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[CLOSED] Cakewalk 2021.12 Early Access [Updated to Build 93]

Morten Saether

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Morten Saether, this topic talks about the use of Melodyne elastique time stretching and I have not quite got to that yet?  However, I have a question for you: why does Melodyne look so different as a standalone editor, then when it is in use is Cakewalk/Bandlab?  

I recently purchased or upgraded to the editor addition, and, when, I look at the use of the tempo and the "assign" part of Melodyne there is a lot of difference.  In the standalone there is access to a menu bar that has the tempo listed and the auto stretch tool, but I am not seeing any of these things, when I use it as a plugin.



Edited by kjboies
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Hello, this issue was happening in the last full release and it is still happening in this preview release.  I believe I noticed that this issue started in the last release or 2  releases back.  The issue:  When in Console View, when you add an AUX Track the scroll bar disappears, and you have to switch to a different screenset and then come back to the screenset with the Console View.  Attached is a video showing the issue...

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A couple of times I have lost control of the smart tool I get a blue square, and it acts like CTRL key is pressed or something like that. When this blue square is seen, none of the smart tool functions work. All other tools work as intended. This happens after several hours of midi editing in the track view.

Lost Control - Blue box.jpg

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  On 12/13/2021 at 1:10 PM, Noel Borthwick said:

@Lonnie Dawkins I don't follow what's you mean by bus is in solo mode. Can you attach a project and the track templates you are using that exhibits the issue?


1. I created an "audio" track.  2. Next, I created busses containing my main FX plugins.  3.  On the AUDIO track, I put "inserts" for each of these FX busses. 4. Save the audio track as a "template" track.

When insert this newly created "track template," in any project, it inserts the track and the busses. The only thing is, the BUSSES have the green SOLO icon selected.

BUS Screenshot 2021-12-14 114810.png

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  On 12/14/2021 at 4:52 PM, Lonnie Dawkins said:

@Lonnie Dawkins - we've found the cause of this and fixed it for the main release.

The issue is actually at template save time.  So once the main release is out, you'll need to re-save your template.

The main release should be released some time later this week.

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  On 12/14/2021 at 5:58 PM, msmcleod said:

@Lonnie Dawkins - we've found the cause of this and fixed it for the main release.

The issue is actually at template save time.  So once the main release is out, you'll need to re-save your template.

The main release should be released some time later this week.


THANKS!   Great work guys!

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Lasso-selecting problem / suggestion

I dont know if this behaviour is new in this EA but when I lasso-select clips in multiple tracks, when there is a track folder's composite clip in the way and the clips in the track folder overlap, the result is that more clips are selected than I wanted.

I suggest when track folder is unfolded, its composite clip should be ignored during lasso selection.

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  On 12/14/2021 at 7:56 PM, Curtis Cuevas said:

Ok, Just installed this new update and during startup scan I get a locked up VST Scan dialog that says,  Scanning WaveShell9-VST3 11.0_x64.vst3.


For me not exactely the same, but the scan for this VST (WaveShell9-VST3 )  is much longer than others VST, maybe an issue with this plugin

Edited by Sakini
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  On 12/13/2021 at 11:25 PM, msmcleod said:

You moved the track between track 17 and the track immediately above it, which is currently hidden due to it being in a collapsed  folder.  

There's no way for Cakewalk to guess your intent here - did you mean below track 16, or above track 17 ?  Hence the left/right gestures and the indicator.



Hm, couldn't the behavior be a bit simpler, which would also make it clearer:

  1. If you drop it on a track folder, the track obviously goes into the folder, to the bottom. (If there are nested folders you want to target, you need to hover on top to expand them first.)
  2. if you drop it in between fully collapsed folders it should stay on the top level (like in Mark's example)
  3. If you drop it in between tracks that are on different levels, only then is the drag indicator needed to show which level your track will end up on. (This has been a bit tricky before...)

Maybe I'm not just understanding something here... that's been known to happen. :D

Edited by GreenLight
Added option #3
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i had a problem with export to flac - it removes " . " and inserts just projectnameflac, so the file is not recognized after that.
well, it's easy to solve, but it wasn't before.

and another one is about setting up the time for export, i needed to skip 3.51.0 and when i add 3 it works,
but when i try to add .51 it changes from 3 to 15 or something else, something wrong with counting that.
and if you set the time, it will select some track and maybe will render that track, not whole time selection
and you can't unselect everything to render like "entire project".

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