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Young opted for Amazon …


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When I think "High End Audio" or high quality audio, the last thing that comes to mind is rock and the type of music he does. Have you seen his latest video? Sounds horrible, guitars out of tune, recorded in a barn ... and he's demanding people listen to his music on a high definition streaming service? No thanks.

Listen at 2:25 ... It went all crash in the loudspeaker. And this guy is preaching to the world about "high quality audio". LOL!


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19 minutes ago, Bapu said:

"make better words"

I thought he made records?

He has distortion on the brain so to speak. HAH! He comes from a world where they strive to eliminate distortion and I think he has a hard time articulating how to capture it cleanly.

I saw another video of his and I can't find it now where he's talking about what sample rate to record at. 192kHz/16bit is what he said is the best IIRC. Definitely 192kHz, but I can't recall if he said 16 or 24 bit. In his world, and the real world too I guess, he feels there is enough dynamic range in a 16bit file. He tries to capture the stuff you can feel but can't hear with the 192kHz. I guess that's fine if you have a $30,000 dollar pair of his speakers being driven by another $90,000 dollars worth of his equipment that actually can produce things you can't hear. Man, I'm in the wrong business.

They just released a new series of speakers. The FR30's are $28,499 a pair. Free white glove delivery though so there's that. What blows my mind is the first two runs of the speakers sold out. They are on their 3rd production run now.

I have to admit, the distortion thing is real IRG to HiFi amps. The most stunning and beautiful thing I've ever heard were a pair of Magnepan's driven by a McIntosh MA5300 amp. So clear and so real that for the first time ever I could actually pick out where each and every thing in the recording was coming from. It was amazing, as well as the price.

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10 minutes ago, SteveStrummerUK said:
11 minutes ago, SteveStrummerUK said:

Other rivers in which to put his entire back catalogue are available.

Too soon?

It is rather strange that you seem to enjoy talking to ourself ...



... but that was quite funny about the river.



Well done                      : -)

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9 hours ago, SteveStrummerUK said:

You're mekong a fool of yourself Paulo.

Well, to be honest, yukon fool all of the people some of the time.



Have mersey on Strummy folks, but it seems tay be that tee's brought forth a reply that contains no less than severn river puns. Wye did he think he could win? I think wear about to see what he's made of.....















(without even leaving my homeland)

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