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Cubase 12 is here...


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1 hour ago, simon said:

Tim - have you tried posting over on the SB forum - there's a specific thread where SB staff are attempting to help people individually - you may get a quicker and better response there.  I know you shouldn't have to but sometimes it's worth just going 'around' the problem.  I think the helpdesk people are overwhelmed (and useless)


Oh yeah, I've been over there. My problem seems to be unique in that my elicenser can't be loaded. Actual quote response from the last email I sent them-


The issue that I can see right off the bat is that your elicense control center is not showing you have your USB dongle with pro 11 on it. You would need that plugged in for the upgrade to be able to work as it needs to see 11 to upgrade from first. After that the dongle is no longer needed for Cubase 12

Let me know


Let them know what? That I know that they know that there is no license on my dongle? What part of " my elicenser failed and your server doesn't see it" don't they understand?

"Plugged in?" WTH I've tried all my usb ports and rebooted numerous times. Do they think I'm so thick I didn't plug the thing in?

I hate to purchase a dongle, but since I lost other licenses and I can't reach out to the server with this one. It might be an option. Granted my other licenses were mostly the free ones from VSL and a few old Korg licenses. I don't really care if I loose them.

If my dongle is wiped why can't they just send me a registration code?  It isn't like I'll be able to use 12 without it.


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20 minutes ago, Tim Smith said:

Oh yeah, I've been over there. My problem seems to be unique in that my elicenser can't be loaded. Actual quote response from the last email I sent them-


The issue that I can see right off the bat is that your elicense control center is not showing you have your USB dongle with pro 11 on it. You would need that plugged in for the upgrade to be able to work as it needs to see 11 to upgrade from first. After that the dongle is no longer needed for Cubase 12

Let me know

I'm not sure where in the world you are but I'd totally ignore local support - they don't really have a clue.

Just start a new thread over on the Steinberg forum in the Cubase section - explain what has happened in detail and tag "@Ben_at_Steinberg" and "@Matthias_Quellmann"

Hopefully Ben will take a look and help out - he's the one the wrote the new auth scheme (basically!) and they are there firefighting

It's totally unacceptable that you would lose licences (although they will be recorded somewhere because the system doesn't allow them to be lost) - but you will get sorted if you are persistent (and polite !)

(and apologies if you've already tried this)


Edited by simon
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Many thanks @simon

I am sorry if I'm coming off a little agitated here. I am always professional when dealing with customer service. I am often in that position in my job where I deal with "customers". 

It isn't in my code to treat anyone badly for any reason in any situation. I am still human though and sometimes things can push me over the edge. Even then I try to remain composed. This is petty in comparison to people out there with real problems.:)

 I realize they are still working though all of this. I appear to be one of those who fell through the cracks since many others have had an ok experience. And truthfully, I'm not to sure it isn't my dongle that has failed. In that case it would not be them at all.

I will take your advice and reach out to them to see what can be done. Thanks!

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5 minutes ago, Tim Smith said:

Many thanks @simon

I am sorry if I'm coming off a little agitated here. I am always professional when dealing with customer service. I am often in that position in my job where I deal with "customers". 

you're not coming off unprofessionally at all ! ...if it was me I'd be STEAMING

I was just suggesting that you didn't let MY frustration with SB become contagious :) 

Ben is great  (Matthias much, much, much less so !) - I think they'll try to help 



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I was quite patient with support.  I chatted with them on launch day, and they said that they 
couldn't resolve my problem and that I'd have to wait.  I had already sent in a support ticket,
which I STILL have not heard ONE WORD back on, today being the NINTH DAY!
I chatted with them again yesterday, and was not so "professional" after the person to whom
I was speaking wasn't listening, but rather trying to make ME out to be the problem!  That was
the straw that broke the Camel's back, so to speak!  

They KNOW, without a doubt that THEY are the problem, but they're playing games, rather
than addressing the issue!  Even if they just said "We're going to do these ONE at a time", that
would be better than trying to make it seem like "The Customer" caused this issue!  If they were
REALLY handling the Support Tickets in the order received, they most certainly should have
responded to my ticket already, but they haven't!

