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Tripleplay changing volume on Jamstix


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When ever I turn on my midi guitar and play a synth in cakewalk my Jamstix drum program turns it's volume almost all the way down. Is there a setting in cakewalk that allows them to talk to each other? The tripleplay guitar is just acting like a keyboard controller, I'm not using their software in cakewalk. I have midi input on jamstix to "none". The tripleplay is on omni.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I noticed that I bump the volume knob on the tripleplay module when I pick up the guitar and this changes the jamstix volume. Jamstix says ask on the triplay forum. The tripleplay forum says ask on the cakewalk forum. 

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It is normal for a synth to have "Enable MIDI Input" selected and disabled.

In addition to turning off "Enable MIDI Output" above the tripleplay plug-in,  make sure the Jamstix instrument/MIDI track inputs are not set to any of "All Inputs Omni" or "All External Inputs Omni".

Keep in mind any time an instrument/MIDI track  input is set to None and the track has input echo enabled, the track input is automatically set to either "All Inputs Omni" or "All External Inputs Omni".


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