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Windows 11 compatibility

Noel Borthwick

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  On 12/9/2021 at 5:07 AM, John Vere said:

Thinking the W11 install unregistered  Rapture pro Just re install it using CCC. That’s drop out issue solved but still the Latency Monitor report needs attention. 

Question for everyone. Didn’t have time to read this whole thread. But what I gleaned was even though my 10 year old HP Pavilion tells me it isn’t compatible with W11 it would probably be fine. 
I just bought a 500 GB SSD to replace the 250 OS drive and thinking I might as well download  the W11 version to install fresh. 
Figure I have nothing to loose as will still have the original 250 W10 OS drive to fall back on. 


There are many ways to install Win 11 on "non compatible" to Microsoft's requirements.  But they have made known there is no guarantee on these systems getting fixes/updates and security updates.   There is also talk about wondering if Microsoft will disable these installations at some point.   

What I would suggest is make the PC a dual boot with Win 10 and the Windows Insider Win 11 versions.  They are offering Win 11 versions to Insiders with older hardware.   

My "mobile" recording laptop is a 7th gen i5 CPU and I'm leaving it on Win 10, not losing anything for recording.  The laptop is a 2017 model, Win 10 will be supported for another 4 years, so another 4 years if it lasts that long and it will be due for a new one.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 12/20/2021 at 2:07 PM, Michael Johnson said:

I updated to Windows 11 and now no sounds will play in cakewalk. It says that it essentially doesn't detect the driver, now I'm trying to find out how to get my sound back ???


What are you using for a sound device?   The PC sound or a separate recording interface unit?

On the Dell forums we are not seeing many sound problems but on the models Dell has certified as Win 11 compatible, reinstalling the sound driver fixes the problem.

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  On 11/23/2021 at 7:13 PM, John Nelson said:

All updates applied. Still no-go on one machine, hit or miss on the other.  Based on what I'm reading online, I think Apple wants to deprecate the original iPod (mine is actually a nano I believe) and force it into obsolescence. Guess I'll dig out my Walkman.....


Update... the iTunes nano connects and synchs perfectly now.  Not sure if it was an Apple patch or a Windows patch lol.  So 100% functionality W10 to W11 for me.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So I built a new PC. Intel Core I9 12900k (non-overclocked), with 64GB 3200 DDR4 (due to the lack of DDR5 and outrageous prices), and i'm getting some weird behavior with guitar plug ins. I use Amplitube, and out of nowhere the computer will crawl to a halt during recording only to come back to life if I stop and start it again, Same with Bias FX (which I know has issues and Bias FX has said so), Has anyone else seem this behavior? It's really bad during mixdown. My AMD Ryzen 5950 system with the same specs seems to not be affected. Even with the bad Bias FX plug in. I check task manager during recording and also monitor thermals during recording and its barely using any CPU and my temps are barely reaching 40c. Im stumped.

Edited by John Copeland
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  On 1/10/2022 at 7:17 PM, John Copeland said:

out of nowhere the computer will crawl to a halt during recording only to come back to life if I stop and start it again


sorry to hear this, been trying to debug similar (intermittent) behavior since Mar 2021 on a dedicated system (i7-5820k @3.3GHz, 32GB DDR4) which has run like a champ for years, even with fairly 'mature' mixes (i.e. more active VSTs). It will run just fine at times, but have what sounds like the same problem. (NB mostly on playback here as all FX are generally disabled for recording except the track that needs it.)

In addition to reviewing/resetting all the usual suspects after a WIN10 update, ran LatencyMon a number of times = everything reports as fine until it's not...? with no clear suspect flagged which makes me think it's some sort of intermittent system issue. All wifi/network adapters, BT, etc. are disabled and system hw conditions have been actively monitored as well to eliminate that as an issue. 

More recently noting problems when a project first loads and when changing A/I buffer sizes. It seems like the audio engine has problems sorting everything out and takes a couple of start/stops to get everything lined up. This is not something I've experienced on any other DAW/PC (PT, S1 (3x PCs) Logic (2x Mac) ).

Tried A/I buffer settings, finding that makes a difference (256 has been more stable than 64/128/1024/2048) but not 100% definitive. Considered HDD access issues (moved the project to an SSD (= no improvement). 

This "tape stop/drag" often occurs at a fairly specific section in one song (last verse) but there is nothing special or extra heavy in that section. Also noted I can get this to happen on demand by simply opening a VST or browser window, something that never used to happen with the exact same project. The cores in the performance monitor will be bouncing along as expected at about 40-50% and then go nuts for a bit with red spikes on some cores. It will often recover somehow and keep playing, but at other times will just stop playback period. The graphics card is pretty basic, doubled the RAM on that to see if it helped. It didn't.  I've also tried various CW configuration settings but find my initial values to be the most robust. 

Running the latest versions of everything, still a bit leery of plugin vendors with "call home" DRM schemes, keeping a log and putting together a pick list for a new DAW, thinking that might be the issue given the hours logged on this system, but ...?? 

