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[CLOSED] Cakewalk 2021.09 Early Access [Updated to build 114]

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1 hour ago, chimkin2 said:

I meant to mention this before, very minor thing ☺️

If you upload your own text file into the toast notifications  ( i.e Oblique Strategies ) then some of them get truncated as they contain too many characters

I noticed this change a number of updates ago. Sorry; I don't remember how long ago it was--but based on my experience, the line limit/truncation issue happened a while ago.  Would be icing on the "Cake" to have it fixed. 

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I've reported this in July already, with the 2021.06 release and no one responded to this in its Feedback. So i'm gona report this for the second time around in the new EA release.

Can we have this fixed to the smallest tick value? (guess the secret weapon would be to say) PLEASE. 

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57 minutes ago, Will_Kaydo said:

I've reported this in July already, with the 2021.06 release and no one responded to this in its Feedback. So i'm gona report this for the second time around in the new EA release.

Can we have this fixed to the smallest tick value? (guess the secret weapon would be to say) PLEASE. 


turn snap off and it'll work.

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13 hours ago, Panu Pentikäinen said:

I would like to see Cakewalk optimizing buffer size automatically behind the scenes. Now there are a dozen buffer size combobox items available but nobody knows which setting is the best and why.

I would like both the automatic buffer size optimization and to retain access to the settings, but pretty please with an explanation of what their RAMifications are. For instance, this will make something smoother at the expense of more RAM usage (not an issue on any of my Cakewalk systems), or if you go too high it may lower performance, etc.

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Issues that I've encountered since updating to 09:

* Sometimes synth tracks drop out, on export;

* Sometimes synths are out of alignment with the audio, on export;

* When you edit or change settings during playback (playback loop on/off, resize audio clips, move audio clips across tracks, etc.), the output of all synths drops out.

Arranger is a mess - I don't know if that was there before, it's the first time I've tried to use it:

* When promoting arranger tracks (moving parts forward, in the order) - either by hand or in the arranger window - the program crashes; in the rare instances it doesn't crash, what and how it moves, only God knows - some clips, yes, some, not, the Arranger block header, not, so on so forth; it's unusable;

* When demoting arranger parts - it doesn't switch the parts in the order, it just lengthens the song by ADDING the part moved in the place you moved it to, and leaves a gap in the original place ?; I don't get the logic behind that; if you also have a tempo variation along the way, the result is a mess, cause it doesn't know how to handle moving parts among different tempos.

* Also, when demoting arranger parts, some audio clips are truncated for no reason - you need to resize them every time.

* In the process of moving arranger parts, audio clips get misplaced randomly in the project. I've had audio clips thrown back as far as bar 867, in a project that ended at bar 110. If I didn't tag every single audio clip, I wouldn't even know what those were, so I would have to spend time finding where they belonged. The export in that instance took about 45 minutes, and I had no clue why - cause it's not like it announces it misplaces clips.


Workspaces - when you choose one as default, it applies it over the existing project settings, on load, so it does more harm than good. If you choose none as default, it doesn't apply it to new projects, so it doesn't help. Default Workspaces should only be applied to new projects. The settings a project are saved with should override everything. You don't choose particular settings and save the project with them, to have them replaces by the Workspace every time you open it.

Meter resolutions should be a part of the Workspace settings, as much as anything else.

When applying a Workspace to a project it should act like a mass settings import, after which it should no longer intervene. Any changes that you make and save with should be kept on project load - again, saved project settings should override everything.


Clip gain: when I create a gain envelope on a clip, it automatically creates envelopes for all clips in that track. I avoid using the feature, cause I have to spend time deleting all other envelopes afterwards; don't get the logic behind that move either. When you select a clip, it should only create the envelope for that clip.


About the buffer: we're not engineers, and shouldn't start engineering our own exports, I think Cakewalk should automatically choose the fastest buffer size based on the available resources, and we have to trust that it does a great job. When I choose a compressor, I don't have to manually adjust the THD, the compression curve, the noise levels and such, I just know that the compressor has all of those dialed to where it sounds good, and that's why I choose it.

How would somebody change their buffer size? What do I check, and what calculations do I need to make, to make sure it's the fastest that works without dropouts, and such?

And what is that about the buffer size changing the sound of the track? That shouldn't happen in any circumstance, and I shouldn't need to change the buffer size according to "how I want the track to sound", should I? I have plugins for that.


