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Recording Spark amp with cakewalk results in broken audio

David Sampimon

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Hi all,

I own a Positive Grid Spark amp, which allows you to connect over usb and hook up as an audio interface with an ASIO driver.

When I try to record this in Cakewalk, it sounds terrible (bitcrushed and pitched). When I try to record the same in windows 10 voice recorder it sounds fine, which makes me think it is *something* specific to Cakewalk.

What I did:

- Installed the Spark audio driver

- Created a new cakewalk 'basic' project

- Selected 'Spark L/R/S' (tried all 3) on the input of channel 1

- Hit record

- Results sounds like absolute trash

- I double checked that both my project and driver are set to 48khz sample rate. Buffer on driver is set to 512 samples (default).

- Within windows voice recorder the same set up sounds fine

Be warned! I have attached a recording of the  terrible result, for all that is holy do not play this file on loud volume you will blow your ears and speakers.


broken audio.mp3

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Ya I have a USB connection from my Blackstar amp. It has a loud hiss. So I just use a mike into my interface. My friend has a Fender Mustang that also doesn’t work with USB.

But let’s just see, Maybe this one is better.
One thing is it’s not actually saying the driver is ASIO on the web site. 

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  • 6 months later...

I got my spark MINI a few weeks ago.  i think it sounds great and is really convenient.  i actually used it when i played at my friend's church a couple of weeks ago with a nice mic in front of it and the sound was fantastic.  they use only in-ears so the stage volume is very low.  you couldn't use it with a full band that has normal stage volume but it worked great for me.  also you can't beat the portability of having a rechargeable battery when you want to sit outside and play. it sounds surprisingly good for such a tiny thing.  there are lots of sounds available for download too to get you started.  you can also just plug in a set of good headphones and blast away and it sounds great.  my analog setup is a mesa boogie lonestar special with "boutique" pedals and my other main setup is a helix floor with powered speakers.  the spark isn't quite as good sounding as either of those but it's definitely a professional grade piece of gear.

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  • 6 months later...

I,m having problems recording on to cakewalk using my spark anp..... it records but the tempo and pitch are all over the place ?.... I can record using my m audio keystation and its fine but recording live with the guitar it's way out....any clues how to sort the problems ? it's driving me nuts..... just new to recording ?

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22 hours ago, david clay said:

I,m having problems recording on to cakewalk using my spark anp..... it records but the tempo and pitch are all over the place ?.... I can record using my m audio keystation and its fine but recording live with the guitar it's way out....any clues how to sort the problems ? it's driving me nuts..... just new to recording ?

Welcome to the forum.
Check that Cakewalk and the Spark amp are using the same sampling rate.
And start saving your money for a better audio interface.


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