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Manifest Dei

Hidden Symmetry

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Spinning up my hardrives every year to keep them functioning here's this I wrote & recorded back in 2005. The mix is bad, some things need to be re-done but for now.... instrumental, easy listening, jazz, symphonic, fusion..audio (w/ two video bits towards the end)..have a great w/e...


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  On 4/2/2022 at 9:16 PM, David Sprouse said:

this would  be great as immersive sound at an exhibit...re vitruvian man.  it really took me somewhere.  Mix didn't sound bad to me...


Thanks David!


  On 4/3/2022 at 12:33 AM, DeeringAmps said:

Not at all what I expected. I must admit I only made it to the end of what maybe is the first section?
The 3:10 mark ish.
I will come back to it...





  On 4/3/2022 at 12:39 PM, Wookiee said:

Will give this a spin tomorrow now, I have to do a little preparation for a delivery tomorrow. 

Would you believe they are giving us a brand new cooker because they can not get the clock repaired?


Not a problem guys , it's long & not for everyone's taste.. no need to listen to the entire piece or to comment,.thanks.

(Good luck with the cooker / clock situation Wookiee!)


  On 4/3/2022 at 3:02 AM, KurtS said:

You guys sure do some ambitious music! Very impressive. Was this stuff you never released?


Thanks Kurt, this was released for a while back in 2009 ..It needs a total face lift starting from the ground up.. atm not interested in opening the can of worms!

Edited by Hidden Symmetry
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  On 4/5/2022 at 6:38 PM, Larry T. said:

listened to the first five minutes, sounds intriguing....need to set aside an hour to hear this properly....will check back soon ????????



  On 4/6/2022 at 4:29 PM, Bajan Blue said:

The start sort of reminded me of the music you would hear as the baddie landed on the Secret Island in a James Bond movie - it then progressed to some great stuff which I enjoyed a lot

Cool music guys




Thanks for listening guys.

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@Hidden Symmetry Well I am 10 minuets in and so far there is nothing about the music I do not like.  Yes the mix could use a tweak or three but nothing dramatic, listening on my Event 20/20's.

13:20 shredding sweet.

Having a little pause at 21:00 will return for more tomorrow with any luck though the aborealists are coming to sort a few of a trees out in the jungle as well tomorrow.

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  On 4/8/2022 at 11:29 AM, Wookiee said:

@Hidden Symmetry Nice passage for 21:00who played the sax?

Nice bit of conga follows, very jazzy feel.

39:18 Like the Asian style percussion, but of bendy guitar, unison guitar and horns mmmmmmmmmmm.

Nice I enjoyed the listen good stuff.  :)  :)  :) 



Thanks Wookiee, the sax collab is by Alexis Van Eeckhout from Belgium.

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