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[CLOSED] Cakewalk 2021.09 Early Access [Updated to build 137]

Morten Saether

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for the export + preset button, well it's only overwrites preset, but doesn't allow to add new , seems like bit depth is not saved and time
and when i change source category, well it changes the file type in format to ogg each time, while it shouldn't be changed.
i think only file_name should be changed when you set bus \ folder \ track to add those for few tasks
and maybe the time selection - entire project and all tracks should be selected if entire mix set .
i thought that if nothing is selected in  tracks, then all tracks will be rendered, but there's no sound
so i got to select all tracks and there's no select all button or checkbox
after some changes in export - well the sub-format dialog goes under window again.
i think, that last project export settings should be used by default. v134

Edited by OeAi
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On 9/19/2021 at 7:02 PM, Greg Wynn said:

Portability.  I collaborate with people literally around the world (and have through the years made them Sonar fans) and its much easier posting a .cwb  on an ftp or sharing site for them to retrieve to add tracks, make production changes, etc.

I've been using cwb's (and their predecessor bun files) for 20-odd years and after thousands of projects only had one cwb go bad - and I'm 90% sure that was user (me) error.

Thanks for the info. I have long assumed that the .cwb format was deprecated and not recommended, but good to know it works well when needed. ?

(I was going to say that about reliability, but you beat me to the punch and also proved me wrong. ? I love to be wrong, that way you learn!)

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5 hours ago, GreenLight said:

Thanks for the info. I have long assumed that the .cwb format was deprecated and not recommended, but good to know it works well when needed. ?

(I was going to say that about reliability, but you beat me to the punch and also proved me wrong. ? I love to be wrong, that way you learn!)

No worries, man.  I always wondered why people were so negative about it.

A few days ago I worked on a tune we did in 2008 - all saved as a cwb file and with the exception of some missing plugins everything worked flawlessly. 

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Thank you for your great support and feedback so far.

A final build 137 was posted (see start of thread) containing the following fixes. If you can please test this build and report back ASAP if you find any regressions. In particular, try exporting in ASIO mode and specifying a larger bounce buffer size. Please note that some plugins are unstable with larger buffer sizes (> 50 msec) 

  • Hang exporting project with arrangements containing IK Multimedia Plugins 
  • Bounce buffer size value was not respected in ASIO mode
  • Exporting project with mono sidechain track send could cause problems flushing effects tails
  •  Exporting tracks with sidechains doesn't work if you don't make a direct track selection
  •  File Export dialog should default to Arrangements when launched from Arrangements Inspector
  • Add new default config variables for "BounceFlushTailsMaxDurationSec" and "BounceFlushTailsThresholdDb"
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Hello everybody!

When importing, dragging and dropping audio files, the original file name is retained in the clip header.

But when importing, dragging and dropping MIDI files, they lose their name and instead of the original name, the name of the track appears in the header.

Is it possible to make it possible for the names of the MIDI files to keep their name?

Thanks in advance!

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On 9/19/2021 at 11:02 AM, Greg Wynn said:

I've been using cwb's (and their predecessor bun files) for 20-odd years and after thousands of projects only had one cwb go bad - and I'm 90% sure that was user (me) error.

I prefer to just zip the project folder; zip files are generally quite a bit smaller than bundles, and they can include Audiosnap edits. Also, a zip gives a collaborator direct access to the audio files even if he/she isn't using CW.

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6 hours ago, Milton Sica said:

@Noel Borthwick

Version 137

When changing the driver mode, I only got success after closing the project and reopening it.

Is this the expected behavior or should the project already recognize the mode change?

In shared Wasapi mode I only got playback when I changed the setting to Windows Sonic for headphones


We tried this here and there were no issues switching driver modes. Its may be specific to your hardware. Did you try this in earlier releases?
Changes should work while a project is open - there is no need to restart the app.
Re WASAPI I'm not sure what devices you have on your system. Some pro audio devices don't work well with WASAPI. For example Focusrite plays poorly in WASAPI mode. This is why we default to ASIO mode when an ASIO driver is available.

In any case the new driver warnings are just a suggestion to users that there are known problems with certain drivers. You can still choose to use it.

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Whenever I export a file, I got message : Cannot save file. A file name cannot contain any of the following characters: \ / : * ? " < > |

None of those characters in the file name. Happened to almost every project (I tried about 7-8 projects, they all gave me same message) on 2 different PCs.

