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IK GB recommendation

Patricio Campos

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  On 10/29/2021 at 2:24 AM, Brian Walton said:








Well that and very persistent frequent white noise that makes the demo close to worthless.

It is supposed to only do this after a trial, but I did this with at least 7 products, even while keeping custom shop and install manager open.



Our demos don't have white noise.  Your mileage varied because you were experiencing abnormal behavior.  I'm sure our support team can sort your issue out.  It is not fair to say "that and very persistent frequent white noise" when it isn't at all part of the demo process and doesn't happen when the process is working as expected on someone's system (as is the rule rather than the exception which you seem to have experienced).

Edited by Peter - IK Multimedia
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  On 10/29/2021 at 2:35 AM, Peter - IK Multimedia said:

Our demos don't have white noise.  Your mileage varied because you were experiencing abnormal behavior.  I'm sure our support team can sort your issue out.  It is not fair to say "that and very persistent frequent white noise" when it isn't at all part of the demo process and doesn't happen when the process is working as expected on someone's system (as is the rule rather than the exception which you seem to have experienced).



Across 4 different Windows 10 computers over the past year.  Thankfully I now own almost everything but the demo process was anything but enjoyable, getting it to work without the periodic noise was rare.

And before and after the new AT updates that allegedly let you demo in the product.  

I realize that it isn't supposed to happen but 4 computers and before and after version releases suggests to me it isn't perfect.  Once purchased no problems.

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  On 10/29/2021 at 2:00 AM, InstrEd said:

What ever it takes! It is only $$

And IK Leslie is ?


Funny you talk about lesly , i spent literraly the whole day yesturday creating SP 1200 sound , i sampled some 808 into a real sp 1200 (not mine) , played a beat and tried to match as possible with plugin , and one i really loved was the lesly (without cabinet) , i always use those for drive , harmonics and color ....

Amplitube is for me the best playground around , even better than the exellent mixbox (in witch i made a killa preset also) , softube amp room has poetential also in that aspect !! But i noticed that Amplitube since my upgrade is laggy , i didn't changed the version but just unloking some features seems to make it slower in operation ,, just a feeling

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@Peter - IK Multimedia can't succed to make amplitube reconise my unloked stuff .....restore my purchase doesn't work , first time i struggle with that , any clue Peter ? the fact that Amplitube is not up to date could be the problem?(stuff i try to unlok are old stuff Dr Z ect .. so they should work in that version) 

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  On 10/29/2021 at 12:11 PM, Zo said:

@Peter - IK Multimedia can't succed to make amplitube reconise my unloked stuff .....restore my purchase doesn't work , first time i struggle with that , any clue Peter ? the fact that Amplitube is not up to date could be the problem?(stuff i try to unlok are old stuff Dr Z ect .. so they should work in that version) 


Oddly enough, some things have to be authorized with the OLD Authorization Manager before they will "Unlock" and show up...

Try that Zo

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  On 10/29/2021 at 12:31 PM, BTP said:

"Restore My Purchases" in the Custom Shop app worked for me.


Ok seems that i have to register one by one into the new center , i thought it was registred already via purchase (since this was what is written in the email !) 

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  On 10/29/2021 at 12:35 PM, cclarry said:

Since they are older products the serial #'s should match the old AM...


I got it sorted Larry , i had to register those in the center , first (they were supposed to be automatically registered )

I'm facing a more problematic issue , since i went amplitube full , those zillions convo samples makes the thing slow as f .... even making my studio one play bar stutter ...

I! want to unauthorise amplitube 5 (to stick with the custom shop) but it 's unautorise all my stuff in it !!! 

@Peter - IK Multimedia is there a way to stick with the simple version of amplitube instead of the full one ? (i mean without those precise mic posistions ect ..) ?


EDIT : i said ok let's use Amplitube 4 : Dr Z not authorised even afetr restore stuff while working ok in AT 5 .... can't imagine a newbee handling this lol i give up for now , work to do ....

Edited by Zo
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  On 10/29/2021 at 1:29 PM, Zo said:

I got it sorted Larry , i had to register those in the center , first (they were supposed to be automatically registered )

I'm facing a more problematic issue , since i went amplitube full , those zillions convo samples makes the thing slow as f .... even making my studio one play bar stutter ...

I! want to unauthorise amplitube 5 (to stick with the custom shop) but it 's unautorise all my stuff in it !!! 

@Peter - IK Multimedia is there a way to stick with the simple version of amplitube instead of the full one ? (i mean without those precise mic posistions ect ..) ?


EDIT : i said ok let's use Amplitube 4 : Dr Z not authorised even afetr restore stuff while working ok in AT 5 .... can't imagine a newbee handling this lol i give up for now , work to do ....


I would suggest you downgrade to 5.0.3 to minimize CPU usage first. That may be enough and you may not need to go back to CS.

Simply go to your account on the IK site, go to your products, find Amplitube 5, there will be a tab for 'past releases'. Download 5.0.3, install it over your current install and give it a try. The only drawback is that you will not be able to use the X-Gear stuff with 5.0.3.

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  On 10/29/2021 at 2:14 PM, Jacques Boileau said:

I would suggest you downgrade to 5.0.3 to minimize CPU usage first. That may be enough and you may not need to go back to CS.

Simply go to your account on the IK site, go to your products, find Amplitube 5, there will be a tab for 'past releases'. Download 5.0.3, install it over your current install and give it a try. The only drawback is that you will not be able to use the X-Gear stuff with 5.0.3.


I AM on 5.03 ;)  

Guyz by the way for people still thinking , that Power Grid pedal surpised me , instant choice and i really encourage you guyz that don't have it to choose this one in your freebees ;)

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  On 10/29/2021 at 2:14 PM, Jacques Boileau said:

I would suggest you downgrade to 5.0.3 to minimize CPU usage first. That may be enough and you may not need to go back to CS.

Simply go to your account on the IK site, go to your products, find Amplitube 5, there will be a tab for 'past releases'. Download 5.0.3, install it over your current install and give it a try. The only drawback is that you will not be able to use the X-Gear stuff with 5.0.3.


Jacques i can confrim that the cpu almost doubled after i just updated to get the last pedals (at least to try them) , so IK should def double check this , i'm rolling back asap after tests


the X drive sounds great , it's like all pedal in one , i should have tried it before getting the Trex ones !!


I must confess , trying things restoring stuff ect from amplitube is great , but that said it seems that it tries to connect to internet witch might be one issue 

Edited by Zo
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  On 10/29/2021 at 12:09 PM, Zo said:

Funny you talk about lesly , i spent literraly the whole day yesturday creating SP 1200 sound , i sampled some 808 into a real sp 1200 (not mine) , played a beat and tried to match as possible with plugin , and one i really loved was the lesly (without cabinet) , i always use those for drive , harmonics and color ....


I like some of those leslie amps without the leslie cabinet (a 1x12 or something) for a warm clean guitar sound.

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Guyz , Cinekinetik stuff , do we need full version of ST 4 or the SE version is sufficient ? watching simon video as i type , might have been better than getting pedals for a guyz like me that don't play guitar lol but keyboard ahahah 

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