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Cakewalk seems sluggish in ways [Solved]


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I recently had to reinstall Cakewalk so I had to reinstall it from  X2-X3-Platinum-CBB to get all of the plugins/VSTs from earlier versions.

Cakewalk plays fine but when I add a new audio track it takes longer than expected like a few seconds.

Is this the way Cakewalk is supposed to be?

Have the new updates to CBB created this behavior and if not, is there a way I can fix this?

My project files are on SSD and Cakewalk is installed on a different SSD drive as well.

I don't really need the older versions of Cakewalk but they really do not take up much space.

Cakewalk seems stable but it seems sluggish.

Is anyone else experiencing this?


Edited by RexRed
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Cakewalk says "no control surface", perhaps if I add one and remove it?

I am using a RME Fireface UCX2 interface.

I will check today for an updated driver for the RME device.

Isn't there a way to run Cakewalk in safemode or a diagnostic mode?

Perhaps if I reinstall Cakewalk?

Any suggestions would be great, thank you! ?

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Okay, I think I have figured it out, sort of.

I am sorry to have implied that Cakewalk is sluggish.

The problem I am having does not seem like it is Cakewalk itself.

When I unplug my audio interface, the problem goes away.

So now to figure out why my RME Fireface is causing Cakewalk to be sluggish...

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I installed the latest RME driver, now it takes about two seconds for the new audio track to be inserted in track view.

So it is better but not perfect.

Any ideas? Thanks in advance for any suggestions concerning this.  

I am wondering if there is a way I can turn off some of the hardware inside the Fireface.

Like the extra ADAT ports that I do not use.

It runs hot, I am thinking that disabling them could cool the unit down a bit.

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Open up the Windows Resource monitor from the Performance tab in Task Manager, and watch how the different resources are being used while performing operations that are slow - especially disk access.

A couple of things I have encountered in the past that were revealed by the Resource Monitor:

- The Real-time Scanning feature of Windows Defender gets enabled spontaneously and causes every resource used by Cakewalk to get scanned, even samples and plugins that aren't in the project. Exclude Cakewalk-related directories from scanning, and disable real-time scanning.

- Media Browser is attempting to read a large .zip file on your desktop or in your projects directory. This is related to Windows functionality used by the browser, and can only be avoided by moving the archive file.

EDIT: There are some audio options that might be implicated in issues with the RME driver, and you probably should disable/uncheck any I/O that you won't be using regularly like ADAT.

- Always Stream Audio Through FX [when the transport is stopped]

- Always Open All Devices

- Allow Arm Changes During Playback/Record


Edited by David Baay
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Hello Noel, the RME device does not insert immediately, it takes about 4 to 5 seconds before Cakewalk asks if I would like to add the RME device. 

It takes about 10 seconds for Cakewalk to ask if I would like to reroute the output to another device once the RME is turned off.

I do record 24 bit 96kbps (if that matters).

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Okay, I seem to have had some luck.

Thanks to your suggestions, I went into Cakewalk preferences and unchecked all of the inputs and outputs except for 1+2 that I use for my mic inputs and 5+6 that I use for my Cakewalk master outputs. I unchecked all of the ADAT and other ins and outs.

Now it takes a good second for me to add an audio track.

I assume other things will be faster as well.

I also uninstalled Voicemeeter Potato and the 4 virtual cables I had installed (just incase).

I have not had a use for Voicemeeter since I have had dedicated ins and outs.

Now I will consult RME and see about if there is a way to turn off internal components to cool down this rig.

Voicemeeter had its vital use for me but I have not needed it in a long time.

I will look into the Windows Defender scan and even OneDrive and my desktop, what a mess that is.

OneDrive used to be simple to use and now it is one big giant spyware "octapus".

OneDrive backing up my Cakewalk files while I am recording, not good... 

Oh well.

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@RexRed - have you tried what Noel suggested and turning the audio engine off within cakewalk before inserting the tracks?


I found it was significantly quicker to turn it off, insert the tracks, then turn it back on again afterwards than it was to add the tracks when the engine is running.

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  On 3/25/2022 at 5:33 PM, RexRed said:

Hello Noel, the RME device does not insert immediately, it takes about 4 to 5 seconds before Cakewalk asks if I would like to add the RME device. 

It takes about 10 seconds for Cakewalk to ask if I would like to reroute the output to another device once the RME is turned off.

I do record 24 bit 96kbps (if that matters).


I was referring to inserting tracks not the rme device :)

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Due to unchecking the unused inputs and outputs I am now down to a long second when inserting a track with the audio engine engaged.

When I disable the audio engine it is roughly the exact same time.

It is not instantaneous, but it is not 4 seconds either now.

One good second is not bad with audio engine on or off, I can definitely live with that.

I think this has sped up things considerably!

Then, I also went into Windows device manager and disabled the ADAT sound devices and a few ins and outs I don't use and this has lowered the heat problem considerably of the unit.

Now the unit is just moderately warm (not hot).

You have all been very helpful in assisting me with these inquiries. 

Many thanks!

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