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It's Just One Damn Thing After Another


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Stuff breaking down.

First, a floor monitor died. It was still under warranty, so I took it to an authorized repair shop - 2 months ago. No word on its status. Some online posts suggest that it may be - no kidding - a software problem. In a frickin' speaker. Might require a firmware upgrade.

Then my computer burned up. New motherboard, RAM and CPU, $675. At least it's a slight upgrade.

After firing up the new and improved computilator, I noticed some distortion in one of my speakers. After an hour of use, it began crackling loudly. A bad capacitor, probably. Wrote to the manufacturer, who replied saying that model was no longer supported and I was on my own. At least they were nice enough to attach a PDF of the amp schematics. But it's unusable at the moment, so I have a computer again but all nearly-completed projects are on hold because I don't want to do a final mix and mastering with just headphones.

So now I'm unexpectedly in the market for some new speakers. These things never happen when I have spare cash on hand, so I'm probably looking at a significant downgrade. Anything I can afford will have less power, less bass extension, lower mass, less volume than what I've enjoyed for the past 7 years.

Here's a model that seems to be universally well-liked (Presonus Sceptre S8). But I can't get over the fact that it looks like a Minion. If I get this I will have to name it Kevin.


Maybe get some kid's size overalls and hang them from the speaker stand.

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Yikes!  Nature trying to tell you it's time for the "Unplugged Tour" maybe? ?

(I just got paid yesterday which included one extra day I worked.  I was hoping to be able to get something fun with the extra, but instead the UPS on my main computer decided to have issues - and not just needing new batteries - where it likes to spontaneously turn off occasionally while I'm using my computer!  That means losing the extra plus even more...  No bueno! ? )

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And it's not like us geezers don't have enough to deal with already, what with routine failures of random body parts. At least my gall bladder worked for 70 years before clogging up with stones. It should be reasonable to expect comparable longevity from solid-state electronics.

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I'm really tempted to get the new Focal Alpha 80 Evo. On paper it specs out great, and its older 6.5" sibling has great reviews. But I haven't actually heard the 8" version yet, as it's only been out for a few months.

I just have a hard time believing that a pair of great monitors can be had for $1000. That's way cheaper than previous speakers I've owned.


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  On 8/1/2022 at 7:56 PM, Bapu said:

So, they are a budget system?


That's how they're advertised.

They're even on sale at the moment, $494 ea vs $550.

But that could just mean they're not selling well. And that could mean they're not very good. And that could mean I'll lose my motivation to make music. And that could mean an early death, because if I can't make music, then what's the point? Why not just become a heroin addict? How do I know it's not some devious trick by those sneaky French buggars? I'll have to consult with Zo, the only Frenchman I know. Then again, he could be in on it.

Then again, I could just be overthinking it.

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  On 8/1/2022 at 4:21 PM, Tim Smith said:

I have had great luck with the JBL LSR monitors. The 308's if you're looking for more low end in a bigger space and the 6" version for smaller rooms. I'll bet you might be surprised with these.


I'd second that with the LSR 308's. I really like mine, I have a second pair of Tannoy reveal 8D's taking up storage space since i bought the Jbl's, they're very good sounding as well. The JBL wave guides give a discernibly wide sound field that just works great when doing whatever,  great for a jam room arraignment. The funny thing about LSR's is that they just look and feel cheap with a thin metal back plate. But they have it well tuned with that design, and they just sound better than they look and feel.

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Been working with Focal Alpha 65s for the last 5-6 years and swear by them for detailed midrange. I had expected to end up with the 80s, but couldn't hear a big enough difference in the low end at the time to make it a no-brainer. To be clear, the 65s took a bit of referencing to get a handle on the low end, but I'm not exactly trying to blow out windows at a stoplight either. I'm looking at the EVOs given my positive experience with the Alphas, not sure I can justify it as what I have is working just fine. The only issue I had was the auto-standby mode which would kick in (cut out) when working at low levels. Major pita, which they ended up disabling for free and is now an option. 

The LSR 308s sounded interesting, were touted as being a great bang-for-the-buck, but never gave them a proper listen. 

fwiw, Adam A7s were quite popular with my peeps but were more than a bit fatiguing for me. The Focals are anything but, can listen to them hours on end. A colleague who runs a fulltime commercial studio bought Alphas for mixing a couple of years ago and will also swear by them. 

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What are these audio monitors you guys speak of?

I've been mixing almost exclusively on headphones for over 5 years now.

When I use IRL monitors they are just my IKM iLoud MTM pair (basically ARC'd nearfields), or in my average car stereo that came in my 2005 Honda Odessey.


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  On 8/2/2022 at 5:20 AM, Bapu said:

What are these audio monitors you guys speak of?

I've been mixing almost exclusively on headphones for over 5 years now.

When I use IRL monitors they are just my IKM iLoud MTM pair (basically ARC'd nearfields), or in my average car stereo that came in my 2005 Honda Odessey.



