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Kush on hearing loss [UPDATE 1-5-22].


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5 minutes ago, Shane_B. said:

Be careful doing that. You could really screw your ears up.

To elaborate on that, there are tiny calcium crystals in your ear. When you get older the get messed up and cause severe vertigo and dizziness. You can trigger it yourself by shaking your head too fast or banging your head or messing with your ears with ear plugs or suction and knocking them out of position or simply by doing nothing. You have to do what's called The Epley Maneuver to get them back in to position. It's another thing I have to do a few times a year as well. Once you have to do it, you have to keep doing it and can hit at any time.

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20 hours ago, bitflipper said:

<...snip...> self-employed people in America don't go to the doctor until it's life-threatening.

How true.

I've been self-employed most of my life, and until I was old enough to collect Medicare, I had no health insurance. I couldn't afford to get sick. On the other hand, knowing you can't afford to get sick, and knowing in my case that you can't call in sick for work, results in a stronger, more vigilant immune system.

BTW, to get excess wax out of my ear, I use the old-fashioned, now scorned on way of filling the ear canal with hydrogen peroxide for a minute or two before I get into the shower. In the shower, I use an ear syringe to rinse the softened wax out of my ear. This was recommended to me when I was a child.

Recently I've read articles saying not to put HO in your ear, but I wax up very infrequently, and it hasn't hurt me yet. Science marches on, and it might be a good idea not to put HO in my ear anymore, but I like living life on the edge :D



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  • 4 weeks later...
On 9/25/2021 at 8:44 AM, Shane_B. said:
On 9/25/2021 at 8:20 AM, michaelhanson said:

Interesting.   Anyone tried the NAD+ ?

I ordered a 3 month supply and just started taking it yesterday. Everything I read said it takes about 8 weeks to see any real results. I'll keep reporting back here every week.

Well, it's been nearly 4 weeks now.    Just curious because I am mostly deaf in my right ear.

Thanks Shane for being the guinea pig?

Seriously, inquiring minds want to know.

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20 hours ago, Jesse Screed said:

Well, it's been nearly 4 weeks now.    Just curious because I am mostly deaf in my right ear.

Thanks Shane for being the guinea pig?

Seriously, inquiring minds want to know.

I was just thinking about this the other day and forgot about it again. Thanks for reminding me!

I've been taking it religiously every single day since it arrived.

I'm experiencing exactly what Kush said he did. The 'air' came back a little in both ears and it sounds like the cotton has been pulled out of both ears. It's not a significant change but noticeable. The ringing in my ears has subsided a tiny bit but any loud noises brings it right back immediately. I've been remodeling the master bedroom in my house and forgot to put my noise blocking headphones on while using an impact driver the other day and the ringing immediately became bad. I don't hammer in a nail, use a drill, use a saw, or do anything that may even remotely cause a loud noise unless I have foam earplugs or noise blocking headphones on. Like Kush said, I'm in full on protection mode to keep what little I have left now. ? When I mow I use both plugs and headphones because it takes me almost 4 hours to mow my property and I have a very loud diesel engine on my tiny tractor/mower.

I've lost all hearing below about 1kHz in my right ear. I mention it because I don't know if it's related to the NAD+. I have a permanent tube and it's given me trouble ever since my ENT doctor put it in 3 years ago but the low end loss is new. I can hear upper end fine, a tiny bit better actually. But I solo'd a bass track the other day and it sounded almost stereo to me even though it was in mono. I panned right and nothing, panned left and it was normal. I swapped the headphones around thinking it was a bad wire or connector but nope. I've 100% completely lost all low end hearing in my right ear. I had a hearing test done about 2 months ago and it showed my hearing is actually pretty good and improved and it was done prior to taking the NAD+. It's also fairly equal in both ears for the average person my age of 50 so I don't know what's going on. According to the hearing test I can hear well below and well above the average person my age. That said, they have changed the way they do the tests now so I don't think there was actually an improvement. I think they just didn't do the tests very well before.

I happened to have an eye doctors appointment a couple weeks ago about two weeks after I started taking the NAD+ and my eyesight improved slightly. Not that it was bad to begin with but I go regularly because I have abnormally large optical nerves they like to keep an eye on. HAH! I mention this as well because one of the optical nerves got a little larger and it's the first time that has happened since they first started checking them regularly about 15 years ago. It's a sign of glaucoma in most people but in me it's from oxygen deprivation caused by sleep apnea. It will turn in to glaucoma eventually if I live long enough but he tells me not to worry about it seeing how they have been stable for well over 10 years, until now. And he told me he's going to stop doing the tests every year now and do them every other year. He wasn't concerned at all by the one nerve getting larger.

And the big thing everyone wants to know ... nope ... no improvement there. ;) Oddly the 'at ease' state 'appears' to have improved significantly but it did nothing for the 'at full attention state'. No pun intended here but it was the biggest change I saw.

