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Soundfonts plug-in

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Hi there,

I am looking for a free plug-in that will let me use good old soundfonts in CbB (under Windows 10, 64-bit). Most VST samplers compatible with soundfonts that I've tried so far are 32-bit (sfz, Soundtypo, Jeskola XS1...) and won't work in my system. But even those that are 64-bit are not working either, like VST SynthFont64, Grace or BassMidi VSTi. I can insert them in my project but they won't make any sound.

So far the only way I've been able to use my soundfonts with CbB is by using Coolsoft's VirtualMidiSynth (which is an external piece of software, not a plug-in) as an output device. But this, besides lagging issues, is certainly not an optimal solution.

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance

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Have you tried JBridge rather than Cakewalk's BitBridge for 32 bit plugins?

I use SampleLord as a SF2 player (it'll also play GIG, FXP, NKI, EXB, WAV, AIFF files too). It's not free (€40) but it is 32 bit.

For something like my own sampled piano, I find using SampleLord via JBridge is a lot more CPU friendly (and perfectly stable) than something like Kontakt in native 64 bit.

There's far more options in JBridge for dealing with any compatibility issues than BitBridge, which has no options at all.

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Thank you guys for trying to help me. But the problem seems to be worse now, I think something has gone wrong with my Cakewalk after installing all those plug-ins, because right now I can't make any newly inserted plug-in work. (However, those that were already inserted in my projects still work). I believe one of those plug-ins (some of them rather old) made a mess and now I can't find a way to fix it (not even reinstalling Cakewalk). This is a different issue than the one I opened this thread for, so to keep things neat and tidy I'm opening a new one (here). Thanks again.



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Some rgc:audio sfz FYIs

Version                   SCAN                OPEN                 LOAD SF2 files

CbB 64bit                                  yes                     yes                                 no

Sonar 32bit                               yes                     yes                                yes


Version (2004)

CbB 64bit                                    no                       no                                  no

Sonar 32bit                                yes                     yes                                 no

SFZ Standalone                          -                        yes                                yes 

Edited by sjoens
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Soundfonts is one of the big reason why I still keep my PC dual boot to Win XP. I had so many good useful SF2 in my collection since earlier days of Cakewalk Pro Audio 9, and I still love many many of them, specially grand piano and drums (remember the Sonic Implants BlueJay drums?) . Whenever I need to use them, I switch to Win XP side and do the sequencing as needed with Sonar 8.5. Render, then go back to CbB in Win 7. I still have Creative Sound Blaster Live! in 2 of my PC! I also still have many SF2 player from the old days (Vsampler, SFZ, tx16wx, LinuxSampler, etc) however IMHO, nothing beats the original E-MU hardware on playing soundfonts. The rendered sounds are a lot better. The closest to the real thing is VSampler which was discontinued.

Edited by James Argo
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I'd really love to hear a recording of the Sound Blaster's output and the same MIDI/SF2 file rendered with VSTSynthFont64.  Pinning down exactly what makes hardware sound better in this case would be very interesting, since there isn't a lot of analog to a Sound Blaster.  Sadly I don't have any Sound Blasters or machines with ISA slots left alive . 

I do wish VSampler was still being developed.   I wonder if it's worth trying to find my copy of it?  I have my serial codes for it but I'm not sure that's enough to be able to use it.  I should have a backup on DVD somewhere.

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  • 1 month later...
  On 4/1/2019 at 10:30 PM, abacab said:

I'm not sure why anybody would go out of their way to use sound fonts today for new projects, when much better options exist. Unless it's just for nostalgia or retro purposes to load an old project or something.


It's mostly nostalgia, and the appreciation for people who put countless hours into making them.

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  • 4 months later...
  On 4/1/2019 at 8:24 PM, Matthew Sorrels said:

I do wish VSampler was still being developed.   I wonder if it's worth trying to find my copy of it?  I have my serial codes for it but I'm not sure that's enough to be able to use it.  I should have a backup on DVD somewhere.


I came to this thread after testing VSampler In Cakewalk today ; so, thanks for various comments here (from you and others), in another thread, and at the previous  site. After running it in Demo mode and finding I could easily load a number of banks (including E-Mu EIII and Formula 4000 ISOs and some others, SF2s, etc.), I decided to pull out my Sonar 3 disk set and try to register it to unlock the full potential of VSampler. 

Unfortunately, I only have the original Serial Number--no registration number. I know I played around with it minimally back then; not sure though if I went to the site and registered it back then. Currently, the registration utility goes to a dead-end.  So, I am wondering if you (or anyone else) has been able to solve the "No Registration Number" problem. 


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  • 5 months later...

Now in 2020 ? I am upset with the unstability of Sforzando in cakewalk pro by bandlab, it crashed so oooooooo many times, and it causes my projects to load very slowly.

I have just bought sf2 sounds by DSK which I am not using at all because I am not finding a suitable plugin.

I just unstalled this Sforzando and all is loaded quicker and stable , and I no more receive this message " Sonar have to close because of unknown reasons "


Gerard How


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  • 1 month later...

Still a big topic with SF2 not working for many people. Luckily the support gave me access to the original rgc:audio sfz+ pro because i own the Sonar X2 version. This plugin is very unstable and only works in pr32 and not sf32 mode but hey at least it loads up any SF2 with full control.

So still searching for a USEFUL Plug to load up SF2 not SFZ with all its parameters inside. So hard to convert all old songs from Cakewalk to Reason because of stability is far better there.

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@GerhowIn C:\Program Files\Cakewalk\Shared Utilities\BitBridge.exe, in Properties -> Compatibility make sure it is set to Compatibility Mode Windows XP SP3 (probably is) and clear Run this program as administrator. That worked for me.

Somehow, Run as admin crept in. Support are checking with BitBridge developers.

Maybe this will help with other soundfont problems?

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