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aidan o driscoll

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The 1967 Clarinet Paris is a mellow, deep-sampled orchestral clarinet featuring our new, true polyphonic H.A.L (Hyper Acoustic Legato) Technology. Paris is focused on emotional realism and effortless expression as you play.

To get it for $10 use coupon CLAIRE-xxxxxxx  at checkout via email sent as crossgrade to those who have 8DIO Claire Clarinet already

Edited by aidan o driscoll
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8 minutes ago, Technostica said:

Can anyone use the code or is it one of their personal referral codes that can only be used for first time purchases?

I may have misread the email i got .. its a cross grade coupon from the clarinet at 8dio if you have it already. I have rejigged the OP to reflect this.

I thought it was a general coupon

However there seems to be great value instruments at regular price at soundpaint  in general

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They have sent me a few of those but I haven't got round to Crossgrading anything yet.
I will wait to use a referral code for my first purchase.
The problem is that they have released so many libraries by now that it will take me ages to choose one, so I haven't bothered yet. :)
I've enjoyed some of the walkthrough videos though.

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49 minutes ago, Technostica said:

They have sent me a few of those but I haven't got round to Crossgrading anything yet.
I will wait to use a referral code for my first purchase.
The problem is that they have released so many libraries by now that it will take me ages to choose one, so I haven't bothered yet. :)
I've enjoyed some of the walkthrough videos though.

I actually made a spreadsheet that lists all of their instruments, number of parts and programs (both UDS and not), cost per part/program and how much i want it on a scale of 1-3. Then i listed any hidden gems i know of.

I've probably spent more time arranging this list than I have playing the instruments.  ?

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3 hours ago, aidan o driscoll said:

@locrian Have you got this already OR is that from the demo trax at the link in the OP

I bought the instrument based on what I heard in the demo video and b/c I was (and still am) looking for good solo woodwinds.  While playing through most of the patches I realized it was lifeless.  And this is particularly true given that this single instrument now consumes 23.6GB of space on my SSD!

Frankly I've lost faith in Troels and Soundpaint at this point.  I greatly admire his passion and vision but, based on what I'm hearing when playing the instruments I own, I'm not sold.  I haven't completely written Soundpaint off,  but I'll not buy anything else for quite a while.  Bottom line, the sounds just don't live up to the hype.

BTW, if you peruse this thread, you'll see that there are others not completely enamored with the platform.




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40 minutes ago, locrian said:

I bought the instrument based on what I heard in the demo video and b/c I was (and still am) looking for good solo woodwinds.  While playing through most of the patches I realized it was lifeless.  And this is particularly true given that this single instrument now consumes 23.6GB of space on my SSD!

Frankly I've lost faith in Troels and Soundpaint at this point.  I greatly admire his passion and vision but, based on what I'm hearing when playing the instruments I own, I'm not sold.  I haven't completely written Soundpaint off,  but I'll not buy anything else for quite a while.  Bottom line, the sounds just don't live up to the hype.

BTW, if you peruse this thread, you'll see that there are others not completely enamored with the platform.




I agree with your observations.  I've posted similar observations in the past. So far, SoundPaint libraries aren't in the same league as my best KONTAKT libraries. But SoundPaint libraries are inexpensive. Consequently,  for me,  I'll pick up another SoundPaint library if I like the character enough or if I think I can program something cool with it, but don't see them as at the same level as better KONTAKT libraries I own.  

What I like about SoundPaint is that  it's fun and easy to create programs/patches. I would spend $20 USD for a SoundPaint library,  like a piano, if I feel the tone is desirable and can imagine programming possibilities with it. I don't think I'd spend $50 on one of their libraries. When it comes to realism, I find SoundPaint doesn't make the cut and 90% of the time Im looking for realistic sounding sample libraries of  acoustic and electric instruments like pianos,  guitars,  strings,  percussion,  etc. I bought their Soul electric guitar and it's the first sample library I've ever returned. I didn't expect it would be in the same league as an Orange Tree Samples library,  but I expected it to be a lot better than it was. The samples lacked the ultra realism that I have from OTS libraries and their soul library was so far off the mark, I immediately knew I'd never use it. It was like an old sample patch without sophisticated scripting. 