AFAIK, all the settings are correct. Is there anything I missed?

* Edited :  Looks like we have to click the file name and the project folder (open the browse dialog and close it again without make any change) for the export to successful. *



Edited by James Argo
add some info
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2 minutes ago, Noel Borthwick said:

Not seeing that here. Can you send across the project file that throws this error?

Looks like we have to click the file name and the project folder (open the browse dialog and close it again without making any change) for the export to successful. I got the error message if I didn't click (browse) the project folder location. I mean, the default %PROJECTFOLDER%\Audio Export doesn't let me export. Need to click it to open browse, and close it, then the folder name changes to correct project folder path ( not %PROJECTFOLDER% ).

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40 minutes ago, James Argo said:

Looks like we have to click the file name and the project folder (open the browse dialog and close it again without making any change) for the export to successful. I got the error message if I didn't click (browse) the project folder location. I mean, the default %PROJECTFOLDER%\Audio Export doesn't let me export. Need to click it to open browse, and close it, then the folder name changes to correct project folder path ( not %PROJECTFOLDER% ).

@James Argo Can you please post a screenshot of the entire folder path in Windows Explorer? Also, do not enter "%PROJECTFOLDER%\Audio Export" from within the Export Audio dialog. You must only enter it from Edit > Preferences > File - Folder Locations under Export Audio Files

Can you also post a screenshot of the Export Audio Files path in the  Preferences > File - Folder Locations dialog? Make sure it doesn't contain any illegal characters.

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well, one more thing is about to disable audio engine, when export window is open, so it wasn't take some resources.
and well maybe (FR) the ability to set how many cores to use for a render, if you need some resources to work with, like a CPU load
at least for a long queue run. and maybe i would add few devices to render with
i mean different drivers and also different sound cards (not sure if that is needed much)
for example i got 192k for working card, but my mobo card has 384k ability
doesn't mean that i will do that, but when you want to test the sound you got to switch it through prefs.
this is a list of hardware outputs and the engine needs to switch between, not sure if it is possible.
it should switch that soundcard to monopoly mode to use it for a render only.

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34 minutes ago, Morten Saether said:

@James Argo Can you please post a screenshot of the entire folder path in Windows Explorer? Also, do not enter "%PROJECTFOLDER%\Audio Export" from within the Export Audio dialog. You must only enter it from Edit > Preferences > File - Folder Locations under Export Audio Files

Thanks for your reply sir,

Ok, actually the "%PROJECTFOLDER%\Audio Export" is there by default right after I install the early access few days ago. I didn't set it, it's there by default (either in Export dialog, or in Edit > Preferences > File - Folder Locations under Export Audio Files). I assume if I export audio, Cakewalk will create the Audio Export folder inside our project folder by default as export location.

I didn't make any change to either File name and Location in Export dialog, nor in Edit > Preferences > File - Folder Locations under Export Audio Files.

I was expecting Cakewalk to export the result file as it is in that Audio Export folder. Well, it doesn't... instead, it gave me the error message I posted above.

After trying here and there, I found that I need to click the "%PROJECTFOLDER%\Audio Export" in the export page, to open the browser and re-close it... The "%PROJECTFOLDER%\Audio Export" automatically change into the correct path of the project folder (For example : "E:\UNAI\Joyful3\Audio export" ).

Then I can export... :)

My question is can we have the correct path project folder by default instead of "%PROJECTFOLDER%\Audio Export" in the export dialog?


Edited by James Argo
Attach windows explorer
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1 minute ago, James Argo said:

er trying here and there, I found that I need to click the "%PROJECTFOLDER%\Audio Export" in the export page, to open the browser and re-close it... The "%PROJECTFOLDER%\Audio Export" automatically change into the correct path of the project folder (For example : "E:\UNAI\Joyful3\Audio export" ).

maybe you didn't save project file first? so it can't define the actual project-folder.

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19 minutes ago, Noel Borthwick said:

@James Argo As Morten said "Can you please post a screenshot of the entire project folder path in Windows Explorer?"
This will help us understand what your full project name looks like in windows explorer.

Ok, I try to re post it. The windows explorer and the export dialog. If I leave it that way "%PROJECTFOLDER%\Audio Export", then it gives me error.




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