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Cubase 12 is here...


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I missed out on getting Cubase during the Gibson debacle and have always been irritated with SB's non-response to inquiries about providing some (if even minimal) discount for current SB customers to purchase Cubase.  I have long-had WaveLab Pro, Absolute, & SpectaLayers.  Only Crickets.  I'd still like to have it (if only gas) but have a hard time justifying the crossgrade price of $369.99 with the DAWs I have and money I don't have.

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30 minutes ago, Fwrend said:

I missed out on getting Cubase during the Gibson debacle and have always been irritated with SB's non-response to inquiries about providing some (if even minimal) discount for current SB customers to purchase Cubase.  I have long-had WaveLab Pro, Absolute, & SpectaLayers.  Only Crickets.  I'd still like to have it (if only gas) but have a hard time justifying the crossgrade price of $369.99 with the DAWs I have and money I don't have.

Pick up a license for Cubase AI or LE for dirt cheap on KVR...then get the upgrade to Pro for $260 more or less
at Best Service


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On 3/2/2022 at 9:03 PM, Yan Filiatrault said:

@cclarry Got this on another forum, maybe you can try it:

So you have to run eLicenser Maintenance to change the Cubase 11 licence to "Grace Period Eligible", then Steinberg Activation Manager to run the Grace Period check, it then e-mails you a Download Access Code to paste into Steinberg Download assistant which pulls up eLicenser CC to perform the upgrade.

This ^^
I figured this out by accident. Spent a whole day before that trying to figure out how to get it working.

I was getting an error with e-licenser on the first day when I tried to perform maintenance tasks to see if the free upgrade would show up. It finally worked yesterday. The license then changed to Grace Period Eligible as mentioned by Yan above.

But I was still trying to figure out how to go from there and randomly checking all steinberg installers/ download managers. Then I read somewhere on the Steinberg site that Version 12 and further will not be authorised through the E-licenser but the Activation Manager.

Went smoothly after that. Did the Grace Period check through the Activation Manager, got code in email and it upgraded immediately.


Edit: After the free upgrade the status in the E-Licenser changed from Grace Period Eligible to  Not Upgradable.  The Cubase version still shows as the original one there. Does not show version12. Though on launching version 12 works fine now.

Edited by Kal S
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1 minute ago, cclarry said:

I did that and it never changed my License to "Grace Period Eligible".  THAT has been the issue
from the start.

I did get a lot of errors with the e-licenser on the first day that I tried. I just gave up and tried after two days. It got fixed on its own.

Hope you are able to resolve it soon too.

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@Kal S The only thing I see that resembles what you are calling an "activation manager" is when my version 12 tries to load and I dismiss it. Then I get an option under my ID to run a grace period check.  Grace period check fails every time for me even though I have a grace period license on the Steinberg site.

It looks to me like the maint. Steinberg required me to run in my elicenser ERASED my licenses. When I try to put in the activation code again it tells me it doesn't see an elicenser.

I guess I'll submit a support ticket. Yay.

Many times these things can either fail or succeed based on the sequence of the steps you take. I suspect if I had tried the grace period check through 12 before I ran maintenance on my dongle all would have probably been ok. That maintenance step caused a real problem.

I can confirm that version 11 is also missing from my licenses.

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1 hour ago, kitekrazy said:

I hate the Steinberg eco system like their download assistant.  I'm leery of downloading Halion stuff because it installed where it wants to. 

Can you move it after the fact with the Steinberg Library Manger?  That's what I've done in the past.

Also, IIRC, you can specify a default installation path for future installs.

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Well @locrian I'm glad you and others managed to get it working.

I received an email from Steinberg stating I would be served in order of requests. Since I waited quite awhile thinking I could figure it out myself and save them the trouble I am likely far down the waiting list. I really thought I was overlooking something until it finally clicked the elicenser server was down.

What appears to me to have happened is Steinberg delayed release of version 12 to attempt to get the bugs worked out of the new licensing process.

 Knowing them I believe they put a pretty noble effort into it. This whole thing probably wasn't their main forte and some of that old fear of loosing control crept back in. The same fear that kept them from moving to this 5 years ago. Finally, after loosing revenue over it to other DAWs they decided they had to make a move.

What we are left with now is going to be a painful trial and error process. I believe they probably knew there would be certain issues.

Elimination of the hardware dongle means they had to find a way to discard the licenses on it and transfer them to the computer instead. The license elimination part of that worked great for me ?

Just one teeny tiny little oversight that didn't relocate the licenses onto my computer. That's all. No biggie. Now you see it, now you don't. Cubase magic! The disappearing licenses.

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9 hours ago, Tim Smith said:

Just one teeny tiny little oversight that didn't relocate the licenses onto my computer. That's all. No biggie. Now you see it, now you don't. Cubase magic! The disappearing licenses.

How far did you get?  Were you able to install C12 (but got stuck at activation)?

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10 minutes ago, cclarry said:

Still nada...I think it's time to say goodbye to Steinberg...

What's the support of other DAWs like out of curiosity?

Especially around major version releases. I'm kind of used to constantly hearing of servers and support buckling during a new release, or even just a freebie at times..

A few easily come to mind ?

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5 minutes ago, cclarry said:

Most DAW's support is pretty quick to respond.  I get that it's a new launch, but over a week?
Nah....that's just not right....

I haven't really needed too much support before, but I have used NI support and IKM.. I was sufficiently underwhelmed ?

I think with this one, the whole licence type conversion created more hassles. I'm inclined to cut them slack this time, as they're ditching their antiquated eLicensing and their server bottlenecks for it..

But on the next major release they would want to hope they're a lot better at getting back to customers by the sounds!

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