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No Blobs

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I'm running Cakewalk by Bandlab 2019.05 (Build 31) and Melodyne Editor I think these are the latest versions of both. When Melodyne works, it's great, but it's hit or miss when I create a region FX with it. Sometimes when the editor opens I have blobs, and sometimes not. I have tried making sure my timeline cursor is in the region. I have selected long regions (12 measures) and short ones (less than one bar), and it's erratic either way -- sometimes I get blobs, and sometimes not. If I have no blobs I can't do anything, so I "remove region fx" and try again. Eventually it works, but it doesn't seem to be related to anything I'm doing. It just decides to work.

Any ideas about this? Thanks!

UPDATE: Just noticed this other thread about what seems to be the same problem. User thinks it might be in the German version of Melodyne, but I'm using the English version.

Edited by Larry Jones
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  On 5/24/2019 at 2:47 AM, Craig Anderton said:

Next time I'm in front of Melodyne, I'll see if I can jog my memory.


'preciate it, Craig. Take a look at Harry C.'s problem, too. It looks a lot like mine. I don't know if it would be a GUI issue, though, because when there are no blobs, most of the Melodyne menu items are greyed out, too. The blobs are (evidently) not just invisible. They really are not there.

Edited by Larry Jones
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  On 5/24/2019 at 3:43 AM, Noel Borthwick said:

Try turning on the option for clips following selection. I posted a screenshot here.



Do you mean "Options|Note Editor|Clip Mode?" The Note Editor flyout is one of the things that's greyed out when this happens. On my system, "Track Mode" is the one that has the checkmark, and I can't change it. On occasions when the blobs are displayed this menu item is active.

Edited by Larry Jones
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Starting with the newest bandlab it is hit and miss for me whether on not the blobs come up.  The option "follow clip selection in DAW" is checked.  Track mode is also selected and there is no way to change to "clip mode".

Never had problems before the new update

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Ok. Now, not only is Melodyine being hit-and-miss with having blobs when the project opens, but I just opened a project and the entire Melodyne Region edit is gone. The audio track still says "Melodyne" on it, like it has a region track, but I double-click it, or go through the menus to open it, and it only give me "Create Region FX". It's still pitch-correcting like the Region FX is still there, but I have absolutely no way to go in and edit it any longer. This is a serious problem!


Edited by Moving Air Productions
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Yes. I'm running into these issues a lot right now.


Sometimes I've been able to force the issue and sometimes not.

A few times I opened a region using the ctrl-m shortcut, no blobs, undo, open melodyne using rt-click region melodyne and the clips are there. Most recently, this didn't work. I get no blobs no matter what i do in this song.


...luckily v-vocal continues to work fine!


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I thought I had this same issue, but - I noticed that the melodyne region - what used to be just the selected clip to edit was now showing the whole length of the project and the issue for me was finding the small region I selected and finding the right zoom level to access. - Maybe there is switch to auto zoom the selected region?

I usually work on very small regions and clips typically to adjust a missed notes pitch or weird harmonic that I can tune out. Also- last time this happened I did a time line selection and not a small discreet split clip. Maybe this is why the whole project time line was showing in Melodyne ?

I'm still pretty new on anything except the basics.

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Sometimes new features like ARA2 are a boon for a few and a PITA for all the others that do not use it! ?

It is the same when a new Windows release brings a lot of wifi, smartphone and game stuff (e.g. 1803) and you use your Windows just for a DAW. Then it is likely that you have more trouble than joy of such an "improvement"!!! ?

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  On 5/26/2019 at 11:04 AM, Johnbee58 said:

I was finally going to update.  Seeing that there are still issues I think I'll wait a bit longer.

?John B.


I don't think there are " issues " - but Ara2 integration has a little different learning curve. The CbB update is fantastic - the audio editing on a micro scale  is very nice and it does solve issues related to the latest Melodyne release. There is serious work taking place on making CbB on of the best  DAWS available. The amount of work done in one year alone  is a pretty amazing testament to how serious Bandlab is about this software.