All that said, I've only been taking this stuff for a few weeks. I got a 3 month supply because it was the most cost effective and truth be told I got it free with my C.C. points. If I don't see any real results by the end of the supply then I probably won't continue to take it. It's $120 for a 3 month supply on Amazon so it's not all that bad but I don't like taking things just because they are allegedly good for me without seeing some actual results. It's one of those things you have to take long term to see any results though so if anyone does try it get the 3 month supply.

Sorry for the long reply but I wanted to give as much info as I could. I'll keep taking it and report back here in another month. Don't let me forget! ? I have to go back to my ENT doctor to get this permanent tube removed. I'll request another hearing test and have him compare it with the one I had a month before I started taking the NAD+ and report back. LMK if there's any questions. ??

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7 hours ago, Shane_B. said:

Sorry for the long reply but I wanted to give as much info as I could. I'll keep taking it and report back here in another month. Don't let me forget! ? I have to go back to my ENT doctor to get this permanent tube removed. I'll request another hearing test and have him compare it with the one I had a month before I started taking the NAD+ and report back.

Yes, that is detailed, thank you, and I hope for you to be healed, and to get your remodel job done before the deadline.

Let us know how it goes.

"Gas is not just relegated to software plugins." ===attributed to--- jerzee Sampson

Edited by Jesse Screed
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  • 1 month later...
On 10/27/2021 at 5:03 PM, Jesse Screed said:

Let us know how it goes.

It's been another month. I can honestly say I can tell my hearing has improved slightly. The ringing is still there but greatly subsided. I can hear a lot better out of my left ear but I still have that nasty permanent tube in my right ear causing trouble. I get it removed Jan 5th. I still can't hear any low end whatsoever out of my right ear but I'm hoping that's due to the permanent tube that's coming out soon.

Other than that I can't say for sure if I've noticed a difference. My eyesight has changed a little but it does change from time to time. I can see fine except at night I need glasses while I'm driving. My new prescription is too strong. I had to dig out my old weaker glasses and I see great with those. I've been using headphones to mix and master the last week or so for hours at a time. Normally my ears would be ringing like a bell now but they haven't reacted at all.

I've still only been taking it a couple months and I have 1 month left of it. If I can find it on sale again I'll continue to use it. You get the best deal on it if you buy a 3 month supply, but it's still expensive.

Be back in another month.


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  • 4 weeks later...

Had my ENT appointment today. My hearing test proved that I did indeed regain some high end like I had thought. I asked my doctor to compare my previous test to this one and told him about the NAD + I started taking right after the first test. He confirmed exactly what I I was hearing. I have almost total low frequency loss in my right ear and I gained some high end hearing back in both ears and a little low back in my left ear. The low end may come back in the right. I have a couple problems going on that may or may not clear up. Good thing is, bass is kind of mono. It sounds normal when it's centered on headphones, I can only tell it's not there when I pan a bass track hard right. So it's bearable.

He was supposed to take the permanent tube out of my right ear today but didn't and I didn't feel like I could push the issue. I think it is the cause of the low end loss. But 3/4 of their staff are out because of the big C and they were really backed up. I asked the lady who gave me the hearing test about that and she said nobody was really sick. They all tested + and just had the sniffles and were told to stay home. Apparently this new O variant is a shadow of the prior ones, especially if you've had a shot or 2.

So yeah, the NAD + does seem to help especially your high end hearing like Kush experienced and my hearing tests proved it in my opinion. He didn't give me a percentage of how much it improved but he was shocked that it did and said it wasn't just my imagination. Don't expect miracles especially if you have really bad hearing to begin with. He always tells me my hearing is really good for my age. Frequency wise it's ok I guess but the ringing blocks a lot out and gets worse if I turn things up to hear it above the ringing. Headphones are brutal but I'm stuck using those for the time being. ?

I hope all this info helps someone. I think it's worth a shot to see if it helps you in any way. What I don't know is if the effects are permanent if you stop taking it. I ordered another 3 month supply because it was on sale and haven't stopped taking it since I started several months ago.


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  • Shane_B. changed the title to Kush on hearing loss [UPDATE 1-5-22].

Great news @Shane_B.! I started a few months before you and have tinnitus and high frequency loss. I can't tell if NAD+ has improved things, but if it at least slowed things down, it would be good. I have done some internet quick test, but since I didn't do one before starting NAD+ I have noting to compare. I'll try again in a few months. But at least I would venture saying the tinnitus is less bothersome.

One area I did see a dramtic effect is with hair. I used to have tons of hairs on my pillow every morning. Since starting NAD+, there is not a single hair on my pillow in the morning and barely one or two when I shower. The area on the back of my head that was thinning feels fuller. Didn't expect that, but hey, no complaints!

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