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2019.05 CbB Release highlights

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Hi folks,

Most have probably seen that we have a new release out - see above link.  It wasn't planned but it has ended up being one of the strongest releases since we started CbB - a fitting tribute to our one year anniversary! Not only did we finally do ARA2 which has been in planning for some time, but we tackled some tricky and long overdue improvements to editing in general. The bullets in the product announcement cover a lot of ground but I'll highlight a few notable improvements:

  • Slip editing (cropping) and stretching clips is now far more robust for all data types (MIDI, audio and ARA clips). Edits are now managed accurately even when doing combinations of operations such as cropping followed by stretching or vice versa. Edits should also be preserved across undo and redo.
  • Multi clip time stretching, an often requested feature, allows you to easily time stretch clips on multiple tracks by the same amount.
  • Elastique time stretching is improved and sounds better.
  • When using ARA clips there is a lot of new goodness especially with ARA 2 plugins. This is our biggest ARA refresh since 2013 when it was first implemented and there are numerous optimizations and improvements behind the scenes.
    • If you have Melodyne you will notice that  all edits like dragging or cropping and stretching clips now have real-time preview in Melodyne. This makes it easier to align with other tracks when editing.
    • Track and clip selection are now fully mirrored via ARA 2 allowing Melodyne to follow your clips and track selection. You can set Melodyne to automatically hide and show blobs automatically based on your selection. It will also respond to renaming tracks and clips. There aren't any ARA plugins that respond to color yet but when available they will also respond to the track and clip colors in CbB.
    • All ARA 2 clips now share a common view. So navigating across multiple clips is as simple as clicking on a clip. The view data in Melodyne will automatically change to track the selected clip. Is is a lot faster than double clicking clips to close and reopen a new view.
    • Creating ARA regions as well as MIDI analysis is now more efficient and should be a bit quicker.
  • The Gain knob in the Inspector controls either audio Input Gain or MIDI Velocity Offset for Instrument tracks. This allows you to independently control MIDI velocity for instrument tracks based on whether the Audio tab or MIDI tab is selected in the track inspector. Thanks to several forumites who suggested this useful feature.
  • Playlist view has been widened to accommodate showing more text.

Bug fixes: We fixed over 45 bugs this release alone! Not all are listed since some of them were related to the new features. We continue to prioritize making CbB as stable as possible.

A small request. For each release we'd like to gather some feedback on how useful or stable it is for you. If you are so inclined please take a moment to rate the product release topic in the forum. (there is now a star rating at the top of the post)

Thanks to you all for your support and we hope you enjoy 2019.05 and our upcoming releases this year!



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After this release the copying issue still remains.

I'm copying say chorus parts down the track and those parts get copied and pasted nicely. As I go further down in the song there is a slew of audio info added to the track that is the most pain in the ***** to get rid of. This "slew of" audio seems to be audio that has been deleted previously.  I eventually close the track and not save to get back where I started from but it's making what i need to do to some of these tracks that I'm mixing for others almost impossible without probably going to another DAW to do my copying and pasting.

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4 minutes ago, dahjah said:

After this release the copying issue still remains.

I'm copying say chorus parts down the track and those parts get copied and pasted nicely. As I go further down in the song there is a slew of audio info added to the track that is the most pain in the ***** to get rid of. This "slew of" audio seems to be audio that has been deleted previously.  I eventually close the track and not save to get back where I started from but it's making what i need to do to some of these tracks that I'm mixing for others almost impossible without probably going to another DAW to do my copying and pasting.

Did you bounce to clip(s) after you did your original deletes?

I've found bounce to clip(s) is pretty much required after any series of edits in order for clips to behave as they should.

Since you've got your original project back, right click on each clip individually and select bounce to clip(s). This in effect "commits" the previous edits (although you can still undo). You should find that the copy/paste works after doing this.

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36 minutes ago, dahjah said:

'm copying say chorus parts down the track and those parts get copied and pasted nicely. As I go further down in the song there is a slew of audio info added to the track

If Drag and Drop - What to do with existing material is set to "Slide Over Old to Make Room" this is the cause of the problem. Do not use this option...ever. Set this to one of the other options and use Ripple Edit when "slide over" is needed.

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44 minutes ago, dahjah said:

After this release the copying issue still remains.

I'm copying say chorus parts down the track and those parts get copied and pasted nicely. As I go further down in the song there is a slew of audio info added to the track that is the most pain in the ***** to get rid of. This "slew of" audio seems to be audio that has been deleted previously.  I eventually close the track and not save to get back where I started from but it's making what i need to do to some of these tracks that I'm mixing for others almost impossible without probably going to another DAW to do my copying and pasting.

