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[CLOSED] Cakewalk 2022.02 Update 1 Early Access

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@sjoens - the reason it takes you to the login page is because you're not logged in to BandLab, and it's trying to refresh your authorisation.

I'm not sure why it's not allowing you to log in.  The login works for me both on all of my Windows 10 machines, and my Windows 7 & Windows 11 machines.  All machines are completely up to date with Windows updates though.

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Never. Tho, I just tried it thru CbB and got in.

However. the web link from the installer (above) still won't let me log in.

http://localhost:4342/callback?code=6C69B4063FBC7E843631F753A2C95848047A6DAF20670DCA7B7573CCB457D8F6&scope=openid offline_access&session_state=BLpeHIJVxO5gJIQU1I7_iTXJ15MAykIfq7if2YfIzEo.1CED88DCE5FC5DCBF0A9803EE1D0EED5

I compared both addresses and they are identical, so 'splain that one.

Edited by sjoens
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7 minutes ago, sjoens said:

Never. Tho, I just tried it thru CbB and got in.

However. the web link from the installer (above) still won't let me log in.

I compared both addresses and they are identical, so 'splain that one.

History and present login. A before and After ? Literally.

A security lock. 

Edited by Will_Kaydo
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At the end of the day Bandlab.com is the parent website. I think the confusion you're having is with the download of the installer ,which we get from the Cakewalk by Bandlab website. 

Most who repott on this are still attached to "Cakewalk.com"  Either way, like @msmcleod said: It's just passing you back to CbB. 

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On 3/5/2022 at 10:05 AM, Syphus said:

Not a game stopper by any means but ....

After the install of the latest update (from an open cakewalk project), the installer took me to a bandlab page (https://www.bandlab.com) instead of the release notes page (like I would expect).   What is up with that?  . . .



I like to report that the installer for this last update (2022.02)  did take me to the proper page (release notes) this time (even though no response to to the OP)



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