Edited by RBH
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  On 5/26/2019 at 7:31 PM, RBH said:

I don't think there are " issues " - but Ara2 integration has a little different learning curve. The CbB update is fantastic - the audio editing on a micro scale  is very nice and it does solve issues related to the latest Melodyne release. There is serious work taking place on making CbB on of the best  DAWS available. The amount of work done in one year alone  is a pretty amazing testament to how serious Bandlab is about this software.


Well, I'm working on two projects right now so I'm not in the mood for a learning curve.  I'll stick to what I have until I'm into the next writer's block.  Thanks so much for the heads up on this.


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Hi folks, with the ara2 integration if you are running Melodyne editor or higher a single Melodyne view is used to display the blobs for all clips in the project. You can think of Melodyne as the editor for all blobs in the project so no need to close and reopen for each clip.

In Melodyne Studio there is a setting (I thought it was in by default but could be mistaken) to follow clip selection in the daw. Make sure that is enabled and when you click on a clip the view should automatically scroll to highlight the selected clip.  See the screenshot.



If you switch tracks it should also follow the track selection. You can also double click a clip on a different track and Melodyne should automatically activate that track and follow the selection.

If you don't want to use a single view you can still open multiple views by pinning the open view and opening a fresh view on a different clip. To automatically pin a melodyne view and open a second view simply double click on the new melodyne clip you want to open while holding down the CTRL key. We don't show the pin icon on ARA views but you can still pin views this way and open multiple instances of Melodyne views if you prefer working that way. Note however that each view instance will still show multiple ARA clips unless you turn off follow clip selection in DAW from the Melodyne options.

That said if you still feel you are having issues please forward a project file with a description and I will look into it. Celemony is about to release a new update to version 4 which also fixes several Melodyne bugs that may be relevant to what you are seeing.


Edit: I incorrectly said SHIFT when I meant CTRL key. Also added clarification that the screenshot above is for Melodyne Studio. The clips follow tempo choice isn't available for lower versions.

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It appears that the new bandlab has introduced a new feature for Melodyne - non-functionality! 

Sorry couldn't resist. 

Tried the above ideas and there are simply no blobs for me anywhere.

I have faith they will get it all working again, but for now I'm using stand alone melodyne

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Thanks @Noel Borthwick! Since I access Melodyne the same way each time and get intermittent "no blobs" results, my problem may not be related to what you write above. When I get back to town later this week I'll test again using the good information you provided, and report back. I really appreciate your input on this.

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BLOB "Problem" FIXED. 

I figured out what is going on at least for me.   Select "Show track list" and it shows me the one track I have selected.



You would think this would come up with the track blobs selected automatically, but it doesn't for me so click on the little orange thing and: 



TA DA!  

so it seems you have to add another step or two to get the blobs there; 

I tried adding in another track and it added in the new track selecting it like one would expect and de-selecting the original: 



which is what i guess one would expect.  I then removed both and selected one again and again no blobs.

So the trick is to keep "show track list" selected and then turn on the blobs.  no big deal, just an extra step from what used to be.

And it's pretty cool to actually select two tracks and work on them together like in the stand alone.  pretty cool upgrade, just a bit confusing for those of us who used the old way.


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@HappyRon Hill thanks for reporting back.  I'm still not able to reproduce a case when it won't show blobs. However I am running the beta version they have that hasnt shipped yet. For me irrespective of whether "show track list" is enabled or not it always works as long as "Follow clip selection in DAW" is enabled (as I mentioned above). Once follow clip selection is on clicking on any melodyne clip always shows the data in the editor window.

As you discovered data being shown is controlled by clicking the orange icon in melodyne. That should get auto selected based on clip selection actions in the DAW when "Follow clip selection in DAW" is enabled. 

Are you saying in your case that if you have a single melodyne clip this doesnt work for you? Let me know and I can follow up with Celemony.

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