Can you share a project or some way for us to reproduce this? We can try and fix it. FWIW while we did fix some copy/paste bugs in this release the main focus was on slip editing.
If you know of a problem and its not something others are seeing its likely never going to get fixed unless you bring attention to it with a repro.

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What scook said.  There has always been the potential to make a huge mess when copy pasting. Simply put, it does not work the way one expects it to work. 

 Please consider fixing this in the future. 

But thanks for the new fixes and looking forward to Ara2,  I have avoided Melodyne up until now.

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BTW, the Tech Specs section on Cakewalk's product page hasn't yet been updated to reflect the newly-implemented ARA2 support:


The world must know! I think CbB is in a small minority at this point, isn't it?

I will be updating the Wikipedia ARA2 page shortly to add CbB to the list of DAW's that support it....

Edited by Starship Krupa
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I've had a good play around with the new release. 

@Noel Borthwick, you've a right to be proud of this one - a great set of new features, and some significant fixes.

I'm particularly grateful for the Gain/Volume/Pan changes for Instrument tracks, and the whole Melodyne experience is so much better.

A big thanks to you and your team :)

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33 minutes ago, msmcleod said:

I've had a good play around with the new release. 

@Noel Borthwick, you've a right to be proud of this one - a great set of new features, and some significant fixes.

I'm particularly grateful for the Gain/Volume/Pan changes for Instrument tracks, and the whole Melodyne experience is so much better.

A big thanks to you and your team :)

You're welcome and thanks to you for your suggestions about the instrument track changes in the inspector. I basically wired that up.

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Wikipedia's ARA page has now been updated to reflect the facts that Cakewalk by BandLab has always had support for ARA ? and that it supports ARA2 as of release 2019.05.

(Cakewalk and SONAR's representation in Wikipedia seems to have always been rather dire. I've spent hours sorting out some of the most garbled grammar, confused timelines, incorrect punctuation, outright misinformation and unintentional vandalism I've ever seen in relation to a topic on that platform, and there are still no entries for either CbB or BandLab)

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6 hours ago, scook said:

If Drag and Drop - What to do with existing material is set to "Slide Over Old to Make Room" this is the cause of the problem. Do not use this option...ever. Set this to one of the other options and use Ripple Edit when "slide over" is needed.

This might be it, but I gotta do a few more tests and get to everyone.  My preferences are set exactly like in the link you pasted here. But since sometime last year one of the updates opens another window when you click paste, in that window are the same options as Blend Old and New, Replace Old with New & Slide Over to Make Room. I never noticed that in there before, it also makes no sense for this 2nd window to pop up every time I want to paste as it never used to before. You used to be able to paste on the fly as the track played but now this window is almost like a "are you sure you want to do this" kinda thing.

I'll post with my findings on this over the wknd. Thanks!

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This is one of the earlier reports of the "Slide Over Old to Make Room" bug. The videos posted by the OP are still available.

Not sure when the problem first appeared but the bug has been on file some time. My guess is the option worked before the X-series but has been mangling projects for years for those who continue to use the option.

Fortunately we now have Ripple Edit.

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Related to the time stretch improvements: BEFORE the latest update, I had just finished a square dance cover of THIS MASQUERADE by G. Benson. My original MIDI files (and the base on which I built up some audio trax) were set at 122 bpm, and the key is way to high.

After mixdown, I stretched the timing to be at 126 bpm, and thought CW did a very good job handling. Unstretched? Compressed the timing? Whatever, did the <ctrl+shift> & grab edge of file and moved it left.

My point is that if I liked what CW did for the timing adjustment before the most recent update, I'm excited to hear how good it is on the next project.

Another awesome point: I pitch shifted the entire mixdown a step and a half: now I can sing it. However, lesson learned for me: pitch-shift indiv trax before mixdown, so that drums/percussion is not affected by the shift.

If u read all that, thanks!


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53 minutes ago, kevro2000 said:

a square dance cover of THIS MASQUERADE by G. Benson


"Honor your partner/Then parade/Now get lost in this masquerade!"

And everybody has masks they hold up when the caller says the line?

That sounds pretty awesome.

An acquaintance of mine, square dance caller, I never thought he was quite cut out for it, he had the look and manner of a family therapist. I always wanted him to say something like "hold your partner/swing and sway/how are we/feeling today?"

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