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Work on progress ^^

Esther Brulard

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've made a less compressed radio master from this CD version, what do you think of the rendering (see first comment)? I've also tried both versions with the algorythm of youtube, and I think the less compressed sounds better because of loudness penalty whereas on soundcloud the sound of the CD version seems more appealing to me , it's a typical case of loudness penalty on youtube, I've post it here on comments for those who are curious and to have your opinion.


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I've only listened to the top version, and its stunning; that's the only way I can describe it.
I'll try to get back and evaluate all the versions (warning; the last year has seen a bit of an increase in my tinnitus,
my opinions won't be worth much, but at least they will be worth what is paid for them ? je rigole je rigole!)
Très bien ma belle dame, très bien!



Who played the guitar on this? (please don't tell its a midi file!)

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Ok I'm back, I listened to the CD version over at SoundCloud.
(dropped a "like" and "comment" btw, maybe the rest of the community will do likewise)
A bit more depth maybe, or was the second listen just confirming what I already thought?

as i alluded too above, my ears especially today, are a bit fatigued...


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