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Amazon brand guitar strings? Whats next, AMZ DAW?

Clovis Ramsay

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I just ran across guitar strings made by Amazon selling for $6 a pack.  Now who remembers when Wal-Mart started selling strings, electric guitars  and Casio keyboards??  If you don’t then its probably because it only lasted for less than 2 yrs back in the mid 2000’s.  

Musicians, we may be a peculiar type of human but that doesn’t mean we want our tools for creating music to be unspecialized and mediocre garbage from Walmart.  We will always choose convenience to most things in life like hot pockets and Chinese take out, but when it comes to my craft, I will drive as far as I must to a music store!  I will even take off from work, call in sick, or fake my death if It is required of me to get to a music store.  

Music derives from deeply personal feelings within and I just feel “whole” knowing my strings are the perfect size, weight, tone, playability just for me.  That the makers spent time developing the best methods to get the most out of the materials used, cryogenics anyone?  

Amazon getting in on this market is a terrible thing, as for one, it forces the reputable string makers and startups to gradually start cutting corners to maintain profit margins once Amazon increasingly eats away at the market share.  I really do hope they stay out of developing software and computers because a world in permanent  mediocrity just isnt a world worth living for.  

When Rome fell, In came the dark ages so all the bath houses and public facilities running water 2000 years ago stopped flowing.  No one knew how to build and maintain the aquifers.  No more incredible built architecture, no more city apartments, no more rations of bread and meat per month per citizen…..all forgotten and never rediscovered for 1000 years.

welcome to the jungle baby, the Amazon jungle 

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They also make small amps, effects pedals, tuners, cables, and other misc. accessories. The effects pedals look nice and have great reviews.

I bought an Amazon clamp on AC current meter a couple weeks ago for $30. I checked it against my $600 Fluke meter. Both read the same and the Amazon one was extremely well made.

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  On 5/26/2021 at 1:29 AM, Clovis Ramsay said:

I just ran across guitar strings made by Amazon selling for

$6 a pack.  Now who remembers when Wal-Mart started selling strings, electric guitars  and Casio keyboards??  If you don’t then its probably because it only lasted for less than 2 yrs back in the mid 2000’s.  

Musicians, we may be a peculiar type of human but that doesn’t mean we want our tools for creating music to be unspecialized and mediocre garbage from Walmart.  We will always choose convenience to most things in life like hot pockets and Chinese take out, but when it comes to my craft, I will drive as far as I must to a music store!  I will even take off from work, call in sick, or fake my death if It is required of me to get to a music store.  

Music derives from deeply personal feelings within and I just feel “whole” knowing my strings are the perfect size, weight, tone, playability just for me.  That the makers spent time developing the best methods to get the most out of the materials used, cryogenics anyone?  

Amazon getting in on this market is a terrible thing, as for one, it forces the reputable string makers and startups to gradually start cutting corners to maintain profit margins once Amazon increasingly eats away at the market share.  I really do hope they stay out of developing software and computers because a world in permanent  mediocrity just isnt a world worth living for.  

When Rome fell, In came the dark ages so all the bath houses and public facilities running water 2000 years ago stopped flowing.  No one knew how to build and maintain the aquifers.  No more incredible built architecture, no more city apartments, no more rations of bread and meat per month per citizen…..all forgotten and never rediscovered for 1000 years.

welcome to the jungle baby, the Amazon jungle 


Fixed. :)


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I bought all the parts to build my last 2 daws and my last 2 audio interfaces from Amazon.

I hate to say it but if local places treated their customers as well as Amazon does in regard to returns and swaps for defective items and pricing things may be different. Having dealt with both over the years I'd rather deal with Amazon.

A good example is I can get a lefty Fender Acoustisonic modelling guitar on Amazon. If I ordered it now (Wednesday) it would be here by Friday. No tax. Free shipping. Same price as a righty. And if I didn't like it there is free returns no shipping no restock.

Locally I have to special order it plus tax and shipping. 60 to 90 days wait period. No returns because it's special order. So I'm stuck with it if I can't get used to the neck.

Another example. I bought all the high end bathroom fixtures for the last remodel I did from Amazon. The local places "were too busy to deal with a small order.". In the end I saved almost 50% getting them on Amazon. Brand new even though some were returns. Especially with that stuff it's always better to buy returns. People will buy them to see how they look and return them unused and Amazon has to sell them as returns.

I understand the small business owners dislike for big business but from a consumer standpoint ... well sorry. And this doesn't apply to everything of course but a lot of stuff.

eBay is a joke now. I'll never buy anything from them again after the last screwing I got. Remember the video card order they canceled on me months ago? They ended up charging me. I had to make multiple calls to get it fixed and I asked my wife the other day if she ever saw the credit and no. So I have to call them again.

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Re: Walmart selling guitar strings; It will be open at 11:30 at night when you're gigging and that G string breaks, again, and you have to send Billy the roadie searching for another one because he didn't get your strings from GC yesterday when you told him to.

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  On 5/26/2021 at 3:21 PM, Shane_B. said:

I hate to say it but if local places treated their customers as well as Amazon does in regard to returns and swaps for defective items and pricing things may be different. Having dealt with both over the years I'd rather deal with Amazon.



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I try to give the business locally first before Amazon. I still appreciate knowledgeable service and willing to pay a little extra for it.

I have been on the end where a customer blatantly shows me the price on Amazon after I just spent 20 minutes explaining the ins and outs of the few products.  So if the price is way lower at Amazon we just trim that line and customers lose a demo and our knowledge.   Yes Amazon might have the best price but now you have to order several of what we use to sell and try them out and return the ones that you opened and didn't work for you.  So someone might get a great deal on the open box version.  Time is money too.    My wife doesn't understand Amazon for clothing and hopes Kohls is able to stick around. She wants to go try on the outfits and not order 10 online to return 9 of them.  Of course we know several friends that do it all the time.


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I can remember way way back when all Amazon sold were rivers.



They were into streaming.



All the way to the bank.



Dam it, I'm hilarious when I put in some effort.



Everyone else: Shut up Straummy, weir bored.





Interesting trivia: Jeff Bezos is dyslexic, and was actually trying to spell 'amazing'.

This may or may not be true.



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