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2022.11 Feedback

Morten Saether

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On 12/18/2022 at 4:40 PM, GreenLight said:

Thanks for a brilliant update!

The new "Delete all" effects option is very useful, but I find it very unfortunate UX design and counter-intuitive that it's the new top option in the FX bin.

What is the most common reason a user right clicks in an FX bin? The answer to that rhetorical question is arguably: to add an effect. Hence ought "Insert audio effect" be reinstated to its previous top position.

Update: There is a dedicated thread about this very subject.

Suggested new UX design for FX bin right click:


I just humbly want to bring this piece of 2022.11 UX feedback back to attention again. As the post above seems to gather a lot more reactions than usual, it seems many people agree.

How do you Bakers feel about it? Is it something you feel strongly about or is it a "darling" we can kill? ?

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  • 5 weeks later...

Bounce to tracks Bug

I’ve set up a test project that illustrates the bug as follows:

Track 1:  Audio, output: Aux1.

Aux1:    output: none, 2 sends: Aux2 and Aux3.

Aux2:    output: Aux4.

Aux3:    output: Aux4.

Aux4:    output: Hardware out.


On “Bounce to Track(s)” as follows:

1.     Select all tracks for the Audio range in the Track pane.

2.     Source Category: Tracks.

3.     Only select track 5:  Aux4.

4.     Render with “Render in Real-time" Not selected.


Result: The bounced track is silence. It works fine for a real-time bounce or if the source is “Tracks Through Entire Mix".

I’ve PMed Noel with a link to a zip of the test project. FYI, the test project is a simplification of a scenario used in my real projects...

Edited by Tez
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I learned recently, myself, that it's working as designed that offline bounces of Aux tracks are silent unless the source tracks are also selected which happens implicitly when bouncing through a bus or a hardware out.

From Ref. Guide:

"To bounce/export a project containing patch points, select all tracks that contribute to the mix. For example, if the project contains three audio tracks that send to an Aux track, you must include the Aux track as well as all contributing tracks prior to performing the bounce/export."


Selecting the source track(s) along with the Aux and then unchecking the source track in the bounce dialog will achieve the desired result.

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  • 1 month later...


I am running CW 2022.11 build 021

I think that a new bug in the staff view has cropped up, it wasn't in the previous build (CW 2022.11.013)

The snap function doesn't seem to be working correctly.  Whatever SNAP TO note I choose, with the snap icon turned on of course, it fails to snap to its default position.  It looks correct in the notation editor, but the event list shows it's  not snapping properly.   This was a very old bug that was fixed years ago but somehow has reappeared.



UPDATE!   I am not 100% certain this is a bug.  It may be a misunderstanding on my part.  I will continue to investigate and if I think it's a bug I will update this...

Edited by Jerry Gerber
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I would like to report a severe latency issue with Cakewalk since the 2022.11 update. Before this update I never had a problem with latency. I could record multiple takes on any live or midi instrument and they would all be synchronised and at the the correct time.

Now it is entirely intermittant with varying amounts of latency and Audio and Midi. I tried rolling back to the prior release, but that didn't fix it. I thought my UA25EX had finally given up, so I replaced that, it still does the same thing. What is odd with the fault is the fact that midi is also out of synch when recording, as well as the audio. The midi is from a USB keyboard and has its own driver and interface to cakewalk.

I've used Cakewalk since the Pro Audio 9 days and through Sonar and know the software well.

Its a little frustrating when your recording and have to drag all the clips back to the correct time, but never by the same amount. To check the system, I've tried another DAW and it all works and synchs as it should.

Any assistance would be appreciated.

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9 minutes ago, PeterWalker87 said:

I'm going to try a full reinstall of cakewalk to see if this fixes the issue. I'll post the results when I its done.

I doubt if re-installing Cakewalk will help.  Your issues sound more like an audio device configuration issue.

Assuming you haven't changed your audio configuration settings since the previous release, the only change that may be affecting you is the MMCSS setting.

This was effectively always on in prior versions, but now defaults to off as some drivers were crashing when trying to set it if they'd already set it internally.  Have you tried setting it to checked?

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Tried all iterations of the MMCSS settings, no difference, other than making it worse with no playback at all. I thought that maybe a clean install would resolve any corrupted files from the multiple updates. Sometimes a fresh install fixes a silly bug. I thought it was worth a try. I believe the cause of the issue is related to the MMCSS settings, and I did update all the Audio drivers in case there was a problem with those.

