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Can't get virtual instruments to record

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  • 3 months later...

Okay, here's my problem with this entire thread.  People are asking a perfectly reasonable question (albeit, over and over) and getting berated for it.  That's because the answer(s) aren't clear and in some cases are incomprehensible or don't address the ultimate aim of the question.  It's my guess that at least some of the very frustrated people asking this question have gone to YouTube and viewed this tutorial: How to use cakewalk for beginners.   Now, if someone can explain to us how Mr. Simple Green Tech managed to make it work, I'm sure we'll all go away happy.  The problem is, we've followed his directions exactly and it seems to work for him but not for us.  Yeah, we're a bunch of nubes, but we're not stupid.  What's probably misleading about that video is that he doesn't show the mechanism for adding the various drums.  You see the drums being hit on the plugin display, but you don't see how he's doing it.  My guess is he's using the keyboard on his computer or the virtual keyboard you get by hitting Alt-0.  It would certainly be nice if you could actually use the plugin to put down the notes, but maybe that's not possible.  Have to assume that the way Cakewalk works someone would have done it if it were.

Edited by Ken
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5 hours ago, Ken said:

Okay, here's my problem with this entire thread.  People are asking a perfectly reasonable question (albeit, over and over) and getting berated for it.  That's because the answer(s) aren't clear and in some cases are incomprehensible or don't address the ultimate aim of the question.  It's my guess that at least some of the very frustrated people asking this question have gone to YouTube and viewed this tutorial: How to use cakewalk for beginners.   Now, if someone can explain to us how Mr. Simple Green Tech managed to make it work, I'm sure we'll all go away happy.  The problem is, we've followed his directions exactly and it works for him but not for us.  Yeah, we're a bunch of nubes, but we're not stupid.  There's something wrong with Cakewalk when its own virtual instrument plugins play but don't record.

The simple answer is playing the instrument with a mouse does not generate any MIDI data that can be recorded. That function is only for auditioning the sounds, not recording them. In reading through the thread that appears to be an assumption that this should work. It does not.

You can generate MIDI data in real time with an external MIDI controller assigned as input to the track that the instrument is on, as well as by using the Cakewalk virtual MIDI controller or PC keyboard on that instrument track.

Other options instead of recording in real time are to use pre-recorded MIDI loops, or to generate your own MIDI patterns in any of the following: the piano roll view, step sequencer, or staff view. All are time proven methods of recording MIDI for Cakewalk virtual instruments.

Edited by abacab
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On 8/25/2020 at 2:36 PM, Ken said:

Okay, here's my problem with this entire thread.  People are asking a perfectly reasonable question (albeit, over and over) and getting berated for it.  That's because the answer(s) aren't clear and in some cases are incomprehensible or don't address the ultimate aim of the question.  It's my guess that at least some of the very frustrated people asking this question have gone to YouTube and viewed this tutorial: How to use cakewalk for beginners.   Now, if someone can explain to us how Mr. Simple Green Tech managed to make it work, I'm sure we'll all go away happy.  The problem is, we've followed his directions exactly and it seems to work for him but not for us.  Yeah, we're a bunch of nubes, but we're not stupid.  What's probably misleading about that video is that he doesn't show the mechanism for adding the various drums.  You see the drums being hit on the plugin display, but you don't see how he's doing it.  My guess is he's using the keyboard on his computer or the virtual keyboard you get by hitting Alt-0.  It would certainly be nice if you could actually use the plugin to put down the notes, but maybe that's not possible.  Have to assume that the way Cakewalk works someone would have done it if it were.

There is something odd with your link. I got a page with a "YouTube Privacy Warning."  It seems you have posted a link to specific search using a specific search engine. Maybe you could fix that by putting a link to the video itself, not the search query.

Out of curiosity, at what time marking does the advice about SI-Drums begin? 3:16? 

I did the steps from 3:16 to 3:49 with a new template that already has a 2 measure count-in and I used Comping Mode instead of changing it to Sound-on-Sound Mode. Also, in the wizard, I changed the MIDI Input device to my usb keyboard.

It worked exactly as expected (recording and playback).

I started over and did the same thing choosing the Virtual Controller as my MIDI Input device. It worked exactly as expected, too.

OH.  I see.  He doesn't tell users (1) to turn on MIDI echo and (2) to go to Views > Virtual Controller.  He could have also shown how to select the MIDI Input device from the Wizard.

Personally, I think those steps are more critical than setting the count-in and selecting Sound-on-Sound Mode--esp. for total beginners. 

BTW, there are a number of ways to Insert an Instrument/Soft Synth.  Today I learned that the [+] will call up the Insert Instrument wizard. (I use other methods having started using with Cakewalk before the Track Insertion Wizard.)

As for using the plug-in to put down notes, just a guess here, but I suspect because the plug-in can be used to play drum patterns via the pattern selection/transport interface, the plug-in is specifically designed not to record midi and audio by clicking on the drum kit images or the patterns.    



Edited by User 905133
to fix typo ["for" not "or"]
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42 minutes ago, User 905133 said:

As for using the plug-in to put down notes, just a guess here, but I suspect because the plug-in can be used to play drum patterns via the pattern selection/transport interface, the plug-in is specifically designed not to record midi and audio by clicking on the drum kit images or the patterns.   

As the plug-in itself is not a MIDI controller.

Available MIDI controllers will show up in the track inspector or track header (including the virtual controller) as the available inputs to a MIDI /Instrument Track. That is where the real-time MIDI input data is routed to the instrument plugin (and MIDI track).