Just my experience, if it's of any help improving this program.


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4 hours ago, Olaf said:

Clip gain: when I create a gain envelope on a clip, it automatically creates envelopes for all clips in that track. I avoid using the feature, cause I have to spend time deleting all other envelopes afterwards; don't get the logic behind that move either. When you select a clip, it should only create the envelope for that clip.

You can easily apply clip gain to a single clip. Place the mouse pointer over the clip -  Hold down the Ctrl Key and click and drag vertically with the left mouse button pressed. ☺️


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2 minutes ago, Osman Hemidov said:

Hello everybody. When exporting to mp3, can you make it so that an additional window with mp3 settings does not open, but that the settings are present in the main export window? Sorry for google translation.

And saved as part of the preset! Yes! That would be excellent!

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1 minute ago, chimkin2 said:

I think this might be dependant on the MP3 codec the user has ? ☺️

Likely very true, but it may be possible to do something along these lines as mp3 encoders can be run via command line instead of menu. This means unique info may be passed directly in...

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12 minutes ago, Osman Hemidov said:

Hello everybody. When exporting to mp3, can you make it so that an additional window with mp3 settings does not open, but that the settings are present in the main export window? Sorry for google translation.

@Osman Hemidov not easily because the export supports multiple encoders and each has their own specific settings. Also often sometimes its required to export multiple tracks with different MP3 formats or metadata.

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39 minutes ago, chimkin2 said:

You can easily apply clip gain to a single clip. Place the mouse pointer over the clip -  Hold down the Ctrl Key and click and drag vertically with the left mouse button pressed. ☺️


Cursor needs to be in bottom half of clip or it starts to drag-copy - this always gets me and I swear at the computer until I remember!

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5 hours ago, Olaf said:

Issues that I've encountered since updating to 09:

* Sometimes synth tracks drop out, on export;

* Sometimes synths are out of alignment with the audio, on export;


Thanks for putting your thoughts down. This thread is exclusively to discuss issues specific to the 09 release. Most of your points do not apply here so please make different threads for them. Also when reporting issues it’s much better if they are put one per post otherwise it makes it difficult for us to follow and respond to.   

There was an issue with notes dropping out that was fixed in the build posted on Friday. Please make sure that you are testing with the latest build I posted which is build 114. (Linked in the first post of this  thread)
If you are still seeing a problem in build 114, please specify exactly what steps you take to select the data to export and what plugins are present, etc. Also providing a test project will help. Bugs are fixed quite rapidly if we can reproduce them.

5 hours ago, Olaf said:

About the buffer: we're not engineers, and shouldn't start engineering our own exports, I think Cakewalk should automatically choose the fastest buffer size based on the available resources, and we have to trust that it does a great job. When I choose a compressor, I don't have to manually adjust the THD, the compression curve, the noise levels and such, I just know that the compressor has all of those dialed to where it sounds good, and that's why I choose it.

How would somebody change their buffer size? What do I check, and what calculations do I need to make, to make sure it's the fastest that works without dropouts, and such?

And what is that about the buffer size changing the sound of the track? That shouldn't happen in any circumstance, and I shouldn't need to change the buffer size according to "how I want the track to sound", should I? I have plugins for that.

Export buffer size is no different from your playback buffer size except that it allows changing it without requiring the user to change the audio interface buffer each time. Also it allows values much higher than most audio interfaces will allow.
Changing buffer sizes (often referred to as latency) is something that every DAW user has learned to do. I’ve explained this many times in this same thread but there is no one size fits all setting that is universally best for everyone so its an advanced option that can be changed. The universal option is already the default which is to follow the same size as the audio latency. There is no math required to change buffer size.

The advantage with large export buffer sizes is that it uses less CPU and can make your exports run faster. However exactly like audio latency there can be downsides in rare cases if you have plugins that are not coded properly to deal with large buffers so its up to the user to check. Also when using large buffers with plugin parameter automation many plugins only process changes at buffer boundaries so you can get aliasing in these cases.  The export buffer size has been available for about 15 years but was only available to change globally as an ini variable called BounceBufferSizeMs that most users didn’t know about so we expose it to make it more convenient to use since it has significant benefits in many cases.

If you are getting crashes the report must include a minidump file.



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