Edited by PeterWalker87
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On 3/23/2023 at 3:13 AM, Jerry Gerber said:


I am running CW 2022.11 build 021

I think that a new bug in the staff view has cropped up, it wasn't in the previous build (CW 2022.11.013)

The snap function doesn't seem to be working correctly.  Whatever SNAP TO note I choose, with the snap icon turned on of course, it fails to snap to its default position.  It looks correct in the notation editor, but the event list shows it's  not snapping properly.   This was a very old bug that was fixed years ago but somehow has reappeared.



UPDATE!   I am not 100% certain this is a bug.  It may be a misunderstanding on my part.  I will continue to investigate and if I think it's a bug I will update this...

First check View->Display Resolution settings and confirm that it isn't this that is showing un-snapped notes in the wrong position.  Try setting it to 1/32, and also turn off the "Trim Durations" and "Fill Durations" so you can see exactly what the notes are set to.

Other things to check:

UseGlobalSnapInStaffView hasn't been set to 0  in your cakewalk.ini file.  Make sure this is set to 1, e.g:


... or remove it altogether ( it'll default to 1 if it's not there ).

If the problem still persists, can you send a project demonstrating this issue to @Jonathan Sasor ?

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6 hours ago, msmcleod said:

First check View->Display Resolution settings and confirm that it isn't this that is showing un-snapped notes in the wrong position.  Try setting it to 1/32, and also turn off the "Trim Durations" and "Fill Durations" so you can see exactly what the notes are set to.

Other things to check:

UseGlobalSnapInStaffView hasn't been set to 0  in your cakewalk.ini file.  Make sure this is set to 1, e.g:


... or remove it altogether ( it'll default to 1 if it's not there ).

If the problem still persists, can you send a project demonstrating this issue to @Jonathan Sasor ?

Hi msmcleod,

I'm still experiencing this bug but it's intermittent.  Of course the snap icon is on and the display resolution is always kept at 1/32.  I'll check my trim and fill duration as well.  I've never added UseGlobalSnapInStaffView so it's defaulting to 1 but I will double check that too.

It's almost as though CW seems to forget that the snap function is on.   At first I thought it might have inadvertently gotten turned off, but it's always on.  When I refresh the snap function note value, i.e go from 1/8 to 1/16 back to 1/8, it seems to start working again. 

I'll keep paying attention and see if I can learn more about when it stops working.




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On 3/29/2023 at 3:27 AM, msmcleod said:

First check View->Display Resolution settings and confirm that it isn't this that is showing un-snapped notes in the wrong position.  Try setting it to 1/32, and also turn off the "Trim Durations" and "Fill Durations" so you can see exactly what the notes are set to.

Other things to check:

UseGlobalSnapInStaffView hasn't been set to 0  in your cakewalk.ini file.  Make sure this is set to 1, e.g:


... or remove it altogether ( it'll default to 1 if it's not there ).

If the problem still persists, can you send a project demonstrating this issue to @Jonathan Sasor ?

After further investigation, what seems to be happening is that CW "forgets" that the snap function is lit (on).  If I click on the square snap icon on the toolbar to turn it off and then turn it back on, the snap function resumes working normally.   I will send the file I am working on now to Jonathan Sasor. 



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Hello, I have an issue. When I open a new project on Cakewalk, I hear a piano sound. Then after that when I pause and play, I hear a piano key. I dont know where it is coming from because nothing is indicating that audio is going through. This happened out of nowhere. Here is a video of the issue. 


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5 hours ago, Ewoof said:

Hello, I have an issue. When I open a new project on Cakewalk, I hear a piano sound. Then after that when I pause and play, I hear a piano key. I dont know where it is coming from because nothing is indicating that audio is going through. This happened out of nowhere. Here is a video of the issue. 


I see you've got MackieControl set up as a control surface - check the MIDI ports you've configured for that are correct.

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CW syncs incorrectly to external device.

Go to Edit / Preferences / MIDI

Set MIDI Sync to the device you want to send midi sync to...



Start CW.

Result:  CW starts device and device and CW sync OK.  Now...

Go to Edit / Preferences / Metronome

Set the Record Count-in: to 2.



Enable a track to record then start CW.

Result:  CW delays start then sync the external device incorrectly.



Edited by Bill Campbell
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48 minutes ago, Bill Campbell said:

Start CW.

Result:  CW starts device and device and CW sync OK.  Now...

Go to Edit / Preferences / Metronome

Set the Record Count-in: to 2.

Enable a track to record then start CW.

Result:  CW delays start then sync the external device incorrectly.

Personally, I've found not all devices respect record count - some do, some don't.  My Alesis SR-16 and DataDisk work fine with record count, but we've had a few emails from support from people who's devices (mainly more modern ones), that don't.   

Transmitting SPP is important for count-in, which I see you've got unchecked.  It's important that the device knows it's starting at a negative measure number.

If this doesn't work though, the only way around this is to move the project along a couple of measures and start at zero.

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