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Brian Walton

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  1. Yes one LD overhead and bass drum as the core. Then add snare, and if going to 4 mics add the side overhead condenser on the "ride" side of the set.
  2. With the strip you can also send the drums to a bus and just used it as a master effect on all of it. Just messing around with it a bit I felt like I could get some pretty good drum sounds that way as long as each piece was reasonably well recorded. I also work with a 3-4 mic drum setup most of the time and find that achieves what I'm looking for better than a "mic everything" approach.
  3. True it might be. I seem to only use it during the mixdown where I can have high latency. Need to try via tracking.
  4. Have you used it a single time after getting MDrumStrip? 😁 For those that don't have complete or want future bundle upgrades certainly worth looking at for the price.
  5. It is fine if it isn't a program for you , but I still think your view of what it does is limited compared to what it actually does. Reading your post all I can envision is owning a guitar and thinking I don't need a musician to make music with it because I already have the instrument that is capable of chords, scales, etc. That workflow sounds dreadful. This program costs $35, not $800.
  6. Respectfully I think you have a limited understanding of what scaler 2 is capable of if you are just thinking about it in terms of grabbing a chord progression from Google and some Reaper script.
  7. I wouldn't say the "whole point" of the program is for those who even lack basic theory. If you watch some advanced videos on it can bring advanced chord substitutions and odd chords and voicings to people that have played music for decades but never went down those paths. I've played guitar for 3 decades and it gives me ideas I never would have thought of or used. Some of that could be attributed to keyboard layouts but none the less still a valuable tool for a non beginner too.
  8. Well I attempted some sort of approximation of this the first time and it absolutely didn't work for me and thus had to recreate it manually. I also may have a different folder and preset structure that has probably around 100 folders for organizing things. Those were not coming over with the copy and paste as far as I could tell. Need IKM to provide real documentation on how it could be done. Seems odd that the "backup" and restore can't be done cross machine or at least not in a comprehensive way easily.
  9. And yet Softube's amps are not even close to the same feel/sound realism of Tonex.
  10. How do we use this to transfer the database (and folder structure) to another install of TONEX? It literally took me 6 hours worth of work importing paid packs, downloading tonenet stuff I liked, and then creating the folder structures to "mirror" another computer I use. There has to be an easy way to do this.
  11. I spent half my day yesterday hitting the restore all purchases button. lol I tired this morning on yet another machine (but running the previous ".3" version and it worked without issue. Other two machines were on the latest .4 version
  12. I've always found this odd but, no. Same with ODS legends. They should send you an email confirming registration though.
  13. Thanks, yes I'm a very experienced TONEX user - bought in from the first few weeks of release. I finally got them all downloaded a few minutes ago but did not change the method by which this is done. Something was very wrong, took 20+ attempts, it was crazy. I still think the current version is buggy, especially on the "tonenet" side. Takes way to long to connect to ToneNet load and scroll through thing on high end computers.
  14. Got the email from IKM that it was added to my account first thing this morning. Still can't get it to actually show up in my account ~11 hours later. Refreshed multiple times across 2 computers, doesn't work or showup on either. Continues to fail to here and won't show or download all
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