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The Best Is Yet To Come

Keith Wilby

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I enjoyed the song, particularly when the drums came in and the tempo increased a bit!  I might agree with Kurt on the delay.  Perhaps playing around with the timing of the delay might result in it matching it a bit better with the keys.  However, having said that, I am a sucker for delay and reverb.  I have been a frequent abuser of them and so, I guess my comment should be measured against my abuse (lol).

Very nice work on this song.


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 Great job ! I thought your vocals were Very good on this one. Maybe bring them up a db. I didn't think the lead guitar was shaky at all , but could be mixed back a little and back up at the very ending. I could hear and feel a delay problem , but for me  it was the timing of the delay on the Piano instead of the vocals. I really liked the cinematic feel you got here.   Enjoyed it  ..  mark

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I think this is my final mix on this, so thanks again for your comments folks. I've taken the delay off the vocal, added reverb and changed the EQ as I thought the voice sounded a little thin, unlike me ?

On percussion, I think "less is more" on this one but I've panned the crash cymbals and put in some drum fills.

I've also put a bit of melancholic string quartet over the previously solo piano bit in the middle. I think it's a huge improvement. I hope you enjoy it.


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