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3 hours ago, Shane_B. said:

OMG. Best punkin' pie I ever had. I made it from sweet pumpkins I grew this year. I'll never be able to eat a store bought one again.


Pumpkin Pie without Whipped Cream is just not right!  :D

Bayobill would be proud of you Shane.

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8 hours ago, RobertWS said:

The worst apple pie is better than the best pumpkin pie.

Trust me...I'm kind of a pie maven.   

Ya know, I've never been a fan of apple pie. How un-American of me. ? My mom could bake and cook. OMG. Her and my dad managed and owned 2 restaurants from the mid 60's to around 78. But I could never gag down hers or anyone's apple pie. For Christmas my wife makes a great pecan pie. I guess my favorite's are now pumpkin pie made from fresh pumpkin's and my moms shoefly pie (aka molasses pie) and my wife's pecan pie 3rd. I've tried to duplicate my moms shoefly pie's but I can't. She's been gone since 98 so I can't ask for advice. I don't know how she kept the bottom crust flaky, the center chewy, and the top crunchy with the sugary crumble. She made her own crust rather than use frozen ones from the store so I'm guessing that had everything to do with it.

Anyway, the pie is gone. It only lasted 2 days. I can feel myself bloating up already. I never eat this kind of stuff anymore except on Thanksgiving and Christmas day. I'm kind of slipping here. It astounds me how I can gain 5lb's in 2 days and it takes 30 days to lose 2lb's. ?

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10 hours ago, craigb said:

BTW, I'm blaming this thread in advance of any weight gain I may incur, because I couldn't resist getting a pumpkin pie during a trip to Costco tonight! ?

You should have said something, I would have shipped you a pumpkin and you could have made a fresh pie. :) It was pretty easy actually. Cut the pumpkins in half, bake for an hour and let cool. You need two cups, 2 eggs, some sugar, a few spices, and that's it. I saved the seeds and roasted them. They were really good too.

Sam's Club has a great bakery department. I would imagine Costco does too since they are very similar type stores. I have to avoid that entire section of the store when I go to Sam's. Believe it or not Sam's has really good Sushi too.

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14 hours ago, Shane_B. said:

Ya know ... I don't know.

The idea is that the saying is often misinterpreted to mean that apple pie is as quintessentially American as anything can be, invented by Americans for Americans if you like, where in fact it was something that pre-existed what we know today as America and was something that was brought to America by the people of other nations that settled there, so by saying that something is "as American as apple pie" it's really like saying that it's not really American, that it's origins lie elsewhere.

Something like that anyway.

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26 minutes ago, paulo said:

The idea is that the saying is often misinterpreted to mean that apple pie is as quintessentially American as anything can be, invented by Americans for Americans if you like, where in fact it was something that pre-existed what we know today as America and was something that was brought to America by the people of other nations that settled there, so by saying that something is "as American as apple pie" it's really like saying that it's not really American, that it's origins lie elsewhere.

Something like that anyway.

I can understand how it could be seen that way. Over here it means it's a big part of our heritage I guess is a good way to put it. If I had to guess I'd say it probably started with John Chapman (Johnny Appleseed) from the 1700's. Nothing to really speak of came from here until well after the country was established. The Shoefly pie I mentioned is an old German recipe.

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