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Theme: Nickel Mint (updated for 2021.12)

Starship Krupa

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Nickel Mint Theme



I decided to go in almost the opposite direction of my previous themes. It follows the light paradigm, starting from Mercury rather than Tungsten, it's not based on a pop culture reference, and has 3-D buttons. This theme is supposed to fade into the background rather than grab the eye. The only similarities are the green highlights and use of the same panel show and hide buttons as my other themes, as well as Explorer/Finder turny triangles for opening and closing folders and ProChannel.

Since I think that the Control Bar is the most important element as far as making a theme really different, my goal with this one was to "unify" the Control Bar. In locked state it looks like one big Control Bar rather than a collection of modules.  I also wanted to make my Control Bar actually light, unlike Mercury (and most of its derivations) that have dark Control Bar modules. This was inspired by the old Retro Hi-Fi theme. Also lightened up the Cakewalk logo so that it's not dark-on-dark.

Default clip colors are stock from Mercury, but the track backgrounds have been shifted to a subdued green. If you use the custom .CLR preset, you'll get nice strong grid lines in your Track View.

The name: Nickel because it's a silvery metal and a tribute to the bloke whose work made it possible for me to start creating themes (he prefers light themes, he might not recoil in horror from this one), then Mint because of the green highlights and because in the US, we call 5p coins "nickels," which are of course, minted.

Comments and critiques are welcome. The idea with this one was to make a theme with broader appeal than my nutty pop culture ones (or dark dark dark Racing Green), so I'm even more interested to see what you have to say. I put a lot of work into it, but I can put in a little more if needed.

Edited by Starship Krupa
2021.12 Archive button update
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  On 8/18/2021 at 1:54 PM, Skyline_UK said:

I didn't know you blokes across the pond used the word 'bloke'. 


I do when I'm talking about British guys. I guess I'm one of those American "anglophiles" who likes to drop in British slang and proper UK spellings when conversing with people who get them. I watch a lot of British TV shows, so I pick it up.

The bloke in question has spent hours tirelessly documenting colours in Theme Editor whilst having to refer to them as "colors," so it's the least I can do. ?

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  On 8/20/2021 at 11:50 PM, Starship Krupa said:

The bloke in question has spent hours tirelessly documenting colours in Theme Editor whilst having to refer to them as "colors," so it's the least I can do. ?


To be fair, I've lived in the U.S. now for 22 years but I'm also dyslexic, so I'm basically at the mercy of my spelling checker. "Bloke" works for me, an ex-pat Kiwi.

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  On 8/26/2021 at 4:52 PM, Jorge Arias said:

Hello Erik. is it possible to change the text color to black or dark green?

Sin título.jpg


Well spotted. Definitely needs more contrast.

For now I'll need to change the Viewport Background to dark grey instead. I'm not sure which element controls the text color but it's used in other places and would probably break a bunch of stuff.

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At the request of @Jorge Arias, I've changed the color of the View Background to a dark grey to make the text more visible.

Also many (swipeable, go right ahead) artwork changes, including treats for people who like to use collapsed Control Bar modules:



Aaaand, something that has bugged me from day one, the piano keyboard in my EQ flyout now looks like a piano keyboard (and I added a -3dB line to the graticule so that you can follow the advice in those YouTube videos more easily):


These are the artwork changes and additions I mentioned in the threads for my other themes. They've all been updated.

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