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Feature Request - When moving a VST to another track, bring automation with it!

J. King

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Hello community,

Is there a way to move the automation with the VST if you move the VST from track say 40 to 41?  It of course moves the VST no problem but you lose your automation

You can't move the VST then copy and paste because the automation lanes will disappear (or become orphaned) after moving the VST

Sometimes you want to move the VST without any automation (it does this by default) so maybe you can select the automation lanes you want (by having automation lanes open and viewable) with the VST when dragging to new track

Any suggestions are welcome, thanks!



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@scook  Thanks for the reply! This is the workaround for now.  A minor setback but does the job!

@Herbert Miron Appreciate you doing the video! Even though that doesn't work for the VST moving the automation along with it, you brought the selection options to my attention that I never really paid any mind too.  Nice to know I can move/copy clips around without automation at the click of the button instead of manually deleting them afterwards or deselecting them before moving them.  A big time saver!

Thanks for the suggestions ??

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