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Can't get virtual instruments to record

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I can't see as the Simple Instrument Track (SIT) doesn't display MIDI input, but my guess is that its MIDI track is either not configured to use the virtual keyboard as its input or the note range is wrong (do you get any MIDI recorded at all on the SIT track?).

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Please excuse any over simplification here, or repeated info from earlier posts. I am trying to make this statement as complete and brief as possible.

There are two different things related to recording virtual instruments that need to be understood, since a virtual instrument uses two tracks, one for MIDI input, and one for audio output. You can record either or both, and the setup will vary depending on what you need to accomplish.

1. MIDI input. Record the MIDI data that you perform via a MIDI controller set to the track input. MIDI has no sound, it is essentially only note and controller data. Note: if you are playing back a MIDI file or MIDI loop pattern (often included in drum instruments), you already have the MIDI data. So there is no need to be concerned with recording any more MIDI for this instrument. However, if you are performing the MIDI part in real-time from an external keyboard controller or MIDI drum pads, you may wish to capture the MIDI from that performance, for further editing, etc.

This here excellent video covers the MIDI recording for a drum virtual instrument. It is queued up to begin at 6:45 in the video (Adding Instruments), but you may want to view from the beginning. Mike is a great tutor!


2. Audio output. To capture the audio output of a virtual instrument, if that is what you are trying to do, is a bit different.

Scroll down to "To record Audio Only". You will need to insert an additional audio track for this purpose, as it will be explained here:



To record audio only

You can treat a soft synth like an external hardware synthesizer and record only the synth audio instead of the MIDI performance.



Edited by abacab
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello Everyone,

I am facing a problem from some days. I have a plugin of virtual keyboard (surrealistic mg plus), from some days i am not able to record the instruments, when press Record button and start to play that virtual inst., it doesnt create the waveform and no recording done.

Can you please help to figure out this issue, I think some setting has been changed.



record vst issue.png

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Hi Everyone,


Just compared with my old laptop settings, If you also have the same problem , you can checkout this point also.

when you add the vst instrument track , Please check the option of "enable MIDIoutput", it should be flagged.


All the best. Happy recording.

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Instrument tracks like the one shown in the image record MIDI data.

They display audio waveforms only when the track is frozen. 

The Surrealistic MG-1 VST3 has Enable MIDI Output selected by default but it is not necessary for recording.

There is not enough information in

4 hours ago, Dewanshu Mathur said:

i am not able to record the instruments, when press Record button and start to play that virtual inst., it doesnt create the waveform and no recording done.

How is the instrument being played while recording - a hardware controller, the virtual controller or the keyboard on the plug-in UI?

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6 hours ago, Dewanshu Mathur said:

Hello Everyone,

I am facing a problem from some days. I have a plugin of virtual keyboard (surrealistic mg plus), from some days i am not able to record the instruments, when press Record button and start to play that virtual inst., it doesnt create the waveform and no recording done.

Can you please help to figure out this issue, I think some setting has been changed.



record vst issue.png

Of course there's no waveform.  Read abacab's earlier post.

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7 hours ago, Dewanshu Mathur said:

Hello Everyone,

I am facing a problem from some days. I have a plugin of virtual keyboard (surrealistic mg plus), from some days i am not able to record the instruments, when press Record button and start to play that virtual inst., it doesnt create the waveform and no recording done.

Can you please help to figure out this issue, I think some setting has been changed.



record vst issue.png


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  • 2 months later...

Before you try the steps below, check that you aren't in punch record mode.

I had the exact same problem.

I think there are many answers in this thread that don't understand the problem.

You don't need piano rolls or the like if you have a midi controller.

I have 3 instances of the same soft synth running different patches.

If you look at track 15 on the bottom below, you will see that there are no dots in the lane to the right of the clip.

For some reason that seems to indicate something but I think it is co-incidental.

The virtual controller I am using is a Nektar LX25+

I went through all my tracks that were using midi input and reset the input on the inactive tracks to none as shown below then it worked as normal.

The small clip in the lane was recorded from the keyboard.

I hope that helps.



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I think the cause of confusion is that a simple instrument track is a hybrid track made up of a combined MIDI track and Audio track. Simple is probably not the best name, because it's not entirely intuitive. It's handy for plug and play though.

MIDI controller input (or a MIDI clip, piano roll, or step sequencer) triggers the instrument (soft synth), that then generates the audio output.

If you want to record the MIDI from your controller, that can be done directly on the instrument track. It just needs an active MIDI input, must be armed for record, and the input echo should be enabled only for that track.

If you want to access the audio track for your instrument, you may want to begin by inserting an instrument as separate audio and MIDI track types, using options for MIDI source, and synth audio outputs, rather than as a simple instrument track.

