometimes their hate is justified, like for Win8 or Vista, other times not. I remember people hating Win95, Win 98SE, WinXP, Win7, too, and IMO they weren't bad at all.

I suppose some people just don't like change. And Microsoft doesn't help by moving things around and renaming them so they are hard to find at times.

In my experience, the move from W10 to W11 is more like Windows 10.1. For this user, very minimal differences, mostly cosmetic.


Insights and incites by Notes ♫


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Usually, it was every other version that sucked big-time.  This was mostly due to Microsquish trying to adhere to a release schedule whether the product was ready or not.  Windows 3 stunk, but Windows 3.1 was MUCH better.  We were told that Windows 10 would be the last iteration, but when have we ever believed what they say anyway?

In the old days, we would always upgrade because there were features we've always wanted (packed with hundreds of additional features that we didn't need).  Now, I can't think of anything Windows 11 would give me that I don't already have except more headaches trying to get it to do what I want and/or waiting for the inevitable bug fixes.

When I was doing the IT consulting, we had to make several clients unhappy by telling them they HAD to upgrade all their Windows 7 machines (which were all working just fine) to Windows 10 because MS had declared Windows 7 to be at End of Life.  They weren't happy and that was only a couple of years ago back when they still had clients.  Now that most have lost the bulk of their customers thanks to the global BS going on, I can't imagine any of them wanting to waste money on an upgrade that appears to have nothing new and improved.

For me, I always move the taskbar on all smaller screens, like my laptops, to the side so I can have more vertical screen real estate.

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