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IK 25th Anniversary Group Buy!


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18 minutes ago, InstrEd said:

Some of us stayed up late rewriting and rewriting and....... just to get a good punch-line.  Then we read that someone is only skimming the pages ?


I am often here outside of business hours because I'm basically shopping my standup material.  Glad I'm not the only one!  Put in the work, maybe we'll see the Cakewalk Forum Comedians Netflix special soon.  I'm game.

Edith: Comedians On Forums Eating Becan

Edited by Peter - IK Multimedia
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1 minute ago, InstrEd said:

Problem with that one Pete is folks outside this inner circle don't get the "Becan" jokes around here ?  

It was nicer than the other options that popped into my head :)  But it could also grab attention and then they'd watch to find out what becan is.  I think we're on to something now, let's get this greenlit.

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2 hours ago, InstrEd said:

I have to make a spreadsheet myself now. Sort out what I have.? i


1 hour ago, husker said:

Was it here or in the KVR thread that someone posted a spreadsheet of all the IK products with their respective costs?   I can't seem to find it, but that would be helpful now that more freebies will be coming. 


1 hour ago, RSMcGuitar said:

It was here.... Good luck finding it!


1 hour ago, DeeringAmps said:

I skimmed most of the thread yesterday, don't ask me why (OCD maybe?).
I don't remember seeing it.
but my eyes were crossed about 10 pages in...


It was only on page 52.  You didn't look hard enough.  8)

CSV: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vQJOiit3wKhbyN87OdguckZzYDo_xz3PYDM2fanVWsyiDCXGzB3Ys3iWYhsDRiTog8fX3G3CYAJPVKA/pub?gid=0&single=true&output=csv

XLSX: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vQJOiit3wKhbyN87OdguckZzYDo_xz3PYDM2fanVWsyiDCXGzB3Ys3iWYhsDRiTog8fX3G3CYAJPVKA/pub?output=xlsx

I added two Picks 1/Picks 2 columns where you can put your picks.  I added some numbers as an example.  Just delete and substitute your own.

Edited by ALC
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In an effort to get more entries into this thread, I propose a guess the number of freebies at the end of September contest! There are no rules, and you can use as many spreadsheet as you'd like for this! But if I where you, I would limit my guesses between 11 and 24! Oh, and be reasonable on the font size?

Hopefully, the grand winner (or winer whichever suits him best!) of the unofficial and undisclosed "will we make it to 10,000 in time for an extension" contest will enlightened us with his best guess. Of course you all must have recognized I am talking about our own favorite IK guy: @Peter - IK Multimedia ! ?

Anybody can enter the contest, even @cclarry who's knowledge of clocks is rather limited... ?

Personally, being a true optimistic, my entry in the contest is of course 24! ?

Edit: since there seems to be many different and not so flattering definitions for "winer", the one I refer to here is from the urban dictionary: "Someone who only drinks top shelf, high end wines."

Edited by Jacques Boileau
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6 hours ago, telecode 101 said:

so basically, you are predicting the final count will hit 19 to 20 free.

Oh, no no no. One of my dearest sayings is "Prediction is futile".

(It goes hand in hand with another favorite, "Hope is for babies". I'm super fun at parties.)

We're in the third phase of the group buy, and the "rampdown data" from the wild rock-all-night throw-your-panties phase was only 8 hours old, or about 1% of the time to come. Here's what those numbers and 14 hours more look like (note the gap in "Hrs left"; all rate calcs are per-hour averages):


In a couple of days, we'll have a better idea of the current rate, which should be a decent ballpark to play in -- future disasters, curveballs, additions, subtractions and night-rockin' bouts of panty-throwin' notwithstanding.

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I keep wondering what the breakdown of participants is. Since many, like myself, have entered more than once, how many unique participants there are? ? And what is the breakdown of once, twice, thrice or more entries participant is.

Of course you realize I need to just pick up my guitar and play and forget about all this nonsense...  I'll do it come October 1st, I promise! ?

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