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Nembrini Overdrive Special Guitar Amplifier - Intro Price $39


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Intro price: $39.  Regular price: $139.

Nembrini Audio Overdrive Special Guitar Amplifier plugin is based on a Overdrive Special By Dumble* schematic #124.

Nembrini Audio Overdrive Special is a two channel amplifier, which includes a clean channel and an “overdrive”channel.

The overdrive channel is described as “cascading” from the first channel into, at least, one additional gain stage in the overdrive channel. This means that the clean channel’s tone stack and gain stages will “cascade” into the gain stage of the overdrive channel, causing the clean channel to become “overdriven".

Edited by ALC
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You can get it now for $15.80 with their coupon:

using code PLUGIN80 at checkout
(minimun purchase of $50, one use per customer) 



Btw, this guy sold me this amp despite of I have no love for iLok and  have enough VST amps for the rest of my life.

I don't understand why he has so low amount of subscribers. Fantastic player!


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  On 6/10/2022 at 5:10 AM, filo said:

You can get it now for $15.80 with their coupon:

using code PLUGIN80 at checkout
(minimun purchase of $50, one use per customer) 



This is the cheapest I’ve seen any Nembrini amp sell for.  I went for the Edstortion pedal instead for a total of $17.80 but anything that gets the total over $50 will work.

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Here are some background reading for Dumble: 


“How can something music-related acquire legendary status? Is it mysteriousness? Is it rareness? Or is it the perceived value and overall impact on the general public?

I think that it’s a combination of all of these factors, and when you take a look at Howard “Alexander” Dumble’s work, you have one man who influenced the guitar world so much by building only around 300-350 guitar amps entirely by himself, taking months and months (if not years) to build the perfect tailor-made amplifier to suit the different playing styles of some of the best guitar playersin history, including Stevie Ray Vaughan, Robben Ford, Larry Carlton, Eric Johnson, etc…if that’s not legendary, then I don’t know what is.”


“No two Overdrive Specials were ever built exactly the same, but the basic circuit topology is what gives the Dumble amps their special qualities, and all Overdrive Special amps share this basic topology.  The very open and uncompressed feel, overdrive without fuzz, warm sustaining cleans, and of course that saxophone -like midrange and sing that these amps are famous for all come from the cascaded four gain stage preamp and unique Dumble ‘tone stack’.”

Edited by ALC
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  On 6/10/2022 at 2:10 PM, jgarland said:

Placed the same two items as filo in my cart, applied code PLUGIN80, and got This message: "PLUGIN80 discount code isn’t valid for the items in your cart".



Me too, somebody at Nembrini caught it and excluded the new product I suspect.

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  On 6/10/2022 at 5:10 AM, filo said:

You can get it now for $15.80 with their coupon:

using code PLUGIN80 at checkout
(minimun purchase of $50, one use per customer) 




Congrats on your score that none of us can get now. ? 

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  On 6/10/2022 at 6:17 PM, rsinger said:

I have the PA version - Fuchs ODS 50. I use it a fair amount, it's a nice sim.


Comparing the out-of-the-box presets from Fuchs ODS 50 and Nembrini ODS, the Nembrini is more in your face whereas the Fuchs plugin sounds more distant.  So, the Nembrini is more fun for me just jamming.  Nembrini has really upgraded the cabinet section (even has IR loader).  Visually, the NA is more pleasant to look at, with a warm brown whereas the Fuchs is a monochromatic black and silver.  I tried to use the same knob settings with my own IR that sounded very different so I must not be understanding the correlation between the knobs and switches.  This is my first Nembrini desktop amp (I have most of the rest on iOS)--glad to have it.

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  On 6/11/2022 at 2:31 AM, ALC said:

 The ODS has so many knobs and switches that I’m still in the preset usage stage


I’ve played a number of “clones”, and never understood what Howard (don’t call me Alexander, or is it the other way around?) was up to. As “no two Dumbles are alike”, how could you know what the VST’s should sound like?
Disclaimer; I’ve never played a “real” Dumble, so maybe that’s why I’m pretty much “non-plused” by the whole eco system.


why would I/vous, waste time building a “clone” anyway…

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  On 6/11/2022 at 12:22 PM, DeeringAmps said:

I’ve played a number of “clones”, and never understood what Howard (don’t call me Alexander, or is it the other way around?) was up to. As “no two Dumbles are alike”, how could you know what the VST’s should sound like?
Disclaimer; I’ve never played a “real” Dumble, so maybe that’s why I’m pretty much “non-plused” by the whole eco system.


why would I/vous, waste time building a “clone” anyway…


I've played a few of the "real thing" and there is some truth to no two are alike the basic circuit is much more forgiving than a Trainwreck is when swapping out components.  Most ODS models have some fairly similar characteristics that help define the sound and how the controls work.  Between particular amps some might have more gain, more compression, and all that kind of stuff so there is some difference but at the same time simply changing mics or mic positions and cabs also dramaticly change the tone and feel of an amp perhpas even more than the changes in components.  So in terms of an emulation, I think there is a lot of "does it get the basics" mentality.