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  • 1 month later...

I am stunned that the people answering this simple question are not giving an answer.

The procedures you outline might be fine if there is NO PROBLEM.

however I am having the same issue and the answers avoid the issue.

If everything is done properly why might it not work.

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If you are not having success, then you are not doing everything properly.

There are many good suggestions in this thread, but this topic has become a 2+ year old mashup of problems. and you are like the 10th person to add yet another problem to a thread that should have died a long time ago. There is no one size fits all solution for every problem.

But rather than accusing this community of not giving an answer to YOUR problem, go RTFM and watch the getting started tutorial videos. Get comfortable with the Cakewalk basics.

Then, rather than tailgating on an old thread with a "me too" post, please start your own thread, giving details about your setup, and a detailed step by step of what you have tried that did not work.

Then somebody might be able to help you with YOUR problem. ?

All the best!

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On 10/1/2021 at 3:53 AM, loyd said:

I am stunned that the people answering this simple question are not giving an answer.

The procedures you outline might be fine if there is NO PROBLEM.

however I am having the same issue and the answers avoid the issue.

If everything is done properly why might it not work.

The only "problem" the OP had was understanding how the DAW works.

Do not expect a different answer to the OP as it was answered in detail.

Don't like the answer -- that's OK. Can't do much about that.

Don't understand the answer -- that's OK too. Maybe if you start your own thread and detail the issue you are having you may get a more suitable reply.

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  • 4 months later...

I would think that you would understand by now that users want and expect to be able to record the virtual instruments tracks WITHOUT having to jump through hoops.

It's sad that rather than provide this functionality you smugly scold to "read the whole topic" as if this resolves the problem- it doesn't.

Listen to the users!

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1 hour ago, Jack Harper said:

I would think that you would understand by now that users want and expect to be able to record the virtual instruments tracks WITHOUT having to jump through hoops.

It's sad that rather than provide this functionality you smugly scold to "read the whole topic" as if this resolves the problem- it doesn't.

Listen to the users!

Hoops are not required, nor is reading the whole topic. There is a useful search function in the top bar of the forum that will allow you to search the contents of a thread for a specific search phrase.  In any case this particular topic should have been locked long ago, as the original posted question was solved, and then others added their question to it along the way. Fyi, this thread was started almost 3 years ago, and contains multiple questions and answers.

So this thread has become a rather confusing mess for anyone else stumbling across it. It's not an organized FAQ, it that's what you are seeking!

Cakewalk is a complex DAW, and you should start with the documentation and tutorials, to help out with the learning curve. The YouTube videos linked above from Creative Sauce would be a good place to start.

Then if you have any specific questions you would like answered by the community, please start your own topic with YOUR question. ?

Edited by abacab
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1 hour ago, abacab said:

Cakewalk is a complex DAW, and you should start with the documentation and tutorials, to help out with the learning curve. The YouTube videos linked above from Creative Sauce would be a good place to start.


RTFM people! Probably 90% of the brain-dead simple basic functions like this can be easily solved by not being too lazy to crack open a book once in awhile.

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2 hours ago, Jack Harper said:

I would think that you* would understand by now** that users*** want and expect to be able to record the virtual instruments tracks WITHOUT having to jump through hoops.****

*Vague use of a pronoun.  Is "you" a reference to the person who last posted to the thread?  Another Cakewalk user who responded previously?  Everyone who responded previously?  A collective "you" referring to everyone? 

**"By now" seems to indicate a negative attitude or feeling, perhaps frustration, anger, annoyance, etc.  Why pick up on a relatively old thread that was in fact answered early on?  Just so you can vent your negativity?

***Could you be more specific? Which users?  Or are you projecting the your own frustration or anger or whatever it is?

*****Learning anything requires mental effort.  Some things require more effort than others.  "WITHOUT having to jump through hoops" seems clearly designed to attack and annoy whoever "you" is. Since I participated in this thread, YOU might even be including me in your verbal attack.  I resent that!!!!!!!

ADDENDUM: By any chance are you referring to this post which was made early on in the thread, in fact on the first page of the thread (3 pages ago), soon to be two years old?

On 4/19/2020 at 12:37 AM, Nigel Mackay said:

And also, please read the whole topic from top to bottom before adding your question. You are the 3rd person to ask the same question on this page. You are the 3rd person getting exactly the same answers. The very first answer on this page by @scook is the answer.


Edited by User 905133
To add a quote from page 1 of the thread which MIGHT provide the answer to the question, Who is "you?"
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Unfortunately, I was automatically *following* this thread because I responded to it a couple of years ago. So every time someone digs up this old thread to complain, I get a new notification. ?

Probably time to *un-follow* it now! :)

Hopefully this thread does get locked, so folks won't waste any more time with it.

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