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[CLOSED] Cakewalk 2021.09 Early Access [Updated to build 114]

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9 minutes ago, Milton Sica said:

Hello. We are testing version 114. I suggest you install this version to check if the problem you report has not been overcome already.

I will do this, give me about 5 minutes to update and record a new video ?

Don't  think it will fix it but I should try regardless.

(This has been present since I've first used Cakewalk -- Embarrassingly I did not realize until just recently it was a bug. I thought it was a feature meant to highlight note positions ?)



It appears to still be an issue with the current build unfortunately =/
Here's a new video, starting with the "Build Info" screen open to verify.

On the bright side, at least I've got a handful more bugfixes and updates now ?

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@Gavin Ray - I don't think this is a bug.  It's showing both notes and velocity bars.   This happens when the control bar is hidden, and "Show Velocity" is checked in the Notes menu:



Unchecking the Show Velocity checkbox will hide the velocity bars from the PRV,  while still being available in the controller pane when it's expanded again.



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On 9/6/2021 at 3:28 PM, Noel Borthwick said:

This thread is exclusively to discuss issues specific to the 09 release.

* Sometimes synth tracks drop out, on export;

* Sometimes synths are out of alignment with the audio, on export;

The first issues reported seem directly related to this release - this one included

"* When you edit or change settings during playback (playback loop on/off, resize audio clips, move audio clips across tracks, etc.), the output of all synths drops out." - even if doesn't specifically include "on export" it's the exact type of problem that is found in the export issues.

For the rest I can't tell, since I haven't used the Arranger blocks before.

The buffer size is also related to this update - I understand your point on that one. Still believe that the technical aspects should be handled by the DAW, not the user.

The Workspace and clip gain I agree are not, but there is no point in making 10 separate posts for what is finally a single issue - stuff that needs to be looked into, and that should probably be centralized, anyway. If it were up to me, I'd collect all reports, regardless of how and when they come, and make a list of things to look into, for a shortest feasible solution. That's why I thought having them together actually helps. But that's just me.

Another issue, a new one, which I've only detected in this update is this - with the audio track armed and monitored for recording, the existing, pre-recorded clips, that you record over, are still being played back while you record.

Finally, another Arranger related issue, that completes the first batch - as I've said, don't know when it appeared - is that cutting and pasting Arranger parts doesn't seem to work.

If you think they're worth looking into, you can decide what to do with them.

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On 9/6/2021 at 1:45 PM, chimkin2 said:

You can easily apply clip gain to a single clip. Place the mouse pointer over the clip -  Hold down the Ctrl Key and click and drag vertically with the left mouse button pressed. ☺️


Yes, but unfortunately there is this bug with the "-INF" display (instead of a db value) when you try to do it on a selection within the clip! This happens very often when you have multiple clips in the same lane/track (not overlapping!).

And just now I noticed that in the EA the gain change is only applied to the start of my clip when I tried to apply it to the whole clip after undoing a test on the above! I never noticed this before!

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  • Morten Saether changed the title to [CLOSED] Cakewalk 2021.09 Early Access [Updated to build 114]
  • Morten Saether unpinned and unfeatured this topic

The link in the post below goes contains a link to build 114 NOT build 120

21 minutes ago, Noel Borthwick said:

The EA has been updated to build 120. You can download it from within the application now by checking for updates. 
Several new changes since the last build including new UI for bounce.


Also the subject of this thread is noted as [CLOSED] Cakewalk 2021.09 Early Access [Updated to build 114]

I guess the plan is to use the new thread for build 120 but it appears the old build 114 link was not updated in the new thread.

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Just now, Keni said:

Rebuild 2? I installed that and noticed it said build 120 #1 and wondered at the new procedure.

is there a newer build of 120?

I can confirm this. The installer reads Rebuild 2, but the toast within the DAW read as rebuild #1 

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7 minutes ago, Will_Kaydo said:

I can confirm this. The installer reads Rebuild 2, but the toast within the DAW read as rebuild #1 

Hmmm. So if I installed from within Cake. Is the installer still on my pc? If so, where. I don’t remember. Id like to verify what I have. In the about page from the main menu I only see 120

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6 minutes ago, scook said:

Cakewalk_by_BandLab_Update_Setup_27.09.0.120(Rebuild_2).exe is the installer I downloaded using the link in 

I cannot speak to the differences, if any, between build 120 and build 120 (Rebuild 2).


I doubt there is a difference. Other than the human error with the discription from being overworked. 

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4 minutes ago, Keni said:

Hmmm. So if I installed from within Cake. Is the installer still on my pc? If so, where. I don’t remember. Id like to verify what I have. In the about page from the main menu I only see 120

The about page from Build 120 (Rebuild 2) just shows Build 120

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