A virtual instrument takes MIDI data in (live or pre-recorded), and generates sound as audio output.

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7 minutes ago, abacab said:

As the plug-in itself is not a MIDI controller.

Also, selecting "Midi Source" will not produce midi output (so far as my testing showed).

I suspect we are saying the same thing with different explanations: not a midi controller = not capable of serving as a MIDI source?

For example, Voltage Modular as MIDI source shows up as a MIDI input in the track widget.

PS: I know you know this; doing it to add incremental details for the benefit of "newbies."

Edited by User 905133
fix typos and add a PS
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Some effect and synth plug-ins pass through or generate MIDI data.

These plug-ins appear in the MIDI input drop down of every instrument and MIDI track except the track sending data to the plug-in. This avoids the possibility of a MIDI feedback loop.

Voltage Modular is one such plug-in.


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Right, there are some 3rd party instruments that do, but in order to avoid  confusing the matter, the OP's original statement was:


I'm just trying to get the virtual instruments packaged with the new Cakewalk to record

The Cakewalk bundled instruments do not generate MIDI.


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12 hours ago, abacab said:

Right, there are some instruments that do, but in order to avoid  confusing the matter, the OP's original statement was:

JMO: I think the video confuses new users by (1) leaving out important details and (2) mentioning some details too early in the learning process. Yes, references to MIDI Source and Track Widgets might be more advanced concepts, but they are pedagogical seeds that (a) can be easily ignored and (b) will be important.  Leaving out critical steps usually tends to be far more confusing than planting seeds for "aha moments."

I am guessing we disagree on that; which is fine; just wanted you to know I intentionally planted them and my pedagogical rationale.

If I had misinterpreted the @Ken's post or neglected to address it, that would be a totally different matter.

Edited by User 905133
(2) to fix a typos ["too" not "to]; (1) To make it clear I was directly responding to Ken's tacked on post, not specifically the OP from over a year ago
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I was just stating facts that could hopefully help someone that just stumbled onto this thread. Not trying to start a debate.

And I have never seen an instructional video for Cakewalk beginners that  didn't pile on too much up front,  or leave something out. So would agree most of them fall short in some way. IMHO a DAW like Cakewalk isn't really ideal for absolute beginners, because it is so deep. But we all have to start somewhere, and the price of entry is quite attractive to those just starting out. ?


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13 hours ago, abacab said:

I was just stating facts that could hopefully help someone that just stumbled onto this thread. Not trying to start a debate.

The 2020 post by Ken stemmed directly from the Original Post from May 2019, expressed some concerns about some of the replies to the Original Post, and then addressed some specifics about something being missing and therefore confusing in a 2020 video directed at beginners.

To be honest, it was a bit tedious to go through the video to try to determine if Ken just didn't notice something that was there, if the video left some things out, if the method did in fact work as presented in the video and Ken was off-base, or to try to verify that the problem was simply the lack of mentioning to use Alt+0.

My reply related to the video directly addressed the 2020 post even though the video wasn't around in 2019 when the OP was written. 

Let's agree to disagree on all of this. 


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various edits to simplify reply
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  • 1 month later...
On 4/12/2020 at 3:19 PM, TimAmyJo said:

Doesn't look like anybody answered the initial question? I can't get my virtual instruments to record either? I can hear the drum, but when I record, it does not record?

I've got it set up just like the "Creative Sauce" you tube channel says to do and I can't get it to record at all...?



Edited by Vernon Smith
I want to delete my post. I now see the long thread of turmoil and wish not to join it. Thanks.
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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I opened a new project. I recorded a bass line and added some drums. After I recorded a piano piece, I could hear the same tune of the baseline in the piano track even though I recorded a different tune with the piano. The drums and the bass line is heard and the electric piano as well but the tune of the bass line is heard in the piano's track. Please help me with this. 


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44 minutes ago, Lennard Mario said:

I opened a new project. I recorded a bass line and added some drums. After I recorded a piano piece, I could hear the same tune of the baseline in the piano track even though I recorded a different tune with the piano. The drums and the bass line is heard and the electric piano as well but the tune of the bass line is heard in the piano's track. Please help me with this. 


Make sure that you record each instrument on a separate track. And only "Arm" your current track for recording. See example in video below. It is queued up to start at 11:44 mm:ss.

There are some excellent tutorial videos posted online. Suggest watching them. ?


Edited by abacab
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  • 3 months later...
On 5/29/2019 at 3:26 PM, tleaustin said:

Total newbie here. I'm just trying to get the virtual instruments packaged with the new Cakewalk to record, such as Drum Kit 1. I open a new project, select Basic. I select "Insert" then "Soft Synth" and Drums, and SI-Drum Kit. This adds  a track and assigns a default midi port. I can bring up the kit, select a sample pattern and loop it. I hear it in my headphones, and I see sound bars in the drum and master mix channels. I arm the drum track to record, then hit the main record button (set to overwrite).  There is an active sound bar in the drum track and I hear the drums, but I do not see any sound patterns on the track itself, and there is nothing after I hit the stop button and attempt the play button.

Is there some setting I'm missing? I've looked at the midi port settings, tried some variations with the other soft synths such as strings. The default is the Virtual Controller assigned to Midi Omni. I've tried setting this specifically to the SI-Drum Kit 1,  Midi Omni, but still nothing is recorded.

I'm running on an HP laptop, 16 GB RAM, Windows 8.1, new Cakewalk installation a few days ago. Thanks for any ideas to get me out of the ditch!

Could you solve this issue? I have exactly the same problem now. I can only record midi when I draw the notes manually but not when I play them, although I can hear what I play.

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