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Between the accordion , harmonica , and the bagpipe . It appears the Accordion may hold the Key when it comes to producing proper nutrition .


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True story - the innocence of youth.

I fondly recall many a childhood Christmas spent with my parents at my Gran and Grandads' house. Their neighbours were a Polish family who had moved to the area after fleeing their home country at the onset of hostilities in 1939, and had become good friends with my grandparents.

One Christmas, we were all invited to spend an evening at these neighbours' house. I don't remember that much as I was only around 10 or 11 at the time, but I do recall the father masterfully playing the accordion - he played a number of traditional Polish folk songs as well as tunes and carols everyone could sing along to.

Having just begun music studies at school, and knowing the rudiments of what note each key represented, I do remember asking him if I could have a go on his accordion, and he duly obliged showing me how to hold it correctly and how to operate the bellows.

I felt a genuine sense of achievement as I began playing the melody to the only tune I could play at the time (learned on a glockenspiel of all things).

The room fell silent and I remember the father leaning over and waving his hand in a disapproving manner and saying "no no no" as he shook his head. I stopped, thinking I was playing the instrument incorrectly. After recomposing myself, I started playing the tune again - this time, he asked, albeit in a very friendly manner, if he could have his accordion back, and I duly returned it to him.

Although oblivious at the time to the apparent distress I'd caused, the benefit of hindsight and education leads me to believe that borrowing his accordion and reciting the only tune I was capable of playing - the German National Anthem - was not my greatest moment. 



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2 hours ago, SteveStrummerUK said:

I notice the video is cut off just before the accordionist is gored to death.


Sadly, his instrument survived.

Believe it or not, somewhere in the depths of the loft I've actually got an accordion. I bought it for 50p at some jumble sale way back when for no other reason than thinking that it had to be worth more than that.

I'd forgotten all about it TBH. Might have to brave the cobwebs sometime soon and see if it's time for a cash in the attic moment......

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39 minutes ago, paulo said:

That's worthy of a pat on the back.

I'm guessing you've been on that 'cow pun' website again. What else jersey there?

Woosh, another quality Straummy joke ?

Blink and you'll miss it, in fact it'll be pasteurise before you know it.

This fred has shorthorn me away from watching the TV.

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10 hours ago, SteveStrummerUK said:

I started playing the tune again - this time, he asked, albeit in a very friendly manner, if he could have his accordion back, and I duly returned it to him.

Sorry to hear that Steve. Who knows, you could have been the next Weird Al Yankovic.

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11 hours ago, SteveStrummerUK said:

I'm guessing you've been on that 'cow pun' website again. What else jersey there?

Woosh, another quality Straummy joke ?

Blink and you'll miss it, in fact it'll be pasteurise before you know it.

This fred has shorthorn me away from watching the TV.

They are some of the worst puns I've ever herd.

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15 hours ago, SteveStrummerUK said:

I notice the video is cut off just before the accordionist is gored to death.


Sadly, his instrument survived.

 Hey ! What happened ? How come the music stopped ?


 He did smell a little ripe so I ate him . He tasted just like chicken .714214448_HeTastedjustlikechicken.thumb.jpg.a9f431ae4d94ded85b09990048d78d87.jpg

        Say if you want ,You can have the Accordion .I left it there for you .



Edited by kennywtelejazz
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15 hours ago, paulo said:

Believe it or not, somewhere in the depths of the loft I've actually got an accordion. I bought it for 50p at some jumble sale way back when for no other reason than thinking that it had to be worth more than that.

I'd forgotten all about it TBH. Might have to brave the cobwebs sometime soon and see if it's time for a cash in the attic moment......


Once you brave the cobwebs and track that accordion down , you will have upped your personal home security a few notches .

Place all your important documents , cash ,  jewelry and extra hard drives in your accordion . Now all your precious material possessions  will be almost as safe as The Crowned Jewels in the Tower of London  ?  No self respecting crook would ever think to look for buried treasure in your accordion    ?



Edited by kennywtelejazz
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2 hours ago, kennywtelejazz said:

Once you brave the cobwebs and track that accordion down , you will have upped your personal home security a few notches .

Place all your important documents , cash ,  jewelry and extra hard drives in your accordion . Now all your precious material possessions  will be almost as safe as The Crowned Jewels in the Tower of London  ?  No self respecting crook would ever think to look for buried treasure in your accordion 

I'm way ahead of you there....all the valuables I have are hidden in one of those real-looking fake books that has no actual pages inside.

On reflection, the title "Bapu - A collection of his funniest moments"  is probably a bit of a giveaway though, so until I can get a more convincing one I've hidden it behind this one....


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4 hours ago, Pragi said:

Michael Majstorovic Rocks Out with AC/DC's Thunderstruck


I'm impressed by how hard the good man is trying to make this instrument rock.✌️


Yeah woah ! it looks like he put a lot of effort into playing that song . It is written all over his face .

One of my favorite accordion tunes is the Tango  song featured In A scent Of a Woman . I get a lump in my throat most times when I hear it .

The band performing the song in this movie clip is a group called Tango Project . Their actual recording is what was used on this film and The Movie Schindler's List if I'm not mistaken . The accordion player Dr William Schimmel is a founding member of the group . I met him in the late 70's and I wound up playing Bass and guitar for a few of his non tango / classical music projects . Back then he mentored me for a while as I also wound up studying  with him.

This was all before and into the early 80's

Here's a little history on him



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