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Cakewalk got me here.


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I've been slowly moving away from Cakewalk The last two years.

Being familiar with the DAW for nearly 12 years, starting out as an intern and becoming the owner of Sonar x1, venturing on my own journey - It's sad to admit that I had to shelf and replace Cakewalk in my brand new studio, due to client and business demands, from recording and sending/recieving and requesting Project Files. This demand has led me to a whole new world. 

To start with: I was one of the luck group of people to have been fortunate to grow throughout the pandemic, while it was destroying lives. This transformation brought a totally new make-over to my studio. 

The first one was to invest in a brand new Desktop Mac with the Montery 12 OS - followed by Logic and Pro Tools in the spare bedroom down stairs where the studio always been. Sold basically all my outboard gear, as it was not compatible with the MAC and only kept the two interface Focusrite Solo and Presonus Audiobox which I had linked up with my mixing board. Sadly: the windows PC and interfaces are sitting in my study now. 

I decided to use PT as the default DAW in my new setup (as i was already familiar with it) but slowly Logic Pro grown on my. I mean: Have you heard how its stock plugins transform your sound? They are that good! "Jam!" It's now my default studio DAW. One feature got me hooked in logic . . . 

Stereo Pan

• Balance

• Binaural Pan

Now cakewalk can do this too - as a workaround with its "TOOL PLUGIN," but there's just something special about having this on the channel strip which speaks for itself when you use and hear it - its honey! Coming back to the forum after spending time away both Cakewalk, especially with this new EA - the New ARA2 and Upgrade to Elastique SDK. It's  stepping up! I'm missing out on its future developments, but i wont be a stranger here - and that is my word! Don't know why Mac are the standard machines in studios, when Windows PC's are out shinning them today. 

My achievements in 2021. 


Progress: August. 


 Finished Project: First Client. 







Still a few finish touches that needs to be done. Like the long pain stakenly process of making the difussers, absorption panels, Bass traps and some acoustic panels for the booth. Waiting for some outboard gear to arrive. Nothing fancy, just a proper working desk, preamp, compressor and eq for now. Just to mix the analogue and digital world together. 

Super proud on my achievement!

I've seen two companies in my time with the DAW. So, I pray and wish the BANDLAB company can cross that bridge over to MAC soon - so that it can take over these record labels and major studio demands. I will obviously keep promoting this DAW to the youth on my side and keep fighting for them. It doesn't mean much, but . . . 


Thank you Cakewalk for wonderful years. 

Edited by Will_Kaydo
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On 12/10/2021 at 5:12 PM, craigb said:

Very nice, but it looks like you're missing the required lava lamp too! ?

Yeah! ? Thanks for reminding me. Do you think two is a bit too much?


I'm doing the panels tomorrow but i cant decide on the color for the material. 




Something that looks like a million dollar studio, but not really.  Focus on the acoustic designs. 


Edited by Will_Kaydo
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My pot smoking, long haired, non-bathing, Harley riding, 74 year old wanna be hippie father in law was recently complaining that they don't make lava lamps like they used to. Something about they don't flow like the 'good ol' days'. Of course, he says the same things about Harley's, weed, women etc. etc. ...

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On 12/11/2021 at 2:23 PM, Will_Kaydo said:

Yeah! ? Thanks for reminding me. Do you think two is a bit too much?


I'm doing the panels tomorrow but i cant decide on the color for the material. 



I'd love to do that here. We have the land just not the do$h. Ad assuming we're only here for another 20 years (at the very outside, age wise) who would want to buy the place with a recording studio in the back yard?

And since I would never take on customers in a residential area there is not cost benefit to that.

Edited by Bapu
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2 hours ago, Bapu said:

I'd love to do that here. We have the land just not the do$h. Ad assuming we're only here for another 20 years (at the very outside, age wise) who would want to buy the place with a recording studio in the back yard?

And since I would never take on customers in a residential area there is not cost benefit to that.

No do$h is the only problem I see.  As for the rest?  Who cares! ?

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13 hours ago, Shane_B. said:

Exactly. I've seen some house flipping shows based in Cali. Believe me, a beautiful recording studio in your back yard won't be a problem. LOL

I hear Vai sold his old home with the (Mothership) recording studio sans equipment. Anything is possible!


18 hours ago, SteveStrummerUK said:

Harsh, but fair mate ?

Aye, but he was harsh on some newbies as I recall....

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