There's no question, IMO, that the libraries are grossly overhyped. To date, THERE'S only one SoundPaint library out maybe a dozen I've bought that I love,  Bazantar. The Wurli library is one dimensional (they've since pulled it for some unknown reason). It lacks the great dynamics that a real Wurli has. Skybox Audio and e-instruments Wurlies blow it away.  I have,  I think,  three of the pianos and I think they're okay,  but nowhere close to the quality of a Galaxy Instruments KONTAKT piano library like Noire, or piano libraries from Production Voices or Embertone to my ears. I don't think I've used any of SoundPaint's piano libraries in a production. They're like SampleTank piano libraries,  IMO. They sound okay, but I find they fall far short of my KONTAKT piano libraries in terms of dynamics (and the quality of the tone) and ironically, dynamics are the area Troels boasts that SoundPaint libraries are superior.  

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I admit, whenever I post something critical of a sample library, I do hesitate a bit because sample library developers, like anyone, have egos and can get upset when their work is criticized, especially when it's publicly criticized. But that is what you sign up for when you sell your products -- even your music -- commercially.

I've given more than a couple of dozen of them advice, including Troels (many years ago) and there have been some that have gotten upset with me for sharing my candid critiques of their sample libraries in forums. FTR, with a handful of exceptions, I've mostly done favors giving advice to sample developers and with certain exceptions, like Stephen Slate, SonicCouture and Tronsonic, I've turned down even NFR for a couple of hours of consulting advice. Why? I've mostly asked them to give NFRs to low income musicians I've identified instead of me. But I've also turned down NFRs because I don't want them to feel I'm obligated to not give my honest opinions about their libraries the way they operate with influencers. And I've had two developers over the years get upset over my even writing that I preferred another sample library over theirs (none of the ones I mentioned earlier; all three of them are very professional and super nice). Recently, when I shared my incredibly bad experiences with one developer's (I've never consulted to) non-existent customer support and hostile behavior, he took to the forums to make defamatory attacks on me -- yes, just for sharing the facts of my experience. Some small developers don't take criticism well or abide by the rules of professional behavior. Again, keep all of this in mind the next time you watch an influencer give a "review" -- that is, the impact of sharing negative opinions about a product on your relationship with the developer that made that product. 

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20 hours ago, locrian said:

It's lifeless.

imo all soundpaint instruments are.. they are stripped down libraries which rely too much one the internal fx.. they dont even have realistic release samples (at least in the libraries I have: the Rhodes and the free Piano).. strange, strange.. 

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11 hours ago, Peter Hintze said:

imo all soundpaint instruments are.. they are stripped down libraries which rely too much one the internal fx.. they dont even have realistic release samples (at least in the libraries I have: the Rhodes and the free Piano).. strange, strange.. 

All the above and more.

The Wurli sounds like it has a single velocity layer. When you play it softly I'm certain that it's using the identical samples as when you play it loudly, which is nothing like a real Wurli -- one of the great things about a Wurli is how different it sounds when played soft and loud, but not the SoundPaint library. That's especially ironic considering how SoundPaint greatly hypes the libraries for having 127 velocity layers as superior to KONTAKT,  but owning several SoundPaint libraries,  they're not even close to the same quality level as my better KONTAKT level.  The SoundPaint acoustic pianos tones just lacks depth. I can't explain it technically,  but they're just not as full sounding as my KONTAKT libraries. 

Consequently,  I think your comment about effects is spot on. That is the one reason I'll pick up a SoundPaint library,  for the effects and the ease I have creating my own programs using the built in effects. My hope is that they'll improve the sample library quality as I find programming patches really easy and enjoyable with SoundPaint. 

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