I'm not one who buys into the hype on these but I do like the voicing of the clean channel more than most other amps.  The actual overdrive isn't really my cup of tea as for all the "touchresponsiveness" claims, the reality it isn't anywhere in the same ballpark as a Trainwreck.  Dumbles are overly compressed and far less dynamic in a tactical approach.

As for the BX vs NA takes.  I will say the NA has the less fizzy top end on note decay on clean stuff and some of the functions like "harsh" and the Mic position, mixer and ambient control on the Cabinet tab really help to shape the sound in a way the BX doesn't have built in.  (though the smooth filer ca help some like the harsh filder on NA)

Note the BX one is made by the same guy.



I'll have to spend more time with it, but giving the slight edge to the NA over BX for the sound/feel/adjustability.  Either one is a really good amp sim though.

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  On 6/10/2022 at 10:54 PM, ALC said:

Comparing the out-of-the-box presets from Fuchs ODS 50 and Nembrini ODS, the Nembrini is more in your face whereas the Fuchs plugin sounds more distant.  So, the Nembrini is more fun for me just jamming.  Nembrini has really upgraded the cabinet section (even has IR loader).  Visually, the NA is more pleasant to look at, with a warm brown whereas the Fuchs is a monochromatic black and silver.  I tried to use the same knob settings with my own IR that sounded very different so I must not be understanding the correlation between the knobs and switches.  This is my first Nembrini desktop amp (I have most of the rest on iOS)--glad to have it.


There are a number of adjustments you can make on the NA to get a less in your face sound





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HAD used Altec Lansings until 1979 as stock speakers, then changed to EV 12 Ls.But he would certainly offer other options if desired.

The Celestion G12 65 is Robben Ford´s choice, I have also seen some with JBLs, Santana uses Tone Tubbies etc.

Personally I have come to the conclusion that speaker choice is very much a matter of taste, you either like a certain speaker or you don´t.

Also keep in mind that the cabinet is at least as important as the chassis itself.I never owned a real Dumble cab, but I tried one once, and was quite amazed by the tone, especially considering that, generally, I personally am not a fan of EVs.

BTW the cab housed EV 12L Proline speakers(300 w), also a bit different from 200w version.

It is generally agreed on this forum that the Celestion Vintage 30 is not the best choice for Dumble style amps, and I tend to agree


Most of the NA stock cabs use V30.



HAD and I went through his speaker choices about 6-7 years ago. His preferred speakers (based on the client's tone needs with his amps) were (no particular order)


There may have been others but these were the most popular ones he used/recommended for players that use his amps.

He also worked on Marshalls and Fenders, and depending on the client's tone needs those included G12M/G12H30's (pre rola 66-73). With the Fenders it was all over the map, forgot what those preferred speakers were.


The built in ones are the cabs from previous amp sims.  Which would be the closest match?

Given that the cabinet affects the sound significantly, I wonder what 3rd party IR would make a good pairing.

Nevertheless, I still like the presets, most of which use V30 speakers.

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So @Brian Walton you seem to have some experience with the ODS's and the Trainwrecks.
Is this normal?

Watch Pete, he rolls of the Volume pot and CHANTE is "screaming" (well in fairness, maybe she's "moaning") in the background. That's the amp, as he rolls back up the V-Pot you can hear the guitar's internal noise. Are all the Wrecks this noisy?

Just curious...


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  On 6/11/2022 at 3:23 PM, DeeringAmps said:

So @Brian Walton you seem to have some experience with the ODS's and the Trainwrecks.
Is this normal?

Watch Pete, he rolls of the Volume pot and CHANTE is "screaming" (well in fairness, maybe she's "moaning") in the background. That's the amp, as he rolls back up the V-Pot you can hear the guitar's internal noise. Are all the Wrecks this noisy?

Just curious...



Well the amp I'm sure was super loud in that small room and therefore sensitive to feedback (even though the gain / saturation wasn't that high -harmonics can be insane with them).  When he switches the vocal mic off most of that major noise you hear goes away which is a testament to just how loud the amp was compared to a speaking voice even when clean.  

It will pickup dirty pots and things like that more than other amps, but if your electronics are well shielded, clean, and potted then Wrecks are not "noisy" amps...they are however extremely loud.  I measured my friend's Rocket with an Ampeg 4x12 with pre-rolla 30s in it at over 120db about 8-10 feet away with the gain knob a little past 9'oclock.  

Edited by Brian Walton
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  On 6/11/2022 at 2:34 PM, ALC said:

Given that the cabinet affects the sound significantly, I wonder what 3rd party IR would make a good pairing.


I picked it up. I like it with celestion G12m-65s in an open back cab as well as creambacks in an open back cab. The IR loader is nice with the nembrini, with the PA I tend to turn off the cab and use TH-U with cab simulation + IR, but with the nembrini I can setup presets and it's easier to switch between programs.

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