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New bug in Staff mode

Rick Lang

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Laying down some drum tracks for a client. As most people I obviously use Staff mode for this. 

Occasionally I need to right click on one note to manually change its velocity. It's fine when writing in the value, 

but if I use the scrolling function right next to the little window where you can enter the velocity value, everything hangs 

and the velocity values goes crazy by itself, and CbB makes a distinct beep for every up and down. At that point I just have to wait until 

everything settles after a few minutes, save and close. 


Back to SONAR for now. This is too risky.

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You are talking about the Notes Properties dialogue window in Staff View, aren’t you? FWIW, I have no problem increasing or decreasing the Velocity value of a note whether I use the mouse or the plus or minus keys on the keyboard.

What input device are you using, mouse or keyboard? And if you’re using the mouse, what happens if you use the keyboard, or vice versa? Might be a hardware problem.

Edited by Canopus
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Hi, I've had this issue too, it happens when one tries to scroll between the plus and minus buttons, so CbB hangs sometimes.

Here is a thread where I reported the issue on Feedback Loop forum. I also updated it with feedback from Cakewalk support, which told me the bug is going to be fixed! :)

Edited by mgustavo
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Hello @Rick Lang and @mgustavo,

In addition to this topic and the one in the Feedback Loop, have you considered submitting a support request here:  https://help.cakewalk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=360000025633

BandLab Technologies and the present group of developers really seem to be devoted to fixing issues, making Cakewalk by BandLab more stable and user friendly.  The more information they have to work from, the better the program will be for everyone.

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Hi @fogle622

Thanks for the information! I just updated my post with comments that might be useful to forum users, like the feedback from Cakewalk support about the OP issue, according to my experience.

Also thanks for the CbB support request link!

Best regards

Edited by mgustavo
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I made this year’s resolution to force myself to use and find the benefits of PRV. It’s a big help to see the length of notes and it is great to be able to easily select a specific note in a track. Still, too many years of reading music to give up staff view. I also feel a little smarter using the staff view. Ha.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  On 6/15/2019 at 10:22 AM, Chuck E Baby said:

Do most people use Staff view for drums ? I use PRV. Very simple to change velocity.

Have you tried changing velocity's in PRV to see if the same hang happens ?


Yes. All my drum and percussion books are still using old staff notation. Not a single one is written in PR notation. 

Future sounds, The New Breed, The Art of Bop Drumming, Syncopation, Extreme Interdependence, Creative Control, Conversations in Clave ... you name it.


So when I need to see a drum performance I need to see notation. Maybe the BBC Orchestra, London Philharmonics or other institutions have implemented PRV this year, but one cannot be too sure.


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