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What's your biggest bar count on a track? Mine's 260,000


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Seriously. 5 hours 47 minutes.

Unfortunately, it's only got music on 158 of those 260,000 bars (7 minutes and a half).

Anybody knows why that happens, and how to get rid of it?

I haven't detected any content, on any track that will push the project to that length. The only thing that seems to happen is it gets longer every time I mess with variable tempo parts in the Arranger - rearrange, copy, etc.



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Pressing CTL-End will move the cursor to what the DAW thinks is the end. Sometimes you'll spot an event there that explains the mystery. It'll often be an automation node, or sometimes a MIDI note that you can delete. However, deleting it won't necessarily shorten the track. To do that you can split the clip after the audio portion and delete the now-empty clip on the right. 


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14 minutes ago, Kevin Walsh said:

I would love to have a command that removes all events after the current timeline position.  

Currently this is a 5-step process

  1. Select All
  2. Select From Now 
  3. Enable Ripple Edit All
  4. Delete
  5. Disable Ripple Edit

If this fails to delete everything from Now submit the project to support for analysis along with the steps used.

All five steps could be performed in a single autohotkey script bound to some keystroke combination.

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Thanks for your answers, some great suggestions that I hadn't thought about, by which I've shortened the project to only 450 bars now.

Problem is the Project doesn't have an end, you can scroll to the right infinitely, even beyond the initial max bar count. I've managed to find some minuscule clips which didn't even appear in the track view with a normal zoom, and that get created randomly when you move the tempo envelope and resize clips - it splits and throws clip pieces out with no reason or even indication.

@John NelsonI've deleted a few events in the list. I think it helped shorten the bar count a little.

@bitflipperI've followed your suggestion, I didn't know that shortcut, and it worked, the paradox being that that snaps it to the end of the last clip, at bar 159, which is the right position, but there's still hundreds of bars left now, after that.

12 hours ago, mark skinner said:

A work around would be to fill them up with more music ..

? I haven't released on song on 6 albums before. Ironically, this is an atypical song that's been the hardest to put together from all my songs so far. That's why I'm even messing with the tempo envelope in the first place. It's like pulling teeth. In the end I've come up with more ideas than I needed, but assembling them has proven a bitch. A CW definitely isn't helping. As usual, I'm spending half my time doing damage control in the project - without even much avail, at that.

And half of the rest undoing stuff that it shouldn't do, or finding workarounds.

For instance, when you get clips to follow project tempo, and you try to resize them or align them to beats, it does EVERYTHING else, including expanding when you contract, trimming the opposite edge to the one you're working with, of throwing the clip length to bar2,500. Just like that. Just for trying to trim it to beat. Of course it's not gonna get fixed for another 30 years, just like anything else, cause it's not in the EA version, which comes up with new stuff, but never fixes the huge problems - and the new stuff it implements just as badly - to add to the things that will not get fixed for the next 30 years.

So now I'm at 450 bars.


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Expanded to bar 3,700 now. I haven't even touched it since the last time. I haven't met a single program other than CW, to do that. Horrible management of this program. Appalling. Such a shame. It would have been great in so many respects.

I think I might have to throw away everything I've recorded, cause it's completely out of alignment and won't get trimmed, because of a glitch in the follow project tempo. Or reset all the clips to unfollow the project tempo - which essentially means not being able to adjust the tempos, not to mention hours of work lost.

Anybody had this experience? Did you find a way to solve the follow the tempo mismatch?

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