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First 40 channel Mix Critique vs 5


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  I have started on my first ever 40 channel mix.
I will post all revisions and how the mix has developed below... I reckon there will be quite a few!!
Could I have your opinions please?

Thanks you for your ears and advice.

Dry tracks as received.. nothing added etc.  All tracks where mono.

First Mix.  The original tracks are recorded well (bought from on online streaming coarse)

Now remixed again and smashed ?

Mix 3 BandLab Mastered

Corrects LUFS

Call and response as advised by deeringamps.

Think I am nearly there now...  Mix 5
Any suggestions appreciated.

Billy Decker Professional Mix...  I have not altered anything.


Edited by garybrun
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Sounds good here on the DT990's.

There's something in the left can, a fiddle or electric slide? There's some fills there,"call and response", that I think were intended to be more upfront in the mix; again I stress, I think. Its a bit low in the left channel. My ears are not would they should be...


the tune has kind of an Ain't Goin' Down til The Sun Comes Up vibe.
A quick listen to that might give a bit of insight into the Country Rock genre; if you have any doubts...

Edited by DeeringAmps
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3 hours ago, garybrun said:

Mix 3... opinions please.

A load of fun with this one .. personally I am drawn to the 3rd mix as I think a brighter 'smashed' sound suits the overall song. Is that your vox I hear or part of the d/load ? The separation is just right and from 1 to 4, you have tried different mix ideas, because the actual song is so lively it's really hard to comment on how you arrived at these different mixes but that 'finish' is what it's all about .... and now my ears are shot !?


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@SupaReels you think your ears are smashed...lol
Ive added the dry tracks I received to the post..  just as is.
I also thought a brighter smashed sound really gave the song energy (Im not singing on this).
When I was mixing vs three I was bouncing in my chair... I think that's a good sign .
Kick, Snare and  tom are samples blended in with original drums..  (used trigger)
The mixes have different panning choices and volume levels on vocals and backing vocals, and guitars as well as the fiddle.
I brought the fiddle up as suggested..

No matter how hard I try I cant get a dry sound.
What I mean by this is that I seem to have more room and a more of a live sound.
The tracks where completely dry.
The only thing I can put this down to is being a live sound engineer for a while  ?
Mix 4 was done at correct LUFS..  but it just doesn't have that bounce that I wanted,,  but I posted here for peoples opinions.
So there are 4 different mixes... which are all different.
The instrumental shows all of the instruments and I hope they can all be heard clearly.

It was a blast doing this project and a great learning curve.

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I would level match 3 & 4 to check the differences between the 2 mixes. If you're hitting any plugins , preamps, components harder or differently between the 2 that's going to change the sound.

LUFS choice could depend on the service you're releasing to or single vs album normalization, the client or label.

I prefer 4 overall, less ear fatigue..again I'm listening on cans, not referencing other material plus  I'm not an engineer.. Great job.


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10 minutes ago, Hidden Symmetry said:

I would level match 3 & 4 to check the differences between the 2 mixes. If you're hitting any plugins , preamps, components harder or differently between the 2 that's going to change the sound.

LUFS choice could depend on the service you're releasing to or single vs album normalization, the client or label.

I prefer 4 overall, less ear fatigue..again I'm listening on cans, not referencing other material plus  I'm not an engineer.. Great job.


Thanks for replying and listening.
Mix 2 was my own Master 1st try.
Mix 3 was how Bandlab mastered it after I put it through my Master Chain. 
Mix 4 was not put through any Mastering chain,

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57 minutes ago, garybrun said:

Mix 3 was how Bandlab mastered it after I put it through my Master Chain. 
Mix 4 was not put through any Mastering chain,

Louder is always "better". I think somewhere in the middle here is where you want to be.
I'm hearing that fiddle and second (third, fourth, fifth? guitars better as well).

I'm a guitar player, so not sure the "call and response" is "there" yet.
But, more me, more me; right? so you can disregard...

Overall, you're at an "A" level.

Trust your live sound instincts!
(and work on that "call and response" ? mybad)



Edited by DeeringAmps
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That's an interesting problem ( No matter how hard I try I cant get a dry sound ). Of course in this work it would be hard to notice that as it's extremely intricate and so your observations are impossible to detect.

I don't know what sound interface your using, mine is a Scarlett 18i20 which has an 'Air' controller that kinda brings out a sort of toppy value giving the dry signal space more room, personally I hardly use it as I think EQ these days can do almost anything in that field ... my point is are you hearing the I/P dry or have you got something that enhances this signal on your m/d or sound module ?

Anyway couple of beers has cleared me ears ... so that's good ?

Take care M8


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57 minutes ago, SupaReels said:

That's an interesting problem ( No matter how hard I try I cant get a dry sound ). Of course in this work it would be hard to notice that as it's extremely intricate and so your observations are impossible to detect.

I don't know what sound interface your using, mine is a Scarlett 18i20 which has an 'Air' controller that kinda brings out a sort of toppy value giving the dry signal space more room, personally I hardly use it as I think EQ these days can do almost anything in that field ... my point is are you hearing the I/P dry or have you got something that enhances this signal on your m/d or sound module ?

Anyway couple of beers has cleared me ears ... so that's good ?

Take care M8


I have an Apollo 8xp and I dont have anything between it to add stuff.. just use eq and hardware emulations with the Apollo.
If you listen to modern records they are very dry  and almost around only 5 instruments max.
The Vocal is smashed, so also with the snare and kick.
What Im saying is I cant make my mixes sound dry... I seem naturally add more verb/room etc.
This is more pleaseing to my ear.. Im 58 and remember the sounds.. that was when verb was all over everything.
I cant seem to break that sound in my head.

Glad to hear the ears have cleared.

Now Im going to work on the call and response as suggested in a previous post and work more with automation.

Does anyone know a shortcut to delete all automation from tracks?
Was trying to find it yesterday... had to do each one singular .

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After taking into account @DeeringAmps suggestions with call and response I have now added mix 5.
Again learnt a lot here... as I had never thought about "call and response" before.
Made me look at country music in a different way.

I know this thread is long and un-interesting to some people but I have done it so people can see the thought process that goes into a mix.
The guy who orignally mixed this did it in about 10 mins...   I have taken days!!!  ?

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