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Come To America!

Clovis Ramsay

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Preliminary mix

-I think my guitarist sneaked behind me and fiddled with the guitar amp eq, they sound washed out in the midrange and has given me a terrible time trying to bring back articulation. ...

-Made 100% In Cakewalk by BandLab :)

Edited by Clovis Ramsay
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This is a great song seeking a great mix!  I love the vocals in this, in spite of not quite understanding all the words.  This song is not lacking for passion, just a little finesse in the final mix.  My only suggestion would be to listen to this on as many monitors and systems as possible and go from there.  I'll be back!

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11 hours ago, Wookiee said:

You might want to try checking this in mono as a lot goes missing in the top when I mono it on my Pro 40.

Sound very down the middle other then all the top being push out to the sides.


Definitely phase issues with the L-R guitars.    Its going to require all new rhythm guitar tracks for sure.  Thanks for the feedback, I greatly appreciate it!

@jack c. thanks jack!  …i thought you were calling me jack like Nicholson, but then I realize you are jack c., jack!

@Lynn Wilson that is greatly insightful and a tremendous help having fresh perspectives to reveal my blindspots.  Im also inspired to install security cameras on each dial, switch and mic on the guitar setup lol 

Shooting for July 4th week or else it becomes a Brian Wilsons 40 year “Smile” session 

Edited by Clovis Ramsay
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"Come to America"

Good grief, why would anybody want to do that?! ?

But I love, love love the song!!  I can't really hear a problem with your mix at all.  It has a pro sound to it comes through as well thought out.  I wouldn't change a thing.

? John B

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