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You wouldn't happen to be running a USB2 audio interface on a USB3 port, would you?  If I do that (MOTU Ultralite/Ryzen/Windows 10), I get genuine wow and flutter on playback sometimes even with no obvious DPC latency or CPU issues - move it to a USB2 port and it's solid as a rock (famous last words!).  Not identical, but not a million miles way from what you see.

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Ya, went through the exercise of switching ports for a USB 3.1 compatible AI between 3.0 and 3.1 (TASCAM not MOTU). Seemed to recall this -might- have been an issue at some time in the past, but not since installing (and reinstalling post WIN10 updates) the latest native ASIO drivers. 


Noting (for the first time) that Task Manager has Cakewalk.exe running at "Normal" priority. Gonna look into making that "High",  figuring out how to make it stick atm as it comes up as Normal on launch.  


(simple.... add a "/high" flag to the target in the shortcut, will beat on it this week to see if it makes a difference)

Edited by jackson white
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Sorry if this was addressed elsewhere. I looked but didn't find anything.

I just received a new Dell 8940 (Windows 11, 8 physical cores, 32 GB RAM, RTX 3060). I did a fresh install of Cakewalk (Dec 2021) only to find that ProChannel doesn't seem to work. It doesn't look like any signal passes through it. (I performed a similar test on my current production machine (Windows 10) and it all works fine.) Not only does no signal pass through it, the UI - at least the integrated PC EQ - is messed up. The dots representing the 4 bands disappear. The EQ curves do not get drawn. I have the global power to PC turned on as well as the module power. I've added and deleted modules. Still not working. Normal VST plug-ins work just fine. I've used my favorite app since the PA9 days so I'm relatively familiar with it. 

Any suggestions? Test I can run? Does this sound like a Windows 11 compatibility issue? NVIDIA issue?

Interface: Roland Octa-Capture (ASIO) (But I was just using built in audio (WDM) for this particular test. I haven't moved my Roland over yet since I'm still kicking the tires on the new box)

Edited by Ed Evans
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  On 1/13/2022 at 11:16 AM, Jack Stoner said:

I don't think its Win 11, as Pro Channel works OK on my Win 11 (no difference from Win 10).

I'd install and try the Octa-Capture to see if the test with Realtek was the issue before going any further..



Thanks, Jack. I'll try that and see what happens. My guess is that it's either a Windows 11 thing or, perhaps more likely, and NVIDIA RTX3060 thing. I'll do some more experimenting!

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  On 1/13/2022 at 9:51 PM, Jeremy Oakes said:

I upgraded from W10 and Pro Channel is working as expected.



Thanks, Jeremy. I guess it's just a problem with my system that I'll need to work out, I appreciate your comment!

Update: 2022-01-13 8:50 PM PST: Finished work, decided to jump right in and figure out what the heck is going on and it worked like a champ 1st time. I swear I didn't change a thing. Thanks to the great Cakewalk forum folks who always jump in and offer their assistance. This community is the best!

Edited by Ed Evans
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi @Noel Borthwick I just wanted to let you know that I will be testing CbB in Windows 11 on my son's new laptop.

I bought him an HP pavilion AMD Ryzen 7, 16gb system with W11. We've installed Cakewalk plus additional connect, Kontakt,  some libraries. So far everything is running smooth as silk. I'm tempted to get one myself.

My son is 13 years old and enrolled in the local conservatorio of music here in Italy where he plays piano. He's already light years ahead of me in terms of piano playing and theory, but I want him to get a headstart on music production so that he can have fun making music whilst learning some hard skills in the art of digital music production. His conservatory is old fashioned and doesn't really teach anything about music production/recording.

If we come across any glitches while using CbB, I'll let you know here.

On a side note: kontakt installed seamlessly on this setup. That's a first!

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  On 1/23/2022 at 9:48 AM, Philip G Hunt said:

Hi @Noel Borthwick I just wanted to let you know that I will be testing CbB in Windows 11 on my son's new laptop.

I bought him an HP pavilion AMD Ryzen 7, 16gb system with W11. We've installed Cakewalk plus additional connect, Kontakt,  some libraries. So far everything is running smooth as silk. I'm tempted to get one myself.

My son is 13 years old and enrolled in the local conservatorio of music here in Italy where he plays piano. He's already light years ahead of me in terms of piano playing and theory, but I want him to get a headstart on music production so that he can have fun making music whilst learning some hard skills in the art of digital music production. His conservatory is old fashioned and doesn't really teach anything about music production/recording.

If we come across any glitches while using CbB, I'll let you know here.

On a side note: kontakt installed seamlessly on this setup. That's a first!


I don’t think you’ll find many issues, been working perfectly here since my upgrade.


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  On 11/1/2021 at 1:52 PM, Alan Russell said:

So many audio drop out issues with Windows 11...I have the top DELL tower machine  16gigs ram..huge hardrives...never had these issue with Windows 10.   problems recording - won't start-drop out occurs immediately.   cracking the 1st second of any track (Audio)  I record live...buffers were upped to 2048...very aggravating..


Did you figure it out?  I have the same issue with all my old projects.

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