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Making Tutorials


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Apologies if this is in the wrong forum (hopefully a Mod will move it if required). I'm interested to know what folks use to make tutorials. So, filming and recording a narrative whilst capturing the sound via an audio interface either from a MIDI instrument or guitar. 

Just looking for tips on effective software/ workflow.



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No this is a good place to ask.  The more tutorials the better. 

I use OBS studio which is free and Magix Movie Studio platinum which was $60  

There’s 2 ways I can get Cakewalk audio captured along with the narrative. First is to use WASAPI shared.
Second is I will use a small mixer that has the  3/4 output of my interfaces ( DAW playback) and the mike plugged in. This returns to my interface and is recorded by the screen capture. This way I can control the balance between the narration and the DAW  with hardware.  
I’m real scattered if I try and narrate in real time. I mumble and I can also make mistakes and leave out important stuff. 

so my solution to this is for 
The last two I made I cheated and wrote a script. I recorded the audio with Cakewalk and edited out bloopers as I progressed. I mastered the audio and then I played it back as I ran the screen capture trying to follow my own instructions.

The screen capture records the audio but i use the original by adding it in the editing software and sync it up. 
I then add some background music and add text and pictures where needed. It’s a Lot of work! But it’s a great hobby as I find learning more about the movie software interesting. 
I guess we need tutorials on making tutorials 


Edited by John Vere
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John I downloaded OBS, very impressive for a freebie! I managed to get it set up with an old Lifecam I had kicking around and got it to work on a quick test shoot. Awful quality, but I was trying to prove everything worked not win an Oscar. ? I can fix all the quality issues later. 

Hoping to have lots of fun with this so thanks again for a great tip. Lots to learn.



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I have an old Lifecam that I've used for years but was disappointed it won't run on w10. I tried everything. I was thinking of replacing it with something new. We need it for Zoom meetings etc. And I think with OBS you can do the little screen inside screen trick like in Mike's Videos ( creative Sauce)

I think the resolution is depended on the quality of your video card. I just have on board video. Had to scrap my fancy Nvidia as they hog DPC latency and cause dropouts in Cakewalk. The highest setting for mine is 1920x1080.  There's settings I don't understand so haven't tried like the Downscale filter and FPS value. 

Just ordered this



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I have a Nvidia card - 1050Ti I think - not noticed it causing me particularly significant problems but YMMV. My Lifecam is relatively new and seems to be producing good enough resolution for my needs (may be not be production standards but it'll do for me).

Yes, Mike's videos are incredible, I can't begin to imagine how much work goes into them.


Edited by AndyB01
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I to use OBS and set my audio driver to MME. This seems to work well for me. I do a lot of podcasting and livestreams as well so I pulled the trigger on the RODECASTER PRO, man oh man! That thing is a beast!!! It handles all of my incoming and outgoing audio as well as compensates for any loop back that may occur from Skype or Zoom. Not to mention shiny buttons that glow in the dark and make awesome noises!!! 

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  • 2 weeks later...

@AndyB01  @Robert McClellan

just an update. I was setting up to make a new tutorial and I noticed in OBS audio input list my Motu loop back inputs. I can use ASIO Now without issue.

Most of the new interfaces have a loop back function now. 

So I really like not having to change driver mode just to do the capture. 

The other thing I just did was I recorded the narrative into Cakewalk. I edited it and applied processing.
I then used this project as my tutorial example by starting screen capture, starting playback of project and then tried to follow my narrative with actions   It turned out ok but still needs some editing  I posted it anyway it’s the one on adding effects 


Edited by John Vere
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2 hours ago, Robert McClellan said:

@John Vere ? that’s interesting.

I honestly don’t know. I’ve left my driver mode on MME 32-bit for awhile now and have had no negative side effects when running the two programs side by side.

I would definitely do some testing though. The less you have to do the better right!

Are you sure your in MME mode? That's not really supported anymore. My Motu only supports ASIO and WASAPI shared. It won't run in other modes.  My Tascam will run in WDM.  But if your using on board audio that's different. I prefer to set my interfaces in ASIO and just leave them alone. They seem to work in all situations. Movie Studio seems to prefer ASIO too. I can open the audio tracks in a wave editor which they also like asio mode. The only app that seems to bobm out is VLC player. I alway have to switch from default to Motu. Stupid thing is the Motu is the default and only audio device. All others are disabled. 

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