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End of the Cakewalk Road for me?

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40 minutes ago, brandon said:

Do I need to download the latest version or should i be able to activate without it?

Depends on the version installed.

In-app updates and activation are relatively new.

If the options are not in the CbB help menu, use BA to grab the latest version of CbB.

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2 hours ago, Noel Borthwick said:

You saw what - a sign in prompt? Its mentioned in the first paragraph of what's new.

"Cakewalk will auto check and renew your activation status whenever a new version of the application is installed and run for the first time, and when you sign in to BandLab from within Cakewalk."

If you saw a sign in prompt it is because you have never signed in from CbB ever so it was not cached. Users who have signed in at least once would get a one time "activation refreshed" message and that would be all until your next update.

I missed this and I am wrong.

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Thanks all. I downloaded the latest version and am activated once again.

One thing though . The song I just listened to which is all audio tracks has some distinct crackles in he background which I know were not there in the previous version of cakewalk.  Does this ring any bells (or crackles as the case may be ? ) with anyone.



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11 hours ago, John said:

As to checking in with Bandlab each and every time you open the program I am unsure about that. Even so I see no real problem with it if true. Further if you were to produced a mega hit song and Bandlab were somehow able to usurp your ownership of the song then I would be concerned. However, I see that as against all intellectual property law.

Actually, such a policy (which apparently does not exist) would not be contrary to "all intellectual property law," although it might come afoul of legal opinion in some jurisdictions. The ability of a software producer to put limitations on its use by licensing provisions has been pretty well established in the US. It is likely that you have software that is licensed only for non-commercial use, for example. Using such software in a business for money making would violate the terms of the contract you have accepted when you install the software. Unlicensed use of software has both civil and criminal penalties. In the US, such off-license use can be charged as a violation of the copyright of the developer/seller, in addition to just being an issue of contract law. The theory that not just the illegal use of the software is actionable, and the loss of income to the licensor (the cost you avoided by violating the license) is recoverable to the licensor, but that the product of that unlicensed use (your mega hit) is forfeit to him is not automatic, but it follows from the general principal that your profits generated by the illegal use are not legitimately your property. Such profits would likely be claimed as damages in a legal action against you if they were significant. That is not so different from the more commonly seen claims against musicians for unlicensed incorporation of copyrighted samples in their own work.  

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More and more it seems the title of the OP is true for me! I don't like any software doing any automatic internet access without asking me. Well, I am not dull, I know it gets more difficult each day to come!

I don't say that the Bakers plan to misuse these connections, but on the other hand I am 100% sure that sooner or later there will be misuse by some developers out there. And the risk for us users is rising with the use of software like this! Some may say I am overanxious, but probably they will remember my words very soon! It may not be a problem if you have 2 programs doing this, but if you have 50 ... The users will lose control over internet access, this is sure!

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11 minutes ago, marled said:

More and more it seems the title of the OP is true for me! I don't like any software doing any automatic internet access without asking me.

How many times is Noel going to have to point out Offline Activation

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16 minutes ago, Base 57 said:

How many times is Noel going to have to point out Offline Activation

That's a convenient way for offline users, indeed, but it doesn't answer the question of activation requirement per se, in case BandLab is (knock on wood) dead someday.  Or if they drop Cakewalk's developement for whatever reason.  I mean, how can we be  sure that we'll be able to work on our projects later on?

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20 minutes ago, MisterX said:

That's a convenient way for offline users, indeed, but it doesn't answer the question of activation requirement per se, in case BandLab is (knock on wood) dead someday.  Or if they drop Cakewalk's developement for whatever reason.  I mean, how can we be  sure that we'll be able to work on our projects later on?

Sheesh,  I don't know.

How can we be sure  Word Perfect will continue development so we can continue to work on our projects in the future?


Oh, yeah....


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3 minutes ago, bdickens said:


Sheesh,  I don't know.

How can we be sure  Word Perfect will continue development so we can continue to work on our projects in the future?


Oh, yeah....


I don't care, 'cause Im a Cakewalk user, writing about Cakewalk issues on Cakewalk forums, not Word Perfect.

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It's always possible that we may have to change our software programs at any time. Fortunately, there are many options should this ever happen (again) with Cakewalk. All you can really hope for is that it will be there as long as you need it. Someday it won't be;  hopefully that will be far enough in the future that it won't affect any of us (in other words we'll all be dead). The Bakers, bless them, do an unbelievable job with technology I cannot even fathom, and I trust what they tell me. They are doing what they need to do to continue to make this great product available. And free of charge at that. We should never lose sight of that. Even a confirmed Luddite like me (just ask Steev) ain't so crazy that I think there's some weird conspiracy on the part of Bandlab and Cakewalk to - what? Steal my music? Who would want to do that?

One quick question: when I log into the forum, does that count as logging into Bandlab? I'm still on the older method of activation as I am using an older version of Cakewalk.

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2 hours ago, bdickens said:

I guess you missed the point, which is: how can you be sure that any software is going to be around forever?

No, I didn't. It's pretty normal that software disappears from the market, and that's exactly why periodical activation scheme is so dangerous.  Once such an app is gone users can't work on their projects anymore, even if they still have suitable OS and hardware. And that's a good reason to consider introducing permanent Cakewalk licenses (be it paid ones), at least for those, who don't like the vision  of waking up with an empty bottle on the desert someday.

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I'm a bit of a outlier when it comes to privacy online. I have zero social media accounts outside of a few choice music software related forums such as this. No facebook - never have....... no insta gram - twitter, google accounts and emails are non existant  etc. I find CbB to be one of the best updates routines there are. Unobtrusive and no- non sense. I think maybe the OP mis- interpreted the messaging about re- authorization. I interpret it as a need to get basic analytics about who is trying it a and flying somewhere else - or sticking with the program for extended periods of time. The last update was one of the best. I've been a loyal user since the day of DOS.

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I hope the OP (or others)isn't someone who has Facebook or Instagram, because if you've ever read THOSE TERMS OF SERVICE....

I have no PII on my studio machine except for logins for software(which are necessary). Not really anything to find.

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1 hour ago, mdiemer said:

(...)  Steal my music? Who would want to do that?

Guys from European Union of the Deaf?
But seriously, if stealing other people's ideas wasn't relatively common, there'd be no patent laws in existence.   And certainly no copyright institutions like US Copyright Office and its equivalents in other countries.

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11 hours ago, Base 57 said:

How many times is Noel going to have to point out Offline Activation

Yes I am aware, and I am very thankful for it! That's why my studio pc is 99.9% offline! ?

But it does not solve the thing on my laptop that is mostly online. I don't want software to do stealthy online connections at all (it's enough with Windows 10 alone! ?).

Okay, we trust in Noel that he is not doing something bad with the connection! But do we know who else has access to the code that makes online requests? Do we know how secure online access is coded in any music software (e.g. Melodyne)? Do we know how are the rules of law in the countries of the software production?

Thus even if I can trust in a company there maybe holes in online stuff! This is the reason why I prefer not to do permanent logins into user software and why I prefer explicitly to call an installation process if online connections are required at all (I think it's even better if I can do offline autorisation on my online computer, too)! And the newer Cakewalk versions are a bit nebulous in this respect IMHO!

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