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Electrical crackling sounds


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Hi everyone,

I am writing 'cause it often happens while I'm playing my midi keyboard on cakewalk or while I'm recording a vocal part to hear small "electric crackling sounds", I don't know how to define them I hope you understand and tell me what they are due to :( I've triend to move to a safe level buffer latency in the preferences pannel and it's got a bit better but sometimes I still hear it.

Thanks in advance if you want to give me some advice.

Edited by Marcvs
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I've been offline for 2 weeks, and have not used cw since then, but I'm kind of having the same issue. Its only recently started for me, and I've made no other changes to my settings, until , today. I'm getting ready to test changing the buffer latency on mine, too.


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I can't speak for original poster, but I"m using a Focusrite 18i20, 2nd generation. The projects that this is occuring on , are projects that previously played fine: and all is 24 bit, 46.1 (or whatever the standard rate for CDs is - I'm trying to do two things at once) I also have a weird latency issue going on that I've been trying to resolve since dec 2020, and it may or may not be related.  The waveform appears with the "now marker" but the sound is a few milleseconds behind : this occurs in all projects, midi and audio. If I click the "internal clock" button, it will play / record correctly with the "now marker" matching playback, but only ONCE. Then it reverts back.

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  • 1 month later...

Hello everyone again.

A few moments ago I exported an mp3 to load it here and let you hear the cracklings but in the mp3 the cracklings are absent.
When I play the clip they can be heard. I recorded with my smartphone the sound attached.
I use a studio 68C interface (block size 512; I have tried different blocks and this is the most stable value), a panorama t6 midi keyboard and 2 yamaha hs7; sample rate 44.1khz.

crackling record.mp3

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18 hours ago, Steve_B said:

Quite a few 32bit plugins make that kind of noise on my system. 

Actually it shows up, in particular, only with some sounds of a plugin (64bit) particularly hungry for cpu.
In this case the plugin is Vital https://vital.audio/ which I have read on other forums has a high CPU usage.
I uninstalled it, I don't know what else to do.

I have tried other cables with the sound card and different electrical outlets.

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I also occasionally get this with my MOTU (ASIO/fixed 44.1KHz rate).  I just need to turn it off and on again and it's fine.  There are no cable issues, but sometimes it just doesn't seem to sync up right (I'm thinking like John's sample rate issue, but inside the driver/firmware/hardware) and it needs a power cycle.  An older driver might work better, but it happens so infrequently, I don't worry about it.

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@Marcvs   Which patch were you using. I just downloaded and installed the Vital synth and So far I get no static. But it might just be in a certain sample . 

Pretty cool sounds anyway. Lots of Ambient stuff. Free.. Can't resist free.

EDIT- Spoke too soon. Abbyson patch crackles exactly like your sound sample. But I played a lot of them and that's the only one so far. Overall it's a very cool assortment of sounds. So I wouldn't toss it out, just don't use the abbyson patch or  others if they are nasty. 

Edited by John Vere
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@John Vere  the patch that created these cracklings in particular was Abbyson and the second one in the pad list category!!!
I spent all Sunday afternoon trying multi-sockets around the house, changing cables, pc settings and cakewalk settings.
I loved Vital sounds, a lot of nice stuff and if you confirm that you have the same problem I can think of installing it again.

PS Crackling are totally absent in the exported file (mp3)


Thanks everyone for the help and answers ?

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The only VSTi's that I found were particularly bad for this in CbB were the UJAM Virtual Guitar series.  Even changing the ASIO buffer to 1024 wouldn't solve it, although it helped a bit.

I solved it by checking the "Load using jBridge wrapper" checkbox within the plugin properties, so that it ran in it's own process (of course you need to have jBridge installed for this to work).  Using this setting I can use the UJAM VG VSTi's at buffers of 32 or 64 without issues.

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9 hours ago, Marcvs said:

PS Crackling are totally absent in the exported file (mp3)

And if you export to wave? 

If the crackling is not encoded into the audio data, the cause and solution are moot. It would point to a problem in the signal chain through which you are listening or to the playback system in Cakewalk.

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