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Equally Intervals, that is the whole tone of this piece


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Continuing the idea of alternate scales here is a piece created using only a Whole tone scale.

The First 6 bars introduce the note/tones of the scale C, D, E, F#, G#, A#.

The nature of the scale can be a little discomforting as it fails to resolve as you would like, shifting between Augmented and diminished chords.


I hope you enjoy

Created in Cakewalk by Bandlab with the following toys.

Cherry Audio
And the Stardust 201 delay FX

CS 80 V ver 4
Korg MS-20
Augmented Voices

All other FX are stock CbB other than the Boz Digital +10dB compressor on the Bass voice.

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1 hour ago, jack c. said:

all your songs are the same.how about some singing?jack c.

Thanks for er that opinion,  though I think this may be a little different, do you understand what a whole tone scale is?

As for your demand for singing, I don't sing, secondary, Wookiee singing is lethal to none Wookiee life form's who hear it or are with in a par sec of the offending Wookiee. 

Thanks again for your thoughts they are noted and will be remembered for future reference. 

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Each to their own eh @jack c. - all of my songs sound the same, most include singing. I reckon a lot of folks would prefer I stuck to instrumentals. ??

I like this Wookiee - a lot of very clever stuff going on. All those augmented and diminished chords give it a slight prog feel (reminds me of some very early post-Genesis Hackett).

Great chops and an interesting experiment in the use of a whole tone scale.


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Moods correspond to different scales, for example the "Spanish" scale has a mystic quality to it.
Not sure what kind of mood corresponds to the scale you just played Wookie, but definitely not comfortable, at least to the Western ear.  IMO

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yes, the whole tone scale creates an ominous mood, very Art Zoyd-ish....you realized the piece extremely well after the 7 bar intro....question for you, these last few songs you have done using specific scale structures, is there anything you can say about the differences in composing when comparing the scales to each other?? ????

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Wookie, really great mood piece with some really clever chord voices. I love how the whole tone scale leads you through these pseudo resolutions that really ratchet up the intensity. The synth voices are inspiring and beautiful as always. 

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On 5/24/2022 at 12:34 AM, bjornpdx said:

Moods correspond to different scales, for example the "Spanish" scale has a mystic quality to it.
Not sure what kind of mood corresponds to the scale you just played Wookie, but definitely not comfortable, at least to the Western ear.  IMO

I do not think that the whole tone scale is intended to be comfortable, just as eastern scales can feel/sound strange with their 1/4 & even 1/8th micro shifts. 

Thanks for listening and commenting I hope it was not too discomforting for your ears 


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On 5/24/2022 at 4:28 PM, Larry T. said:

yes, the whole tone scale creates an ominous mood, very Art Zoyd-ish....you realized the piece extremely well after the 7 bar intro....question for you, these last few songs you have done using specific scale structures, is there anything you can say about the differences in composing when comparing the scales to each other?? ????

Thanks for the listen and comments. 

Differences in composing,  yes I suppose they stretch the mind, achieving some form of  resolution is tricky, it's also fun.

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On 5/25/2022 at 2:18 AM, Kevin Walsh said:

Wookie, really great mood piece with some really clever chord voices. I love how the whole tone scale leads you through these pseudo resolutions that really ratchet up the intensity. The synth voices are inspiring and beautiful as always. 

Thank you Kevin nice to know you enjoyed this. Apologies for being slow to reply been a little distracted by other stuff. 

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On 5/28/2022 at 5:49 PM, Douglas Kirby said:

I didn't find your use of augmented and diminished scales to be discomforting - I thought the progressions of the notes worked quite well.

Thank you Douglas good to hear you found this one worked. 

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