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Reisen (Norwegian) update 3


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Mix 4

Trying to get the vocals more clean (I thought they were muddy) and some automation on the instruments as well as different reverbs added.

Mix 3 taking in suggestions.

Working on a track for a band called Hobo Train  (I am their sound engineer)
This is my second mix and would value your thoughts.

It is in Norwegian so the lyrics many wont get..  bit to judge the mix you can  ?
I ran it through the BandLab Master chain.. and will post another without it.
Thanks for your time.


Edited by garybrun
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Hi, Gary. That's a nice song. Lots of good stuff going on in the mix, but it seems to my ears that the attack transient of the kick drum is getting washed out by the bass. Are you ducking the bass audio with the kick drum attack? It just seems a little undefined to me, but that could just be personal taste on my part.

"Reisen" in German means "to travel." What does it mean in Norwegian?

I'm old enough to have met and dealt with real hobos. That was a culture with its own rules. They weren't homeless people in the modern sense. Hobo was a lifestyle. I remember them coming to my parents house looking for a meal, but insisting on doing some kind of work first before accepting food. They had a secret mark they used to indicate homes that were receptive to hobos. I looked and looked, but never found it. But I know there was one there, since they stopped by regularly. Always on the move. Every hobo I met was a good person. How did the band pick Hobo Train for a name?

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On 10/8/2022 at 3:54 PM, John Maar said:

Hi, Gary. That's a nice song. Lots of good stuff going on in the mix, but it seems to my ears that the attack transient of the kick drum is getting washed out by the bass. Are you ducking the bass audio with the kick drum attack? It just seems a little undefined to me, but that could just be personal taste on my part.

"Reisen" in German means "to travel." What does it mean in Norwegian?

I'm old enough to have met and dealt with real hobos. That was a culture with its own rules. They weren't homeless people in the modern sense. Hobo was a lifestyle. I remember them coming to my parents house looking for a meal, but insisting on doing some kind of work first before accepting food. They had a secret mark they used to indicate homes that were receptive to hobos. I looked and looked, but never found it. But I know there was one there, since they stopped by regularly. Always on the move. Every hobo I met was a good person. How did the band pick Hobo Train for a name?

Hi @John Maar  thanks for taking the time tn.  I have tried to implement your feedback.
"Reisen" means the same in Norwegian.  ?

I will ask why they called themselves Hobo Train.

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1 hour ago, garybrun said:

Hi @John Maar  thanks for taking the time tn.  I have tried to implement your feedback.
"Reisen" means the same in Norwegian.  ?

I will ask why they called themselves Hobo Train.

Hobos mostly travelled by sneaking on to freight trains (free travel!), so literally, Hobo Train is a freight train that hobos are riding on. I'm interested in how that bit of Americana from 60-80 years ago got picked up in Norway.

I like what you did with Mix #3. I don't have the earlier mix to compare against it, but it sounds cleaner and more defined than what I remember. I'm not a fan of automatic mastering. Removing it may also have helped the mix.

Edited by John Maar
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5 hours ago, mark skinner said:

Gary , Everything sounds better in mix 3. The main vocal in the verses have a lot more presence and power. The rim shots are Real nice and the entire song sounds fuller.   Nice ..   mark

Thanks @mark skinner
I've added one more as I personally thought the vocals were a little unclear and muddy.
Did dome automation on the instruments and changed out some of the reverbs and delays.

Thanks for taking the time to listen.


P.s.  Maybe Im a little deaf/blind now and need to leave it for a little while!
Maybe the guitar solo needs to come up more.


Edited by garybrun
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 Gary , I think mix 4 sounds better. It is a little darker but it's "louder" and may be tricking my ears. (I'm comparing it to mix 3) As far as the lead break coming up , I think it Definitely needs to , but more than that it need to be brighter. It's a little dull sounding  (EQ wise).   Great progress..               mark

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Hey Gary . . . really nice work here, and the song translates perfectly, musical esperanto . . . and what a great sounding band you get to record !

I lean towards Mix 3 right now, after comparing to Mix 4. When I first heard Mix 3, I wanted to bump up the volume a bit to feel more inside the mix, and I'm thinking the guitar player likes Mix 3 much better ? In Mix 4 your volume is up, I find the toms overpowering at times, and yes the guitar solo is lost in the mids somewhere, for sure more volume there if you go with Mix 4. Mix 4 is overall much thicker, warmer, and I think there's a part I recall where you really brought the organ up, liked that better. I would certainly want to compare in different listening environments to make a properly informed decision, and hope you will do that.

Tell Hobo Train they are fabulous for me !

So, right now I'm Mix 3 with overall more volume, more organ.

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