Is that better than a pair of Behringer monitors in mint condition? ?


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  On 8/2/2022 at 1:55 AM, jackson white said:

Been working with Focal Alpha 65s for the last 5-6 years and swear by them for detailed midrange. I had expected to end up with the 80s, but couldn't hear a big enough difference in the low end at the time to make it a no-brainer. To be clear, the 65s took a bit of referencing to get a handle on the low end, but I'm not exactly trying to blow out windows at a stoplight either. I'm looking at the EVOs given my positive experience with the Alphas, not sure I can justify it as what I have is working just fine. The only issue I had was the auto-standby mode which would kick in (cut out) when working at low levels. Major pita, which they ended up disabling for free and is now an option. 

The LSR 308s sounded interesting, were touted as being a great bang-for-the-buck, but never gave them a proper listen. 

fwiw, Adam A7s were quite popular with my peeps but were more than a bit fatiguing for me. The Focals are anything but, can listen to them hours on end. A colleague who runs a fulltime commercial studio bought Alphas for mixing a couple of years ago and will also swear by them. 


That's encouraging. I've seen side-by-side comparisons of the Alpha 65s and the EVOs, and the consensus seems to be that the EVOs are an improvement. And cheaper to boot. I wouldn't mind getting the dual-woofer version, but at 21" wide I just don't have space for them. So you've never felt the need for a sub? Or maybe would like one but just couldn't justify the expense (the Focal sub is a grand)? Or maybe your room isn't big enough to support a subwoofer?

For the past 7 years I've enjoyed the luxury of really good bass extension on my current monitors (Emotiva Stealth8), that reach down to a window-rattling 30 Hz at -3dB. Consequently, I never replaced my stolen subwoofer because I didn't need it anymore. Prior to that, I used ADAM P11-A, predecessor to the A7 but with a slightly larger woofer. I liked them a lot, their only real downside being the narrow sweet spot from those laser-like folded ribbon tweeters.  These Focals are famous for having a wide sweet spot, and they go down to 38 Hz so no sub needed.

I'm also concerned that the EVO might not be loud enough. For everyday mixing, sure, you don't need 104 dB. I mix at around 70 dB. But my band also rehearses in this space and we often learn songs from YouTube videos so there are times when I do need them loud enough for a roomful of people to hear. The Stealths featured 200W of amplification. My other candidate is the Presonus Sceptre 8, at 180W. The EVOs are a wimpy 115W. It sounds like that's never been a problem for you.


As I was typing this out I got a call from my guy at Sweetwater, whom I'd asked for advice on this purchase. He didn't waffle for a second, saying he's a total Focal fanboy. Of course, the ones he's running are the $8k model - he must get a helluva employee discount - but he's convinced me to place the order for the Focals.

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Volume was an initial concern here as well, but quickly dismissed. fwiw, been mixing in spaces which are larger/more open/more live so enough loud goes a long ways. Expect the power differential you noted on the Emotivas was most likely needed to claim that 30Hz.

The low end gets sorted out by flipping between the Focals and a set of Bose "computer" speakers which hype the low end in a predictable way along with earbud/headphone bumps. A reference spot in the room is dialed in for checking at volume so not missing a sub for the most part. The wide sweet spot is for real, as well as maintaining a nice balance across volume levels. .

I'm sure their high end models are fabulous but the Alphas never sounded 'budget' to me or to anyone that's heard them. I had a SW rep try to talk me into the next-level line (Shape) when asking about the EVOs, but came across as a spec sheet up-sell based on commission. Current pricing looks like a nice deal. 

The Alphas needed a break-in to settle down (24 hrs of cranking some D'Angelo) which I assume is related to their novel cone material, the EVOs might need the same. Will be most interested in your thoughts once you've spent some time with them given your previous experience with extended low end. 

As for being French, Arturia is French and they've been doing a nice job lately. Transmissions might be a different story.

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The speakers arrive on Saturday.

I won't be able to set them up until Sunday, but that's OK because whenever the band isn't rehearsing, Sunday is My Music Day! And we won't be rehearsing Sunday because Saturday's gig is a 2-hour drive and nobody will be up for practicing the next day after getting home at 3:00 AM. I, however, will be up early as always and will likely faceplant into my keyboard by afternoon.

Geez, I hope these speakers live up to their reputation. If they do, I'll be singing their praises loudly because they were way cheaper than any I've had.

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  On 8/4/2022 at 3:19 AM, bitflipper said:

The speakers arrive on Saturday.

I won't be able to set them up until Sunday, but that's OK because whenever the band isn't rehearsing, Sunday is My Music Day! And we won't be rehearsing Sunday because Saturday's gig is a 2-hour drive and nobody will be up for practicing the next day after getting home at 3:00 AM. I, however, will be up early as always and will likely faceplant into my keyboard by afternoon.

Geez, I hope these speakers live up to their reputation. If they do, I'll be singing their praises loudly because they were way cheaper than any I've had.


Good luck bit! :)

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