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Tunnel Vision with new ending


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I got Tetrality which totally took over my interest, so I haven't reverbed my last post being too distracted with this. I was just messing around with it trying to learn to use it and how I would want to use it and wound up with this piece. 

I took advice from Starship Krupa's last post reply and got Orilriver reverb and bought something at PIB so got the free PhoenixVerb and used the small neutral hall the way he recommended, sparingly and low. And advice from others who recommended reverb in my last 2 song posts. Think I am getting it. 

I used some of the generated phrases as they were, but most I altered by rendering them midi and messing around with them. The guitar is from that process, then played through Ample Strat which I really enjoy. Most of the sounds already had reverb. I like Tetrality, but it can get really busy, I did a lot of subtracting, and adjusting, and felt the need for another type of instrument so I added the guitar. So thanks for the previous feedback and thanks for listening, Treesha

revised song posted 7/30/21 with new ending as suggested and I agree the ending needed more attention. So here is the revised version

Edited by treesha
clarity, to post the revised song
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I must have missed the original version of this song, but I like this version.  The reverb adds depth and dimensionality that many instrumentals are lacking.  It sounds like you had a lot of fun in making this because it's fun to listen to.  Keep up the good work!

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Thanks Lynn, I am encouraged and it was fun! Tetrality can be complicated! It generates so much stuff ! This is the original version, I put with reverb in the title because I had quite a few comments on previous posted songs to add some or more reverb, and that hopefully this song has enough and I have learned to use it better ! If not you guys will let me know... again? 

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 Treesha , The reverbs were Very nice and clean. The first thing that hit me was that Great low drum track that kept everything flowing. That's one I would definitely over use. The second was the vast improvement on the guitars from when you first posted using the Strat. Nice.  I do think the ending could be improved. It left me hanging and didn't feel resolved.   All in all , Very nice song . Enjoyed it ..  mark

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Thanks for listening and the feedback Mark glad you enjoyed it. I agree the ending is not ideal, maybe i will revisit that. Glad the reverbs sound right! I expected some neg feedback on the drums ha. Interesting the strat is vastly improved no idea why. I will have to listen to the 3 strat tracks i posted. If you feel like commenting what is better that would help. I don’t find it easy to use but love the sounds. I used the same preset in the first 2 songs but a more spacey preset in this one. Thanks again

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Thanks Timbo, appreciate the feedback. I agree it should fade longer. I was getting fatigued of working on the song and will revisit with a fresh outlook soon ha. Tetrality was demanding of me. I really expected criticism of the simple boomy drums ha. Thanks for listening, the space was the most fun

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Treesha , the guitar parts were just about impossible for me to tell they were midi , and the notes played sounded like natural choices for a guitarist. I also think the preset was Much better , especially on the real low notes. Some sounded like they had a very small bit of tremolo that smoothed out the attack and let the note swell a little bit.   I think the song could resolve using the note coming in at 1:29.    maybe even looped and faded.     mark

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Thanks for the detailed reply Mark thats very helpful! I play guitar but not a fluent lead player so maybe some phrases i play aren’t what a good player would play ha. Sometimes i use guitar loops i have, midi them and work with that in ample. Yeah i will redo the ending making it longer and fade better and will check out the note you like. Thanks again

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Thanks for listening and letting me know you enjoyed it. Im encouraged. I am messing around with lengthening the ending although the interesting notes mark skinner suggested don’t fit the key or whatever there. Tried transposing sounds real bad ha. 

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Thanks so much Mark, it was very challenging! Don’t want to leave anyone hanging ha. Its interesting to me how much melodyne editing i find i need to do with synth parts.. the timing, sometimes pitch, odd squeaky noises and to get a few tracks in line with each other as needed.  Very done with this type work for a while but glad i made this better. 

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