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Bug in Workspaces

Jerry Gerber

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When I set the order of the track parameters (input, output, patch, channel, bank, etc.) and check the boxes Track Control Manager and Track View Control Order in "Manage Workspaces" to ensure that the workspace follows the order I set, I expect that to be the case.  But it is not.  Every workspace seems to have a default order that I cannot control.  When I uncheck the same boxes, the same thing happens, I cannot seem to get the order I want to stick.  

User error or bug?

UPDATE:  When I uncheck Track Control Manager and Track View Control Order, it seems to work now as expected.  It defaults to the order I set.  But I would think that when I check these boxes, the order I set would also stick because I am telling the workspace manager to keep the order as I want it.  In any event, I got it to work, but it still doesn't make sense that checking the boxes wouldn't just keep the order rather than default to something I didn't choose.  Hmm...



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7 hours ago, jsg said:

When I set the order of the track parameters (input, output, patch, channel, bank, etc.) and check the boxes Track Control Manager and Track View Control Order in "Manage Workspaces" to ensure that the workspace follows the order I set, I expect that to be the case.  But it is not.  Every workspace seems to have a default order that I cannot control.  When I uncheck the same boxes, the same thing happens, I cannot seem to get the order I want to stick.  

User error or bug?

UPDATE:  When I uncheck Track Control Manager and Track View Control Order, it seems to work now as expected.  It defaults to the order I set.  But I would think that when I check these boxes, the order I set would also stick because I am telling the workspace manager to keep the order as I want it.  In any event, I got it to work, but it still doesn't make sense that checking the boxes wouldn't just keep the order rather than default to something I didn't choose.  Hmm...








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Workspaces are not binded to a Template by Default.  They're work independently from one another and project base - making this is a pain. 

I used to have a looooong list of custom templates - before sticking to only one custom empty default template. 

What ever I tweak in the Workspace and saving it in its own and the current profect it re-opens these setting next time I open that project. 

15 minutes ago, Lord Tim said:

Neither of those links have anything to do with track control order. The order of alt-dragged track header widgets aren't preserved when you switch workspaces, even if you save them. The only way currently to stop them reverting to the default positions is to uncheck track control order in the Workspace settings, as Jerry stated.

It's how to get you to save these settings. 

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Can't seem to get this video smaller than the required upload size for videos on the forum - so I'm gona have to send screenshots. 


@Noel Borthwick @jsg


Download the video here: 


Or you can edit your Track Control Order first, then custom save your workspace and select "APPLY TO PROJECT LOAD" and re-save your project | OR | saving it as a custom default template - like how it is in my case in the video.

Edited by Will_Kaydo
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