Steinberg has lost my respect, and my business.  Their Customer Service has always been
"questionable" at best, but NOW it's just sheer stupidity on THEIR part, and I want no part of it!
I think Yamaha buying them has only made them worse, not better!  For over 20 years I've been a
Steinberg customer...buying in at Cubase 3, but they just REALLY don't give a crap!

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7 minutes ago, cclarry said:

I was quite patient with support. 


I don't disagree with anything you say  - it's totally unacceptable.

I still think that 'eventually' SB will sort you out but in the meantine  can I suggest you do the same thing that I suggested Tim should do and post your issue at the SB forum.

I know you shouldn't have to but realistically it's the best way to get support in this 'total meltdown' situation.


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1 minute ago, simon said:

I don't disagree with anything you say  - it's totally unacceptable.

I still think that 'eventually' SB will sort you out but in the meantine  can I suggest you do the same thing that I suggested Tim should do and post your issue at the SB forum.

I know you shouldn't have to but realistically it's the best way to get support in this 'total meltdown' situation.


My issue is Simple, Simon (ha ha)! 

My license for Cubase 11, which I purchased on 11/24, does NOT say "Upgrade Eligible" even though it SHOULD!
Consequently, nothing else will work until they fix THAT, and they seem to have NO INTEREST in fixing it!

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13 minutes ago, cclarry said:

I was quite patient with support.  I chatted with them on launch day, and they said that they 
couldn't resolve my problem and that I'd have to wait.  I had already sent in a support ticket,
which I STILL have not heard ONE WORD back on, today being the NINTH DAY!
I chatted with them again yesterday, and was not so "professional" after the person to whom
I was speaking wasn't listening, but rather trying to make ME out to be the problem!  That was
the straw that broke the Camel's back, so to speak!  

They KNOW, without a doubt that THEY are the problem, but they're playing games, rather
than addressing the issue!  Even if they just said "We're going to do these ONE at a time", that
would be better than trying to make it seem like "The Customer" caused this issue!  If they were
REALLY handling the Support Tickets in the order received, they most certainly should have
responded to my ticket already, but they haven't!

Steinberg has lost my respect, and my business.  Their Customer Service has always been
"questionable" at best, but NOW it's just sheer stupidity on THEIR part, and I want no part of it!
I think Yamaha buying them has only made them worse, not better!  For over 20 years I've been a
Steinberg customer...buying in at Cubase 3, but they just REALLY don't give a crap!

sorry to hear about all the issues you have experienced.  I haven't read through each of these posts on this thread, but I am wondering if you posted anything on the Steinberg Cubase forum about this.  Looking through a few of the Cubase threads, your experience is duplicated amongst many users.  

I might start a new Cubase thread, and direct your comments to @Matthias_Quellmann.  As a representative for Steinberg, it appears he has directly helped a few customers get their issues straightened out.  Good luck!  

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14 hours ago, simon said:

It's all down to Steinberg's intense paranoid about piracy.

BTW It's fairly normal with Steinberg to never get a reply from support and you are best asking over at the forum is you have a 'tech issue'  - licensing issues need to be dealt with by them obviously.

Agreed on their piracy paranoia. That's why they stuck to the dongles. But I think in most cases, people that are going to use cracked software, probably weren't going to buy it anyway. I'd hazard a guess to say that their anti piracy protections cost them more than saved. To even need to buy a dongle to trial some software would stop a lot of people from even considering Cubase.

As for never getting a reply from support, that's totally unacceptable. Long wait times and useless answers aren't uncommon, but no reply at all would be appalling for any company and they should be called out for that.

The forums do seem quite helpful though at least ?

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48 minutes ago, MusicMan said:

The forums do seem quite helpful though at least ?

yes - it looks like @Tim Smith is being looked after.

The forums are odd - they are very definitely described as 'user to user forums' and most definitely described as 'NOT official support forums' but the fact remains they are the pretty much the only way to get any support.     They could structure them so much more effectively....using the Dorico sub-forum as their guide, that works really well.

Providing support is expensive and Steinberg don't like it.  They are stuck in a very 20th century mindset when it comes to their customers.

As I've said many times - I'm a Steinberg fan but I'm also exasperated by their management decisions.....and I'm not the only one.

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In my case I think I probably have a bad dongle. Matthias confirmed they could not connect to my dongle.

