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How Much Is Enough?


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Oh yes, I like it. Cheery 70s bar blues with a modern sound.

But I'd like it to go harder into the chorus - it sounds like there's a beat's pause and then the "Never Enough" sounds underpowered.
Shouldn't it be louder, shouted by three people, in more of a late-70s New Wave sorta way?

Love the lead guitar part, obviously. Great sound and played lively.

I wonder about turning it round at the end to explain Why this lady has such power over you? 
"Still I ain't had enough and I want more
So when she knocks I gotta open the door"?
Maybe a verse about where you gonna find someone who can outdrink you and hustle at pool? Who'll put up with your X and Y? 

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Is it even that bad that this lady just turns up so you can take her to the bar, or take her for a drive, or spend some quality lying-in-bed time?
Doesn't that leave you more time to play with your guitars, edit your videos, install demos of software you don't need and write songs about your girlfriend is leaving you all alone?
Isn't this a great setup? All the advantages of a girlfriend, without someone around the house all the time saying "Why have you got so many cables? I'm hungry. What's that smell? How often do you change your clothes? Why do you need more guitars than you can play at once?"

I think you (well, your protagonist*) need to catch themselves on and realize they're onto a good thing.

*unless your songs are more autobiographical than I imagined

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YA ! Made me smile ! . . . very clever and fun lyrics . . . got the crispy edgy guitars. Like others, I'd like to hear some gang vocals on the "Never Enough" line of the chorus.

Keep 'em coming . . . what else you got in that treasure chest ?

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