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Please Support My New YouTube Channel!

Reid Rosefelt

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5 hours ago, Reid Rosefelt said:

As many of you know, I lost my last YouTube Channel, after 100 videos and 14 years of work.  

I did not know! Very sad!

BTW, how does one "lose" a YouTube channel?

Edit: nevermind, I found your video explanation. At least you still have your sense of humor! Good luck with the new channel, and I hope that someone at Google/AdSense comes to their senses!!!

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1 hour ago, User 905133 said:

Does YouTube have a censor-type program you can run them through in advance of posting them to avoid being cancelled again?  If not, and you want to be bold, there's a whole range of things you can talk about in a video or two or three . . . !!!!!   ? 

@Monomox  @abacab

I didn't really lose my channel.  I didn't violate any policies and I wasn't thrown off.  All the videos are still there.  They just can't be monetized for technical reasons.  I just don't think it's fair that I should work for thousands of hours and spend thousands of dollars without any hope of ever making five cents.  It's the principle.  So I'm moving forward with at least hope. 

I made a video on what happened, but it's my belief that Google doesn't offer any technical support, they just use AI.  And they figure if somebody has a unique problem that can't be solved by AI, that is worth less to them than the huge cost of paying real people to work in customer support. 

Another thing that was interesting is that I read they have a policy that forbids people within Google to help anybody with a problem--as that wouldn't be fair!    I do have a friend who once had a very high-level job at Google, and he told me he tried to help one of his best friends and he couldn't. This problem could be fixed in three minutes, but I don't think it ever will be. 

So I've moved on.  It's okay.  I've found a topic I'm really interested in learning about, so that's my path forward. I will have fun doing these videos and write a lot of music cues for them. 

The problem is solved because  this channel is associated with my wife's YouTube Channel,  and, more importantly, her social security number.  So they'll pay her.  That's fine with me.  All in the family.  ?

Edited by Reid Rosefelt
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I think you are onto something here.  So, I was inspired to look up "Who coined the term "Metaverse?" Google came up with an article that included this as part of a chronology:


1992 -- American sci-fi writer Neal Stephenson coins the term metaverse in his book Snow Crash, which depicts dystopian future world where rich people escape into an alternative 3D, connected reality. The alternative reality starts out as a single 65,536 km road circling an artificial globe and expands from there as people buy, build and renovate virtual real estate. In this vision, there is just one world that everyone connects through. People are responsible for their own avatars, which range from highly artistic customized creations to cheap commodity offerings from Walmart nicknamed "Clints" and "Brandys."  [from History of the metaverse explained]

Very much looking forward towards seeing your take(s) on "The Metaverse."

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3 hours ago, User 905133 said:

I think you are onto something here.  So, I was inspired to look up "Who coined the term "Metaverse?" Google came up with an article that included this as part of a chronology:

Very much looking forward towards seeing your take(s) on "The Metaverse."

Yes, I'm currently reading Snow Crash.  A lot of stuff to read.  If I stick with this, I will be at it for years. 

Virtual Reality started as an idea with writers.  I remember reading "The Veldt" by Ray Bradbury, when I was a kid.   And then there were movies like "Lawnmower Man," "Tron," "The Matrix," and "Ready Player One."  

But it became real through the work of game designers.  They created real virtual worlds, starting with Second Life, and then Minecraft, Roblox, Fortnite, VRChat and others.  These designers, particularly the engine creators,  are poised to have the biggest impact in the creation of the Metaverse.  Sorry, Mark Z. 

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Philosophically, I think there are too many things that NEED to be tactile. And we've seen things like phones and compact discs made smaller, and never gain traction because people wanted more to hold on to. There are certain things I need the genuine article for (ocean water and the sensations scuba diving provides, the smell of trees in the mountains, the look and smell of a firepit, etc). I get SOME things can be replicated, but not quality enough for me - and probably not in our lifetime where it takes over.

Also, in full disclosure, I get motion sick on the Oculus ?

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