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Blue Sun (with PhonoBrainer)

Walt Collins

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Here's one that Tom helped me out in earlier this year. At this point I think this production is in the books, but I'm always interested in comments and appreciate the listens!

Two overlapping drumkits in different time signatures, with a thick bass line, blues guitar, schmaltzy piano (thanks Tom!), spacy synths, and a few vintage movie voice clips for interest.


Edited by Walt Collins
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13 hours ago, Walt Collins said:

blues guitar

Who doesn’t like some blues guitar?

13 hours ago, Walt Collins said:

schmaltzy piano (thanks Tom!)

Yes indeed, thank you @PhonoBrainer

13 hours ago, Walt Collins said:

with a thick bass line

And well played!

13 hours ago, Walt Collins said:

overlapping drumkits in different time signatures

This bad boy grooooooves.....

big, Big, BIG ?’s to both of you!!


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3 hours ago, David Sprouse said:

The guitar has a really cool wet-like edge to it. Sounds like a fun jam.  I hope yell are getting lots of gigs with those chops.

No gigs here except at church. It's hard to find an audience for the kinds of music I tend to create.

As for the guitar, it's my new Epiphone SG Modern, playing through Overloud TH-U's "Tango Lead" patch.

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