I was asked to try different ports on my computer, try another computer etc. I have already done that to no avail. Well ok I haven't tried it in my laptop yet. I have lost faith on that old dongle anyways at this point.

I'm not sure what the process is for buying a new dongle and getting it registered, but I think I'm just going to order a new one.

At 27 dollars for a new one. I don't think that's a bad price to pay. They haven't suggested this yet, but I think that's where this is eventually headed.

I mean, I bought in and jumped three versions for 399.00. This is almost unheard of. I plan to maybe get some Vienna libraries later and they use the same system, so 27 bucks to get everything cleared up is not unreasonable for me at this point.

And @simon Thanks again for your help. I'll update if anyone cares to know. At this point though, it would appear my dongle must have taken a nose dive.

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2 hours ago, Tim Smith said:

And @simon Thanks again for your help. I'll update if anyone cares to know. At this point though, it would appear my dongle must have taken a nose dive.

please update if you get any info.

It's seems a really big coincidence that your dongle dies at the same time as lots of other people have issues ?  It's probably worth having a spare anyway although the dongle has limited life nowadays - even for VSL.   Steinberg can activate your new dongle with the old licences too - a bit like the ilok zero-downtime thing.

worth a try I swapping it out  but try in your laptop first !



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2 hours ago, Tim Smith said:

In my case I think I probably have a bad dongle. Matthias confirmed they could not connect to my dongle.

I was asked to try different ports on my computer, try another computer etc. I have already done that to no avail. Well ok I haven't tried it in my laptop yet. I have lost faith on that old dongle anyways at this point.

I'm not sure what the process is for buying a new dongle and getting it registered, but I think I'm just going to order a new one.

At 27 dollars for a new one. I don't think that's a bad price to pay. They haven't suggested this yet, but I think that's where this is eventually headed.

I mean, I bought in and jumped three versions for 399.00. This is almost unheard of. I plan to maybe get some Vienna libraries later and they use the same system, so 27 bucks to get everything cleared up is not unreasonable for me at this point.

And @simon Thanks again for your help. I'll update if anyone cares to know. At this point though, it would appear my dongle must have taken a nose dive.

You would be screwed if you had VSL libraries.  Their replacement for lost licenses is expensive. 

I thought registering your elicensers  on Steinberg was a fail safe.

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3 hours ago, Tim Smith said:

In my case I think I probably have a bad dongle. Matthias confirmed they could not connect to my dongle.

I was asked to try different ports on my computer, try another computer etc. I have already done that to no avail. Well ok I haven't tried it in my laptop yet. I have lost faith on that old dongle anyways at this point.

I'm not sure what the process is for buying a new dongle and getting it registered, but I think I'm just going to order a new one.

At 27 dollars for a new one. I don't think that's a bad price to pay. They haven't suggested this yet, but I think that's where this is eventually headed.

I mean, I bought in and jumped three versions for 399.00. This is almost unheard of. I plan to maybe get some Vienna libraries later and they use the same system, so 27 bucks to get everything cleared up is not unreasonable for me at this point.

And @simon Thanks again for your help. I'll update if anyone cares to know. At this point though, it would appear my dongle must have taken a nose dive.

VSL is moving to iLok, don't know when though. I bought a few SB dongle spares years ago for cheap. I have yet to use them though as I'm still using my original that I purchased needed to use VSL Opus, I think it's over 20 years old now?  They're in storage otherwise I'd gladly send you one for free.

Edited by Hidden Symmetry
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Thanks @Hidden Symmetry that is very kind of you.

My last conversation with Steinberg rep Matthias involved him asking me to try all of my USB ports which I had already done. He also asked me to try the dongle in another computer. This I had not tried.

Matthias was going to check with his support dept. to see if there were any other options besides me buying a new dongle because basically they couldn't see my dongle.

I put the dongle in my laptop and downloaded the elicenser control program.  My licenses came up immediately. * scratches head* 

Either they did something I was unaware of on the server end or loading the control program on my laptop suddenly made something work, which seems to make no sense *scratches head again*

After transferring the dongle to my DAW everything went smooth as silk. Prior to this I tried every USB port on my DAW and nothing worked. This last time it even worked using my hub.

Matthias was very helpful. I still don't know exactly what fixed it. All I can say is I can see the licenses and I have version 12 loaded and working. Yay!



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