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9 hours ago, craigb said:

 Looks like Kenny can still afford drugs! ? 

I  read Dante's Inferno  when I was young and too broke to afford drugs :)

Dante's Inferno is not a religious work even though there may be an occasional reference . Dante's Inferno is  a Classic Literary  Masterpiece  ...

In this video the story starts around the 4 min mark. PS I may need drugs just to understand some of this story now that I'm older ?


Edited by kennywtelejazz
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1 hour ago, Notes_Norton said:

78F/25.5C today

65F/18C tonight


Not sure if I would like it like that all the time. I love the different seasons. It's 8°F/-18°C here today. 

When my wife was in Hawaii for work last year she said people were complaining it was winter. They had coats on. It was in the low 80s instead of upper 80s iirc. It's all what you are used to I guess. For example its 8F here today and I was out shoveling snow with just sweat pants and a light sweater no coat because there's low humidity here. Back home in NJ near the ocean when it's below 40F it's almost unbearable because of the moisture in the air.

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23 minutes ago, InstrEd said:

The horror! I can't bear to watch the carbon footprint you are making ?

Actually ... LOL ... wood is a green source of energy. It leaves the same carbon footprint burned or laying there rotting. IOW no increased emissions just a rate difference.

What bothers me are the people who don't know how to properly start and maintain a fire. If it's always smoldering and smokey that's bad, but done properly there should be almost zero smoke/particulate. 

I bought a moisture sensor this year because I cut and split a bunch of wood early in the year and didn't want to burn it green. It seasoned perfectly by fall. Got a little over a cord out of it.


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4 minutes ago, Shane_B. said:

Actually ... LOL ... wood is a green source of energy. It leaves the same carbon footprint burned or laying there rotting. IOW no increased emissions just a rate difference.


And you have a heat-ex-changer fireplace....very efficient!

When California and other states have huge forest fires...I just cringe.  All that wood wasted because they can't manage their resources properly.   It is the opposite of green.


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2 hours ago, InstrEd said:

It is a very nice looking fireplace.    Always wanted one. Maybe in my retirement domicile. 

It's cost prohibitive to build a house with one like this in it anymore. Only people with a lot of money building custom homes have true mason built fireplaces anymore. The modern inserts that use insulated steel flues are nice but they can't heat like this does. If I ever built a place I'd do a wood stove. They seem to be much more efficient than the inserts. There is a concerted effort to ban LP and Natural gas now so there may come a time when you can't even have one other than electric. They are nice but don't help you when the power goes out. Gas stoves and ovens are being banned all over the country in new construction, mainly in CA and NY. I'm sure home heating, water, and fireplaces will be next if not already. They are trying to force everyone to electric.

We got very lucky when we found this place. It is an older custom built home. The lady who had it built passed away a long time ago and it sat empty for almost 2 years. It passed hands quite a few times and the last couple who lived here got married, moved in, and in less than a year got divorced and wanted to dump it to get away from each other. I can see why too. It's almost doubled in value since we've lived here and Mr. Wilson and Mr. Heath don't even know about the repairs. ;)

There are two fireplaces and 3 flue's. The third is for the gas water heater and gas furnace vents. The guy who came to inspect and clean it when we bought the place said he's been doing this for 25 years and it's the biggest fireplace he's ever seen. They actually welded the the forced air ducts for the furnace in to the blower box and it heats the entire house through the vents. I just did a quick measurement. It's roughly 36" Wide, 30" Deep, and 32" tall before it starts to tapers to the flue. I would be afraid to fill it. I think it would get too hot and crack the tile in the flue even though it has steel liners. The hottest I ever had it in here was 88F burning Hedge.

But yeah, we're very lucky to have found this place when we did even though it needed a ton of work. It's sort of been my job to remodel it. It's taking far FAR longer than I expected due to health reasons when I first moved here and an accident I was in. But I'm a lot better now and want to finish it so I can get back out in to the real world amongst the living again.

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On 2/3/2022 at 11:41 AM, Shane_B. said:

Not sure if I would like it like that all the time. I love the different seasons. It's 8°F/-18°C here today. 

<...snip...>. It's all what you are used to I guess.<...>

I don't mind the heat, and don't live with Air Conditioner. I painted my roof white and planted shade trees around my house 30 years ago. But if it gets under 70, I get chilly, under 60 and I'm cold.

We have seasons here in Florida, they are more subtle, though. Spring is bright green and the dry season, Summer is the rainy season, and in the winter, although most plants keep their green leaves, they are dormant and not pushing out new growth.

When I was on the road touring the country, I spent some time in the snow. I gigged in Ispeming Michigan, where it snowed every day, except for the freezing rain day. It was an experience, I'm glad I did it, but I'd rather not live with it.

To each his/her own. There is more than one right way to go through life.

Notes ♫

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